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MikeB said:
@ selnor

I've read the article before. A few years ago I already predicted that I thought some multi-platform or PC minded developers will not like the road the PS3 is taking, like many PC developers at one time seemed to despise the way the Amiga operated (doing many things simultaneously, like for example sound processing was independent from CPU cycles, it was one of the first multi-processor multimedia designs, but mor modern CPU/GPU PC architectures take a quite similar approach, taking workload off the CPU) which introduced a learning curve for developers.

There are many developer perspectives to the contrary, especially from those developers who know the PS3 hardware architecture best.

Oh dear god. So in 5 years when you realise you spent 600$ for something that 300$ can only then will you listen.

 View these links in order. page 1-3.

Theres some numbers which pull back the wool thats been over your eyes.