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Forums - Gaming Discussion - My XBox 360 vs PS3 comparison (mostly technical)

@ Final-Fan

I don't see why 360 fans need to be ashamed that a console $200 cheaper and a year older than the PS3 is not as powerful.

I agree, the XBox 360 apart from build quality is still a quite capable console (IMO especially ATi did a great job!) and I expect it to take a while until it's full potential is reached. However my article was mainly in response to PS3 bashing.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

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@ selnor

And Isaid Mass Effect because it's currently one of the biggest games and looks absolutely stunning. but it fits on 1 disc.

Even if so (I haven''t played the game yet), what's really your point?

PGR4 has been scaled back graphically alledgedly according to the developing company due to DVD storage limitations, Blue Dragon already comes supplied on 3 discs, the developers behind GTA IV complained about DVD storage limitations (most likely hurting both XBox 360 and PS3 versions), etc.

Couldn't Mass Effect possibly have become an even bigger game or include more graphics, support 7.1 audio, etc, etc? IMO DVD is well suited for the Nintendo Wii and PS2, in the case of the XBox 360 or PS3 it would IMO be an important limiting factor (developers making sacrifices to store the game on as few as possible discs, like already seems to be the case).

Let's assume with some future game, data is streamed constantly at 5MB/s on average. All the data on a 50 GB Blu-Ray disc would be read in less than 3 hours.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

MikeB said:
@ selnor

And Isaid Mass Effect because it's currently one of the biggest games and looks absolutely stunning. but it fits on 1 disc.

Even if so (I haven''t played the game yet), what's really your point?

PGR4 has been scaled back graphically alledgedly according to the developing company due to DVD storage limitations, Blue Dragon already comes supplied on 3 discs, the developers behind GTA IV complained about DVD storage limitations (most likely hurting both XBox 360 and PS3 versions), etc.

Couldn't Mass Effect possible have become an even bigger game or include more graphics, support 7.1 audio, etc, etc? IMO DVD is well suited for the Nintendo Wii and PS2, in the case of the XBox 360 or PS3 it would IMO be an important limiting factor (developers making sacrifices to store the game on as few as possible discs, like already seems to be the case).


You obviously read the article I posted link to since theres no comment. lol. At least the truth is on this thread now.

And youv'e been sold on Bluray PR bullsh*t.

So Bizzare creations with PGR4 which is first party MS game are going to say they need more space. lol.

MS would destroy them.


IT's argueable Mass effect looks like the best graphics yet.

@ selnor

I've read the article before. A few years ago I already predicted that I thought some multi-platform or PC minded developers will not like the road the PS3 is taking, like many PC developers at one time seemed to despise the way the Amiga operated (doing many things simultaneously, like for example sound processing was independent from CPU cycles, it was one of the first multi-processor multimedia designs, but more modern CPU/GPU PC architectures take a quite similar approach, taking workload off the CPU) which introduced a learning curve for developers.

There are many developer perspectives to the contrary, especially from those developers who know the PS3 hardware architecture best.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

MikeB said:
@ selnor

I've read the article before. A few years ago I already predicted that I thought some multi-platform or PC minded developers will not like the road the PS3 is taking, like many PC developers at one time seemed to despise the way the Amiga operated (doing many things simultaneously, like for example sound processing was independent from CPU cycles, it was one of the first multi-processor multimedia designs, but mor modern CPU/GPU PC architectures take a quite similar approach, taking workload off the CPU) which introduced a learning curve for developers.

There are many developer perspectives to the contrary, especially from those developers who know the PS3 hardware architecture best.

Oh dear god. So in 5 years when you realise you spent 600$ for something that 300$ can only then will you listen.

 View these links in order. page 1-3.

Theres some numbers which pull back the wool thats been over your eyes.

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selnor: Please dont tell me that this article is from May 20, 2005.

Yojimbo said:
selnor: Please dont tell me that this article is from May 20, 2005.

So the numbers are all the same on launches for both systems but because it wasnt written yesterday. lol. fanboy.

It makes far more sense than the post of this thread.


Believe what you will. Those caught by the hype are in for major shock in 5 years.

@ selnor 

So Bizzare creations with PGR4 which is first party MS game are going to say they need more space. lol.

This is what a comment from one of their spokespersons claimed. Of course officially the company doesn't want to put a stick in Microsoft's PR standpoint. (DVD ought to be enough for anyone - 2007, 640 KB ought to be enough for anyone - 1981)

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

MikeB said:

Couldn't Mass Effect possibly have become an even bigger game or include more graphics, support 7.1 audio, etc, etc?

How many households actually have 7.1 or even 5.1 audio? I actually guess that a lot less than 1% have 7.1 sounds and 5.1 sounds are very rare too. I have 5.1 sound system (and happy with it) but I only know a couple other people who have that good audio. I don't know anyone who has 7.1 audio. Majority of households still only have stereo sound systems. Anyway, very few people even notices any difference between 5.1 and 7.1 audio. Some people THINK they notice some difference but if you have an actual blind test they wouldn't know which is 5.1 and which is 7.1 audio.

Heck, most people don't even notice any difference between CD and MP3 audio (I would but I know many who don't). Right now I actually think that 7.1 audio is just a waste of disc space and 5.1 audio is enough for everyone except some very few audiophiles.

I haven't followed this thread to date - and have no time or intention to do so.

But two things caught my eye:

1/ I was pretty sure SPU 8 was *completely* disabled as part of the manufacturing process - to keep die sizes down, and the unit itself more stable (and less power drawing). I find it hard to believe that its there in some form of redundancy state.

2/ Has there been ANY mention of the system resources that each OS gobbles up? From what I understand the PS3 reserves at LEAST one of the SPUs - plus an arbitrary amount of general CPU cycles for the OS. And depending what is running, up to 60-100MB of system RAM?

(the 360 uses a fixed amount of 32MB of RAM, and minimal cycles while a game is running?)


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