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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who here is happy that Xbox is ahead of Playstation this generation?

phinch1 said:
This generation of console isnt even over yet so stop making threads like this please it will be embarrassing for you when Sony close that very small gap

That small gap is more than one-third of the PS3s currently owned. The only way Sony is catching up is if they stop making the Xbox 360 or Bluray becomes in HUGE demand.

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I am happy that ps3 is behind 360 but sad that its also behind wii. Even though ps3 is a better system (not necessarily in terms of hardware but mostly due to first party game lineup), the pricing and many other Sony policies SUCK my di.. I sure hope that this taught them a lesson, and they will hopefully make ps4 more like the original playstation; reasonably powerfull, compact & efficient, highly affordable, with a lot of original first party titles and huge third party support. I miss my NON-NINTENDO platform games like the Original Crash, Spyro and Klonoa series!

Playstation 5 vs XBox Series Market Share Estimates

Regional Analysis  (only MS and Sony Consoles)
Europe     => XB1 : 23-24 % vs PS4 : 76-77%
N. America => XB1 :  49-52% vs PS4 : 48-51%
Global     => XB1 :  32-34% vs PS4 : 66-68%

Sales Estimations for 8th Generation Consoles

Next Gen Consoles Impressions and Estimates

phinch1 said:
mjc2021 said:
BladeOfGod said:
Not really! PSP is still ahead of 360 and PS2 is still on the market and PS2 sold 2 times more than entire Xbox family together :)

Sony fanboys are truly the most annoying.

Your current favorite console is doing so horribly you have to also include other consoles? That's just sad.

It's also a sad that Sonly blew the profits of their other consoles trying to get the PS3 off the ground. I know Sony has a 10 year plan but is that how long its going to take to make a profit?


this thread is about sony, not about ps3 ok lets take out ps3 and just use psp its still sold way more than 360 could hope to

no it is not. check the title: "Who here is happy, that the Xbox is ahead of Playstation this gen"

That's like including Windows PCs.


Imagine not having GamePass on your console...

DirtyP2002 said:
phinch1 said:
mjc2021 said:
BladeOfGod said:
Not really! PSP is still ahead of 360 and PS2 is still on the market and PS2 sold 2 times more than entire Xbox family together :)

Sony fanboys are truly the most annoying.

Your current favorite console is doing so horribly you have to also include other consoles? That's just sad.

It's also a sad that Sonly blew the profits of their other consoles trying to get the PS3 off the ground. I know Sony has a 10 year plan but is that how long its going to take to make a profit?


this thread is about sony, not about ps3 ok lets take out ps3 and just use psp its still sold way more than 360 could hope to

no it is not. check the title: "Who here is happy, that the Xbox is ahead of Playstation this gen"

That's like including Windows PCs.



yeah playstation- portable, playstation3 wow go figure, it didnt say ps3

freedquaker said:
I am happy that ps3 is behind 360 but sad that its also behind wii. Even though ps3 is a better system (not necessarily in terms of hardware but mostly due to first party game lineup), the pricing and many other Sony policies SUCK my di.. I sure hope that this taught them a lesson, and they will hopefully make ps4 more like the original playstation; reasonably powerfull, compact & efficient, highly affordable, with a lot of original first party titles and huge third party support. I miss my NON-NINTENDO platform games like the Original Crash, Spyro and Klonoa series!



PLAYSTATION®2 is the yesterday.....NOW.......still......A_L_I_V_E

Consoles own:

Nintendo: Famicom(japanese NES, Family Computer), GBC, GBA, DS, Wii

Sony: PS1, PS2, PSP, PS3

Microsoft: future 360 owner


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DirtyP2002 said:
phinch1 said:
mjc2021 said:
BladeOfGod said:
Not really! PSP is still ahead of 360 and PS2 is still on the market and PS2 sold 2 times more than entire Xbox family together :)

Sony fanboys are truly the most annoying.

Your current favorite console is doing so horribly you have to also include other consoles? That's just sad.

It's also a sad that Sonly blew the profits of their other consoles trying to get the PS3 off the ground. I know Sony has a 10 year plan but is that how long its going to take to make a profit?


this thread is about sony, not about ps3 ok lets take out ps3 and just use psp its still sold way more than 360 could hope to

no it is not. check the title: "Who here is happy, that the Xbox is ahead of Playstation this gen"

That's like including Windows PCs.


Logic is kryptonite to a Sony fanboy. Don't bother.


phinch1 said:

ok call it blind faith, i still have something that makes me belive, all i said is that the gap will close, i never said it will mop the floor with xbox or anything fanboyish

reasons why i have faith for SONY , not just ps3

The massive line up of games that have been announced ,infamous, uncharted 2, gow3, Heavy rain,GT5, im really not gonna carry on cause that could go forever

psp has turned around with again another massive line up of games announced

Blu ray on the increase

maybe a future price cut,

please tell me what your looking forward too that will keep the gap for microsoft or make the gap bigger for them?


Games lineups is a very weak argument and that will change at E3, even so I'm happy with the current announcements alone.

PSP is dead on the software front, believe what you like but they'll make what they can on the hardware now and use it as a base for their next handheld.  If it wasn't for Japan I doubt the PSP would have been around today.

Didn't a Sony films excutive come out recently and state he didn't expect Bluray to be anything other than a niche format for a while now.  You can switch percentages and figures around to mean what you like but most people accept that for at least 3 years Bluray will not come close to troubling DVD.

A future price cut that could be countered by another 360 cut.

What I'm looking forward to is enjoying all the current games I own and the new titles that come out, especially the third party titles that last generation a xbox owner couldn't play.  The fact the 360 owns the HD market in the US signifies the extra developer support they could leverage in the region that the PS3 cannot.

Finally, I couldn't care less who wins the petty wars that much as I own all 3 consoles so I can play whatever I like.

you know what... mjc2021 and others... just don't reply
because the more you reply the more phinch1 reply

or just don't bother each other...

i mean come on...(Peace anyone?)

PLAYSTATION®2 is the yesterday.....NOW.......still......A_L_I_V_E

Consoles own:

Nintendo: Famicom(japanese NES, Family Computer), GBC, GBA, DS, Wii

Sony: PS1, PS2, PSP, PS3

Microsoft: future 360 owner


zordiark said:

you know what... mjc2021 and others... just don't reply
because the more you reply the more phinch1 reply

or just don't bother each other...

i mean come on...(Peace anyone?)


 You know the deal, this is the internet, it's serious business

Well I'm just annoyed that Sony fanboys are ruining teh internets.