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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who here is happy that Xbox is ahead of Playstation this generation?

FinalEvangelion said:

Funny stuff

I love you now!



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Jeronimo66 said:
FinalEvangelion said:

Funny stuff


 I watched the video, hilarious.


 Same here. It's like the post stereotype.

360 + Wii + Steam

Lone traveler

Sony is in third "place" and i'm still more attracted to PS3's games then the rest of the consoles.
Xbox 360 is "ahead" of PS3 in sales, so what?

FinalEvangelion said:

Funny stuff

Oh god that is amazing!!!


I'm not exactly happy the 360 is ahead of PS3. The only reason I'd be happy would be because I've thought Sonys entire focus this gen was arrogant and doomed to failure from the start. And I was frankly just hoping they'd fail because I didn't want to see Console gaming turn into '$600+ dollars systems $60+ dollars games' from now on.

However, that doesn't mean I'm rooting for 360 either. Nor does it mean I'm rooting for the Wii. This whole generation has been a large mixture of nobody is really doing anything right. Just kind of trying to do everything completely different.....and not figuring out that they're initial consoles are the fundamental problem.

Six upcoming games you should look into:



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sega4life said:

The PRICE Sony set for their console at E3 in the beginning shows Sony's ignorance... and their attitude of "we are Sony ! so buy it." type attitude..

I was one of those people that sat in line for over 30 hours for a PS3...when I got home and started it up, I was expecting sooooo much for the price.. only to say "WTF did I waste my time and money on... I have this on my 360"

I'm not just talking smack, and I'm not going to say "don't get me wrong I love me PS3" to make people feel better...

I do play my PS3 & 360, I like all the systems the same (except the Wii, never play it) but... for the Hype & money I spent on the damn system I was expecting to be blown away from day one... and just these past few months I feel PS3 is catching up to 360...


ya I felt the same way and see it coming along too. I just wish the PS3 would allow more then one gamertag at a time for splitscreen and trophies alla RE5. why not????

ya I am glad the 360 is doing well but I dont want to see any console do bad.


And I have a 60 gig launch PS3 for $599.99 at gamestop so ya maybe if If paid $400.00 it would be easier. but then my Ps3 wouldnt have all the bells and whistles.

mjc2021 said:
dahuman said:
mjc2021 said:
dahuman said:
RRoD is so last year, it's the year of the E74 ^^b but anyways, Sony's PR pisses me off so much that I want to sell the PS3 but since it's not mine, it's not up to me =P but comparing MS and Sony is like Xbox vs Game Cube, they are both losers so who cares? =P

Funny thing about this gen is the top console has the worst library. Infact this is the first gen I ever felt this.



blame the 3rd party, Nintendo still makes good games /shrug the shift of balance is entirely fucked because of Nintendo, I personally see it as a good thing for us that play video games, tells you that media and 3rd party devs are just a bunch of shit talkers.

I'm not going to point the finger. I'm just going to say the HD consoles offer a much better library of games.


Can't judge that, I enjoy gaming in general, I feel often times that HD console consumers are being farmed for cash so I can't really say it's better, it's more like different kind of market. besides, if you really want to count, it's not HD consoles vs the Wii, it's the 360 vs PS3 vs Wii, in which case then it becomes a moot point since Wii has just as many good games vs each console and maybe you just haven't bothered to check.


dahuman said:
mjc2021 said:
dahuman said:
mjc2021 said:
dahuman said:
RRoD is so last year, it's the year of the E74 ^^b but anyways, Sony's PR pisses me off so much that I want to sell the PS3 but since it's not mine, it's not up to me =P but comparing MS and Sony is like Xbox vs Game Cube, they are both losers so who cares? =P

Funny thing about this gen is the top console has the worst library. Infact this is the first gen I ever felt this.



blame the 3rd party, Nintendo still makes good games /shrug the shift of balance is entirely fucked because of Nintendo, I personally see it as a good thing for us that play video games, tells you that media and 3rd party devs are just a bunch of shit talkers.

I'm not going to point the finger. I'm just going to say the HD consoles offer a much better library of games.


Can't judge that, I enjoy gaming in general, I feel often times that HD console consumers are being farmed for cash so I can't really say it's better, it's more like different kind of market. besides, if you really want to count, it's not HD consoles vs the Wii, it's the 360 vs PS3 vs Wii, in which case then it becomes a moot point since Wii has just as many good games vs each console and maybe you just haven't bothered to check.


I could go with either HD console and find a much better library than what the Wii offers. Also the PS3 and 360 share a lot of great games. When the Wii starts getting games like Oblivion, GTA4, Gears of War, Halo 3, Mass Effect, and Fable 2 let me know. In the mean time I will avoid the big influx of Nintendo games.

mjc2021 said:
dahuman said:
mjc2021 said:
dahuman said:
mjc2021 said:
dahuman said:
RRoD is so last year, it's the year of the E74 ^^b but anyways, Sony's PR pisses me off so much that I want to sell the PS3 but since it's not mine, it's not up to me =P but comparing MS and Sony is like Xbox vs Game Cube, they are both losers so who cares? =P

Funny thing about this gen is the top console has the worst library. Infact this is the first gen I ever felt this.



blame the 3rd party, Nintendo still makes good games /shrug the shift of balance is entirely fucked because of Nintendo, I personally see it as a good thing for us that play video games, tells you that media and 3rd party devs are just a bunch of shit talkers.

I'm not going to point the finger. I'm just going to say the HD consoles offer a much better library of games.


Can't judge that, I enjoy gaming in general, I feel often times that HD console consumers are being farmed for cash so I can't really say it's better, it's more like different kind of market. besides, if you really want to count, it's not HD consoles vs the Wii, it's the 360 vs PS3 vs Wii, in which case then it becomes a moot point since Wii has just as many good games vs each console and maybe you just haven't bothered to check.


I could go with either HD console and find a much better library than what the Wii offers. Also the PS3 and 360 share a lot of great games. When the Wii starts getting games like Oblivion, GTA4, Gears of War, Halo 3, Mass Effect, and Fable 2 let me know. In the mean time I will avoid the big influx of Nintendo games.


sounds to me like you have the same problem as, what's his face? e-something where you only like western games, you can get better on PC and you don't have to pay for live. FPS and WRPG are usually a little more tuned down on consoles and you can't get the full experience, and yes, I do think Gears and Halo 3 suck balls, and Fable 2 is a major cop out, also Mass Effect is a ton better on PC. I generally try to find something that'd put a smile on my face a little more when I'm not playing some PC game with my serious face on, not a lot of offering on consoles nowadays besides Wii which is kinda sad, LBP is cool though, Castle Crashers is cool too, and I like the JP games in general on all platforms assuming they don't suck. I have a pretty high return list when it comes to western type games on consoles though, they either play the same, or there is a better, more enhanced version on PC which is wtf?