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Forums - General Discussion - Rest in peace Robert Jordan. (The Wheel of Time series author)

This is very sad news =(

I was so looking forward to the new one, he was an awesome writer too bad he couldn't keep up the fight.

Robert Jordan I love you!

Hi, this is Vince with Shamwow.

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I actually stopped reading the series around book #6 for the exact reason that I thought he was going to die before he finished the series.

I am glad I didn't get anymore involved in the series than I was as he had a way of really hooking you. I would say its sad that another great writer leaves his work unfinished but the real tragedy is the loss of a brilliant person and for me that will always overshadow any perceived loss as a result of an unfinished book.

To Each Man, Responsibility

Never got into his books, although I heard they were very good.


I read all his books many times, they helped me though some tough times in College, his series was one of the very few I ever bought instead of just getting from the Library.

The Creator of an amazing world that brought light into the lives of many has passed.

"..just keep on trying 'till you run out of cake"

Damn, just started reading series again when summer started (it's been a almost 10 years when i last time readed Wheel of Time), and now i'm in end of A Crown of Swords.

Too many good guys dying lately, sob, damn...

I'll miss him.

Nothing's cheaper than something free.

F1 vs FOTA, when too much power is in couple peoples hands.


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I'm so saddened by this news. My condolences, prayers, and well wishes to his wife and family. It was Robert Jordan and "The Wheel of Time" that taught me to imagine, to dream, to truly read.

I have been following this series since 1995 (freshman in high school) and have recommended it to countless friends. Heck, I've read the series at least five times myself (I've probably bought each book 2-3 times for having fallen apart from use!). Without a doubt, my favorite author.

Anyhow, I remember exactly where and when I bought the first book, "The Eye of the World," and what it meant to me. It literally changed my life--before this series I hated to read (comic books only). I now boast a massive book collection (5 bookshelves, floor to ceiling) and read nearly 1,000 pages a week. I even enjoy a little creative writing on the side. I owe you many thanks, Mr. Jordan. I truly doubt that the Wheel of Time will rebirth such a wonderful writer for many ages to come!

Well, I now only have access to a PS3 & 360...Plan on buying a wii soon (lol, if I can ever find one available!) but will probably wait until some of the major RPG's come out like Dragon Quest & Tales, etc.

Anyhow, I'm so far behind in games to play that I'm not in a huge hurry (lol, haven't even gotten a chance to finish God of War II yet!)