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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGchartz's Demon's Souls thread

That's not hitting this year.

But if it does... :O

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I've decided I'm going to write a review of Demon's Souls. I'll probably just make a thread for it here, but if it gets to any decent sort of professionalism, I'll talk to DK or BengaBenga about making it my first official review for the site.

Anywho, could you guys help me out a bit, and list some things you think should be in the review? My main issue with projects like this is actually coming up with content.

makingmusic476 said:
Yokimoto said:
wenlan said:
Yokimoto said:
Is this game good? Anyone wanna rate out of 10?

10.  it's my GOTY so far.  demon's souls is a great action RPG, but most importantly, it offers the most unique online experience that i have ever seen so far.  you can play online with gamers as a friend or foe.  how cool is that!

Thats pretty damn cool. I'm gonna have to look into it. I was looking at it and i could only find Japanese previews and reviews so i just assumed it was a Japanese only game.

It's my GotY as well (so far), and probaly the best ARPG I've ever played.

My only complaint is the framerate dips.  It wasn't that big of a deal until 5-2.  I swear the entire level was a slideshow, and it was giving me a headache.  The fact that they had to remove all shadows from the game to get it to that state makes it even sadder.

I'd give it a 9.2 overall.  The only game that'll probably top it for me this year is Uncharted 2.

Wow. 9.2 overall sounds a pretty great game

MM, regarding framerate issue you mentioned above. I played 5-2 with you, but I didn't feel that bad. I do notice framerate drops here and there within this game, mostly when I play co-op with other gamers or when I have the message chat room(s) opened. Is it entirely game's problem or it's due to the OS?

It (PS3's market share) might hit 30%, but definently not more. ~ Neo

Flaming (Calling another user (any user) a fanboy is flaming.) ~ Machina-AX

It could've merely been lag. I'll try replaying that level on my own and see what happens.

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Hey can we get an update on everyone's level...I would like to play co-op but Ameratsu hasn't updated the OP yet. I'm on a new game + and it's getting to be frustrating at times. I'm currently a level 124 Hunter.

If you read this, slap yourself.

PS3 Trophies

yeah sure. everyone post your levels, i'll update

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka

SolidShane said:
Hey can we get an update on everyone's level...I would like to play co-op but Ameratsu hasn't updated the OP yet. I'm on a new game + and it's getting to be frustrating at times. I'm currently a level 124 Hunter.

shane, i sent you PSN friend request few days ago.

i'm lvl 118, female magician, NG+++ now.

It (PS3's market share) might hit 30%, but definently not more. ~ Neo

Flaming (Calling another user (any user) a fanboy is flaming.) ~ Machina-AX

I accepted your friend request, but I think we've been on at different times. You could probably kick my ass on PvP with that magician. I'm somewhat a balanced player so I'm not necessarily strong in one area. So, yea sometime soon lets do co-op.

If you read this, slap yourself.

PS3 Trophies

So Wenlan and I just got smashed countless times in 1-3. Those BP's are tough in that area. It was 3 on 1, and he beat us all! I'm humiliated. Oh well, we'll get 'em next time Wenlan.

If you read this, slap yourself.

PS3 Trophies