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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who here is happy that Xbox is ahead of Playstation this generation?

S.T.A.G.E. said:
forevercloud3000 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
joshin69 said:
sega4life said:

The PRICE Sony set for their console at E3 in the beginning shows Sony's ignorance... and their attitude of "we are Sony ! so buy it." type attitude..


 " ignorance", "arrogance". Two words often used to describe Sony. For me those are the sort of words i use to describe companies who knowingly release faulty hardware to get the edge over their competition and then when it becomes apparent how faulty it is come up with a plan that gives them three years to get the problem sorted instead of product recall which in any other industry would be a given. For me i feel MS have been rewarded for damaging the console scene, for sure the build quality of all machines in the next generation is a lot more likely to be worse than in other generations, MS have proved it can be gotten away with and rewarded for.

So no I'm not happy, but that is life.

You obviously do not know what ignorance and arrogance applies to. Microsoft was trying to beat Sony to the punch. The word for that is called desperation, not arrogance. Sony had the fault hardware last gen trying to beat the Xbox out of the gate. Should I call your way of thinking a double standard or not? MS isn't alone in damaging the console scene because both they and Sony are in this console race for all the wrong reasons. Sony wants to monopolize the gaming market so they can use it to control formats, because in the electronics depardment they will get their asses handed to them by the likes of Panasonic and Samsung.


Sony did not come out first in hopes of beating the XBOX. The original XBOX kept getting delayed of it's own accord.

"Microsoft repeatedly delayed the console, which was revealed at the end of 1999 following interviews of then-Microsoft CEO Bill Gates. Gates stated that a gaming/multimedia device was essential for multimedia convergence in the new times, confirmed by Microsoft with a press release."


PS2's hardware issue was not because of it being rushed to market, just a mishap in production. Yet PS2 hardware failure still has nothing on 360 hardware failure.


Ok, so they did. How does this prove that Microsoft was being arrogant though? Secondly, do you actually believe cannot make quality hardware if they put the time into it? Last gen was proof.

I wasn't commenting on the rest of you guys posts, just point that particular little fact out.

I wouldn't particularily call MS arrogant for the fact of faulty hardware. I would more likely use the term desperate as well. I just frown upon it when it could have been avoided. Countless articles bearing testimonies of MS employees says that MS figure heads knew of the faulty hardware issues before it was shipped. They decided, in effort of besting the PS3, they would release earlier and just remedy any issues that will arise with warrenty plans. MS felt this was a necessary step, because anyone with common sense knows if the PS3 and 360 debuted together, history would have just repeated itself.





Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

Around the Network
Ascended_Saiyan3 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
joshin69 said:
sega4life said:

The PRICE Sony set for their console at E3 in the beginning shows Sony's ignorance... and their attitude of "we are Sony ! so buy it." type attitude..


 " ignorance", "arrogance". Two words often used to describe Sony. For me those are the sort of words i use to describe companies who knowingly release faulty hardware to get the edge over their competition and then when it becomes apparent how faulty it is come up with a plan that gives them three years to get the problem sorted instead of product recall which in any other industry would be a given. For me i feel MS have been rewarded for damaging the console scene, for sure the build quality of all machines in the next generation is a lot more likely to be worse than in other generations, MS have proved it can be gotten away with and rewarded for.

So no I'm not happy, but that is life.

You obviously do not know what ignorance and arrogance applies to. Microsoft was trying to beat Sony to the punch. The word for that is called desperation, not arrogance. Sony had the fault hardware last gen trying to beat the Xbox out of the gate. Should I call your way of thinking a double standard or not? MS isn't alone in damaging the console scene because both they and Sony are in this console race for all the wrong reasons. Sony wants to monopolize the gaming market so they can use it to control formats, because in the electronics depardment they will get their asses handed to them by the likes of Panasonic and Samsung.


Arrogance would be not recalling your faulty product when the failure rates became possibly the highest in consumer electronics history. Just letting the issue sit unsolved for almost 2 years and making people buy new consoles would be arrogance.

Ignorance is not observing the consumer trends (like HDMI and native 1080p TVs that were already on the market) when building your console.

Arrogance is saying that NO PS3 games would look better than X360 games.  Arrogance would be making a statement like native 1080p is impossible this gen.  Actually, that would be a little bit of ignorance mixed in as well.  Arrogance is thinking their money can get them out of any situation or make people highly compliant (see $3.2 Billion viral campaign against PS3). Etc, etc.  The viral campaign seemed to work for a long time, though.  Hell, there are STILL a bunch of people that hang onto that crap info they were fed a couple years ago. *cough, cough*  The same thing happened with MS support of HD DVD.  Remember, MS office of HD DVD Evangelism?  I think they just took off the HD DVD part and continued their style into the console war.




Microsoft put up the 3 year warranty so consumers could have their products covered. Get over it.

The only console that observes true HD was the PS3 and thats because it had Blu Ray in it. The mass majority of the world hadn't moved on to HD yet. Sony cannot force the world to do what they want. Arrogance is telling the people to get a second job so they can pay for your product. Microsoft never needed HD-DVD, because when you're focused on the games, that hardly matters. Thats one thing some gamers forgot about. Lets get something straight man, Sony was all about controlling formats. They want to turn the gaming industry into a multimedia war, when gaming should be about gaming.

I would say Sony has led and evangelistic lifestyle. Look at the way the act (like god) and look at their followers.

joshin69 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
joshin69 said:
sega4life said:

The PRICE Sony set for their console at E3 in the beginning shows Sony's ignorance... and their attitude of "we are Sony ! so buy it." type attitude..


 " ignorance", "arrogance". Two words often used to describe Sony. For me those are the sort of words i use to describe companies who knowingly release faulty hardware to get the edge over their competition and then when it becomes apparent how faulty it is come up with a plan that gives them three years to get the problem sorted instead of product recall which in any other industry would be a given. For me i feel MS have been rewarded for damaging the console scene, for sure the build quality of all machines in the next generation is a lot more likely to be worse than in other generations, MS have proved it can be gotten away with and rewarded for.

So no I'm not happy, but that is life.

You obviously do not know what ignorance and arrogance applies to. Microsoft was trying to beat Sony to the punch. The word for that is called desperation, not arrogance. Sony had the fault hardware last gen trying to beat the Xbox out of the gate. Should I call your way of thinking a double standard or not? MS isn't alone in damaging the console scene because both they and Sony are in this console race for all the wrong reasons. Sony wants to monopolize the gaming market so they can use it to control formats, because in the electronics depardment they will get their asses handed to them by the likes of Panasonic and Samsung.



 So you are saying that PS2's had as bad as failure rate as 360's? as far as my research has gone, not even half the problem. As far as controlling formats, do they own the sole rights to CD, DVD & blu-ray? no of course they don't. Sure they have a lot invested in Blu-ray but so does a lot of other companies including MS (talk about backing both horses in a two horse race). Sorry if you find me thinking companies who knowingly release faulty hardware are ignorant and arrogant, to me it would seem they are ignorant to the damage that would be done to the whole scene and arrogant to think they would get away with it, which they did. Add in desperation and i think the ignorance and arrogance is magnified but this is an agree to disagree moment i would guess never had the failure rate of the proportions of the 360. I'm saying the PS2 had a larger failure rate last gen than the Xbox, but did very many people complain? No. You need to look at where arrogance and ignorance apply. Sony has completely shown arrogance and ignorance this gen. Microsoft has only shown desperation this gen with rushing their system.


STAGE, let people think what they want, people will not always see your point of view, especially on the internet.

People also like to be sarcastic on the internet.

Move on man.


you don't think its arrogant & ignorant to knowingly release faulty hardware and expect it to sell?

then i think the statement "Look at the way the act (like god) and look at their followers" would also apply to MS


 assumption is the mother of all f**k ups 

Around the Network
joshin69 said:

you don't think its arrogant & ignorant to knowingly release faulty hardware and expect it to sell?

then i think the statement "Look at the way the act (like god) and look at their followers" would also apply to MS



Lets whip out the dictionary shall we?

Arrogance-offensive display of superiority or self-importance; overbearing (IE: Sony)

Desperate-reckless or dangerous because of despair or urgency (IE: Microsoft)



Microsoft doesnt act like god because they cannot afford to yet. They knew they weren't in any position to boast, so they launched a year early. Had they launched on time they would've for sure been in last, but their sacrifice cost them and helped them. Their job is to keep Sony down and the succeded at that. They didn't have enough of a fanbase to launch on time WW. Sony wwere the ones acting like god and had the loyal followers who would chase them off of a cliff if all the JRPG's fell off too. :)

why hasn't this thread been locked yet?
Has a mod even noticed

"She said I'm F**kin Awesome!"

"Gurl don't be afraid, I just wanna cut, U can call me a squirrel, I'm just tryna get my nuts"

"Here's some daily science... The World revolves around the sun, not you!"
S.T.A.G.E. said:
joshin69 said:

you don't think its arrogant & ignorant to knowingly release faulty hardware and expect it to sell?

then i think the statement "Look at the way the act (like god) and look at their followers" would also apply to MS



 Their job is to keep Sony down and the succeded at that.

Thank You for proving the point, MS's job is not to keep Sony down, never was never will be. That is just what they wish to do, their mission drive is to utterly destroy a rival. Not delivering good, reliable hardware. Not giving a cheap yet great value product to the masses but to force a company out the gaming business. Admitted by MS themselves. Anyway you are not going to agree with me & I'm not going to see things from your perspective so, later. Have a good one. time for me to leave work.



 assumption is the mother of all f**k ups 

joshin69 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
joshin69 said:

you don't think its arrogant & ignorant to knowingly release faulty hardware and expect it to sell?

then i think the statement "Look at the way the act (like god) and look at their followers" would also apply to MS



 Their job is to keep Sony down and the succeded at that.

Thank You for proving the point, MS's job is not to keep Sony down, never was never will be. That is just what they wish to do, their mission drive is to utterly destroy a rival. Not delivering good, reliable hardware. Not giving a cheap yet great value product to the masses but to force a company out the gaming business. Admitted by MS themselves. Anyway you are not going to agree with me & I'm not going to see things from your perspective so, later. Have a good one. time for me to leave work.




Stop being so neglectful to memory. Mircosofts system last gen was the most superior console. You blindly act like they cannot deliver quality when you know they can. You look at their mad rush this gen as if it's all they ever did and all they can do.

BladeOfGod said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
BladeOfGod said:
yo_john117 said:
BladeOfGod said:
yo_john117 said:
BladeOfGod said:
dark_gh0st_b0y said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
dark_gh0st_b0y said:
lhill81 said:


''In February 2008, during the Game Developers Conference 2008, Microsoft announced that the "Failure rate has officially dropped", but without mentioning any specifics[16]. The same month an examination of 1040 Xbox 360s by SquareTrade found a 16.4% (one in six) failure rate; 171 were "disabled", of these 171 units 60% failed due to a general hardware failure (and thus fell under the 3 year extended warranty) of the remaining 40%, not covered by the extended warranty, 18% were disc read errors, 13% were video card failures, 13% were hard drive freezes, 10% were power issues and 7% were disc tray malfunctions.[17][18]. However SquareTrade also admits that their estimates are likely much lower than reality due to the time span of the sample (six to ten months), the eventual failure of many consoles that did not fail within this time span and the fact that many owners did not deal with SquareTrade and had their consoles repaired directly through Microsoft via the much publicized extended RROD warranty''


As you can see MS has been always saying failure rate has droped but without mentioning any specifics


So there you go a whole year ago the failure rate was about 16.4%

That was before the new chip which would further decrease failure rates :)

So looks like my 5-12% is probably spot on.

Thank you for proving me right.