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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGchartz's Demon's Souls thread

Oniichan said:
outlawauron said:
Oniichan said:

oops .. hang a sec

Yeah, I caught you before the edit.

I'm not talking about the boss, but the enemies within the level. It takes like two or three for me to die.

Haha yeah sorry about that mis read it.

4-2 can be a pain in the rear. The white ghost dont worry about them and go straight for the guy that summons them (reaper looking guy) as when you kill him they will all die with him. Some points you will have to kill a few in order to get to the reaper. You will need to be quick so you can get to the reaper before they respawn. The skeleton warriors are always strong. Im level 94 and they still do a fair amount of damage to me. Heavy armor for more defence can help but hinders your movement and your build might not be built for heavy armor. So attack them from range is your best option.

Not having any problems with the ghosts. I know to go straight after the reaper.

But the guys with the huge swords + sting rays + narrow paths = me losing tons of souls

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outlawauron said:
Oniichan said:
outlawauron said:
Oniichan said:

oops .. hang a sec

Yeah, I caught you before the edit.

I'm not talking about the boss, but the enemies within the level. It takes like two or three for me to die.

Haha yeah sorry about that mis read it.

4-2 can be a pain in the rear. The white ghost dont worry about them and go straight for the guy that summons them (reaper looking guy) as when you kill him they will all die with him. Some points you will have to kill a few in order to get to the reaper. You will need to be quick so you can get to the reaper before they respawn. The skeleton warriors are always strong. Im level 94 and they still do a fair amount of damage to me. Heavy armor for more defence can help but hinders your movement and your build might not be built for heavy armor. So attack them from range is your best option.

Not having any problems with the ghosts. I know to go straight after the reaper.

But the guys with the huge swords + sting rays + narrow paths = me losing tons of souls

Just use a thief's ring so the sting rays will not notice you then use arrows for the skellies and lure them to open spaces.


^^ yeah the Thief ring should be on 99% of the time. During boss fights you can take it off and swap for something else. Though some boss fights are easier with the thief ring on (ie. 4-2 boss).

As long as you kill the skeletons from range you wont have any issues falling off the ledges or getting knocked off by the skeletons. A Viscous Compund bow + 5 or white bow help kill most creatures in 1-2 shots with about 30 dex.

Maybe you have access to bows like that at level 94. The rest of us, however, aren't so lucky. ;)

makingmusic476 said:

Maybe you have access to bows like that at level 94. The rest of us, however, aren't so lucky. ;)

I got that Compound Long bow at the start of the game (4-1 treasure) and had it at max level by level 34. Its not a hard bow to get and is IMO the strongest bow when upgraded to Viscous and used with white arrows and hard arrows.


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I have the bow. It's only at +2 for me, though. :P

Just remember when you upgrade the Compound Long bow to + 3 you get the option to upgrade to the viscous compound long bow. I recommend you do that when you get the chance.

How about I got obliterated by Miralda in 1-1....She killed me in TWO hits....and I thought I was good at this game. Has anyone else tried to kill her and succeed yet?

If you read this, slap yourself.

PS3 Trophies

where is she? i might as well try before i beat the game. i just beat the old king

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka

SolidShane said:
How about I got obliterated by Miralda in 1-1....She killed me in TWO hits....and I thought I was good at this game. Has anyone else tried to kill her and succeed yet?

Yeah i just defeated her about 20mins ago in both black and pure white world tendencies. I wouldnt recommend going at her that early. Im level 109 now and she can kill me in 2-4 hits depending on which attack she uses.

To fight her you need to either be in pure black or pure white world tendency then go to 1-1 and on the main bridge where you start there is a path that is on the right with a locked door. It will be open so you can go through and into her tower to fight her.

If you have a good blocking shield then use that and a spear and you can defeat her easily it will just take time at low levels. I myself just dual weld some uchigatanas to fight her.