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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 holds all the aces up its sleeve.

Ascended_Saiyan3 said:
nightsurge said:

Ahhhh... so he is NOT a Sony Finance guy!!  Ouch... there goes the majority of Ascended's arguments.


Geez!  A Toshiba finance guy with a Toshiba insider thread.  In case you didn't remember, Toshiba wasn't a member of the BDA.  You guys don't care for the truth at all, do you?


What is your definition of Insider?

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)

Around the Network
Ascended_Saiyan3 said:
kowenicki said:
Im actually a Sony insider...

Prove it.  I already provided a direct link to the site recognizing him as an insider.  And, there was a link to where other industry insiders recognized him as such.  Of course, the xbox fanboys can't handle that.  Their cognitive dissonance prevents them from doing so.

Lol, the links showed no proof of this "Maxpower" being a Sony finance insider.  In fact, we found posts showing the opposite!

You really haven't provided any proof of anything this whole time.  You're much like mr. MikeB in that respect.

I think you are pretty much alone in this conquest you have in this thread.  Everyone else is enjoying the entertainment you are providing.  We love our popcorn afterall.


NiKKoM said:
saimcheeda said:

where do people get these charts from?ive searched in google for this but i didnt get it!



Now for the more important question:

Who is that girl in Maxpower's Avatar?


She's a page 3 girl, if that means anything to you.


Ascended_Saiyan3 said:
kowenicki said:
Im actually a Sony insider...

Prove it.  I already provided a direct link to the site recognizing him as an insider.  And, there was a link to where other industry insiders recognized him as such.  Of course, the xbox fanboys can't handle that.  Their cognitive dissonance prevents them from doing so.


This one?

01-25-2008, 09:47 AM   #83
a.k.a. Sir Patrick Moore
Join Date: Nov 2006
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Originally Posted by TheDaddy

I have read about Sony Blu-Ray recorders available in Japan with 1 TB HDDs

Any idea if or when they will bring to the US &/or why they haven't so far...I thought for sure they would demo one @ CES.

I was thinking of importing one but cannot get past the menu to operate since I don't speak Japanese.

Also, why don't they have HDMI in & out to record in 1080p?

I don't work for Sony and I don't think they would be best pleased if I gave anything away about their release strategy.

The menu should be available in English as well as Japanese if they have been released in Hong Kong.
Free at last...


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

yo_john117 said:
Ascended_Saiyan3 said:
nightsurge said:
NiKKoM said:

I'm was just eating popcorn and saw this....

01-24-2008, 11:47 PM   #50
a.k.a. Sir Patrick Moore
Join Date: Nov 2006
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Max works for Toshiba.............

Now does someone has more popcorn for me?
Originally Posted by sj001
Also, I know you are not with SCEA, but any thoughts on Sony's pricing strategies for their PS3? Rumors are that they are going to drop the price soon and that they are phasing out the PS3 80GB.

We also have a nice addition of new smilies, including my favorite!

Not my place to say, sorry.

New smilies are cool though...
Free at last...

Ahhhh... so he is NOT a Sony Finance guy!!  Ouch... there goes the majority of Ascended's arguments.


Geez!  A Toshiba finance guy with a Toshiba insider thread.  In case you didn't remember, Toshiba wasn't a member of the BDA.  You guys don't care for the truth at all, do you?


Can someone tell me why fanboys don't give up even when they are proven wrong again and again??

whats the motivation?  just freakin admit that your won't kill you...


Yes, Please, Ascended!


Around the Network
NiKKoM said:
Ascended_Saiyan3 said:
kowenicki said:
Im actually a Sony insider...

Prove it.  I already provided a direct link to the site recognizing him as an insider.  And, there was a link to where other industry insiders recognized him as such.  Of course, the xbox fanboys can't handle that.  Their cognitive dissonance prevents them from doing so.


This one?

01-25-2008, 09:47 AM   #83
a.k.a. Sir Patrick Moore
Join Date: Nov 2006
Trading Score: (0)
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HT Gallery: (0)
Originally Posted by TheDaddy

I have read about Sony Blu-Ray recorders available in Japan with 1 TB HDDs

Any idea if or when they will bring to the US &/or why they haven't so far...I thought for sure they would demo one @ CES.

I was thinking of importing one but cannot get past the menu to operate since I don't speak Japanese.

Also, why don't they have HDMI in & out to record in 1080p?

I don't work for Sony and I don't think they would be best pleased if I gave anything away about their release strategy.

The menu should be available in English as well as Japanese if they have been released in Hong Kong.
Free at last...

You sir deserve another bag of popcorn.  This one is on me!


vaio said:
Ascended_Saiyan3 said:
nightsurge said:
NiKKoM said:

I'm was just eating popcorn and saw this....

01-24-2008, 11:47 PM   #50
a.k.a. Sir Patrick Moore
Join Date: Nov 2006
Trading Score: (0)
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HT Gallery: (0)

Max works for Toshiba.............

Now does someone has more popcorn for me?
Originally Posted by sj001
Also, I know you are not with SCEA, but any thoughts on Sony's pricing strategies for their PS3? Rumors are that they are going to drop the price soon and that they are phasing out the PS3 80GB.

We also have a nice addition of new smilies, including my favorite!

Not my place to say, sorry.

New smilies are cool though...
Free at last...

Ahhhh... so he is NOT a Sony Finance guy!!  Ouch... there goes the majority of Ascended's arguments.


Geez!  A Toshiba finance guy with a Toshiba insider thread.  In case you didn't remember, Toshiba wasn't a member of the BDA.  You guys don't care for the truth at all, do you?


Verify your supposed truth and only fools will dought you, so far you proved nothing.


I have proved EVERYTHING.  You just keep claiming it's nothing, because your cognitive dissonance.  The links are right there in the previous quoted post.  You can choose to ignore it all you want, but don't detract from the fact that it's there.  It's an open and shut situation.  A link to his insider thread verified by the site with interactions with other insiders.

You can't logically ask for more.


Ascended_Saiyan3 said:
Loud_Hot_White_Box said:
FY End
Sony Game Segment
Microsoft EDD
Buying Power


$3,373,485,174 $30,304,561,500 $2,614,002,843 -$10,266,000,000

Note: Only the buying power for the actual year is taken into calculations not the fiscal year.

Note: These are the rate as of March 20, 2009


The fanboys completely ignored this as well.  They don't care for things that put a light on the situation. :)


Well, it's not like anybody who frequents this site hasn't seen it a bazillion times already. We all already know that Sony would be better off if they had gotten out of the game in 2000, and Microsoft should have never jumped in at all.

Ascended_Saiyan3 said:
vaio said:
Ascended_Saiyan3 said:
nightsurge said:
NiKKoM said:

I'm was just eating popcorn and saw this....

01-24-2008, 11:47 PM   #50
a.k.a. Sir Patrick Moore
Join Date: Nov 2006
Trading Score: (0)
Collection: (0)
HT Gallery: (0)

Max works for Toshiba.............

Now does someone has more popcorn for me?
Originally Posted by sj001
Also, I know you are not with SCEA, but any thoughts on Sony's pricing strategies for their PS3? Rumors are that they are going to drop the price soon and that they are phasing out the PS3 80GB.

We also have a nice addition of new smilies, including my favorite!

Not my place to say, sorry.

New smilies are cool though...
Free at last...

Ahhhh... so he is NOT a Sony Finance guy!!  Ouch... there goes the majority of Ascended's arguments.


Geez!  A Toshiba finance guy with a Toshiba insider thread.  In case you didn't remember, Toshiba wasn't a member of the BDA.  You guys don't care for the truth at all, do you?


Verify your supposed truth and only fools will dought you, so far you proved nothing.


I have proved EVERYTHING.  You just keep claiming it's nothing, because your cognitive dissonance.  The links are right there in the previous quoted post.  You can choose to ignore it all you want, but don't detract from the fact that it's there.  It's an open and shut situation.  A link to his insider thread verified by the site with interactions with other insiders.

You can't logically ask for more.


But there was no proof in those links, infact instead they proved that he doesnt work for Sony as he says so him self.



Vaio - "Bury me at Milanello"      R.I.P AC Milan

In the 60's, people took acid to make the world weird.
Now the world is weird  and people take Prozac  to make it normal.

If laughing is the best medicine and marijuana makes you laugh

Is marijuana the best medicine?

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

“If any creator has not played Mario, then they’re probably not a good creator. That’s something I can say with 100 percent confidence. Mario is, for game creators, the development bible.

vaio said:
Ascended_Saiyan3 said:
vaio said:
Ascended_Saiyan3 said:
nightsurge said:
NiKKoM said:

I'm was just eating popcorn and saw this....

01-24-2008, 11:47 PM   #50
a.k.a. Sir Patrick Moore
Join Date: Nov 2006
Trading Score: (0)
Collection: (0)
HT Gallery: (0)

Max works for Toshiba.............

Now does someone has more popcorn for me?
Originally Posted by sj001
Also, I know you are not with SCEA, but any thoughts on Sony's pricing strategies for their PS3? Rumors are that they are going to drop the price soon and that they are phasing out the PS3 80GB.

We also have a nice addition of new smilies, including my favorite!

Not my place to say, sorry.

New smilies are cool though...
Free at last...

Ahhhh... so he is NOT a Sony Finance guy!!  Ouch... there goes the majority of Ascended's arguments.


Geez!  A Toshiba finance guy with a Toshiba insider thread.  In case you didn't remember, Toshiba wasn't a member of the BDA.  You guys don't care for the truth at all, do you?


Verify your supposed truth and only fools will dought you, so far you proved nothing.


I have proved EVERYTHING.  You just keep claiming it's nothing, because your cognitive dissonance.  The links are right there in the previous quoted post.  You can choose to ignore it all you want, but don't detract from the fact that it's there.  It's an open and shut situation.  A link to his insider thread verified by the site with interactions with other insiders.

You can't logically ask for more.


But there was no proof in those links, infact instead they proved that he doesnt work for Sony as he says so him self.



I'm sure in his world he is right and we are all wrong.