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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What will be the over-hyped PS3 flop for 2009?

Well, we've had some classics in prior years.  Lair and it's ridiculous motion controls, Haze and it's abundance of suck.  Yet, we're looking forward now to the rest of 2009, and with so many hyped up releases, it will be hard to pin down which will fail most epically.

My money is on Infamous, though I could easily see one or two other titles blowing us away with their inadequacies. 

So, what is your pick for PS3 flop of '09?

Stop getting so excited about a Kid Icarus remake... the original NES Icarus sucked.


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InFamous, that will be a rubbish game definitely!

So far it's killzone 2

2009 World Series Champions:  New York Yankees

probably infamous, I'm not really hyped for the game tbh, but others are mostly just because its an exclusive

Killzone 2 got 90 or 91 on metacritic, definately not in the same league as Haze and Lair..

Not sure really.. I don't see InFamous failing as epicly as Haze or Lair but from videos.. Something looks a little bit off to me.. Don't like seeing games fail though and I love the concept so hopefully it does well..

I think EyePet will bomb so that's my guess


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MAG if it makes 2009, Infamous I doubt will be AAA material but it should be high 80's I'd guess.

Infamous seems the popular choice!

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

MAG. It won't be bad but seeing how everyone overhypes ps3 exclusives, it'll ''flop''

Heavy Rain

Those are my guesses


Why only ps3 games?
A better question would be opening the field to all consoles.
Cuz you know...not only ps3 games get overhyped...right?

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?