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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - 1UP - WiiMotion+ is not needed. Only make things harder.

On a slight deviation from topic, a few things I'd like to see implemented in games due to WM+

- fighting/action games, where you can grab a guy by the shirt, and then pummel the crap out of him ....hmmm Blades of Steel Wii anyone?

- true hack/slash adventure game. Already somewhat expecting it in the next Zelda Wii title. Let me cut some moblins up

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They're right about one thing: You probably won't be able to play Golf with M+ with wrist flicks while sitting on the couch like you could in Wii Sports. You have to get off your arse.

CHYUII said:
richardhutnik said:
In this case, "making things harder" means that it exposes how much you REALLY suck at something. Like, you add it to a golf game, and if you are prone to hooks or slice in real life, the Golf game will also expose the same problems you have. So, your sucking is shown through in a game. A valid point here is if you play to fake like you are great, then of course this makes it less fun.


The average gamer isn't great.  The average gamer is average.

Raising the bar skillwise hurts the average gamer far more than the great ones.

Naum said:
Harder for whom??

Ahh I see all the couch sitting button smashing dual analog gamers.

Yeah becouse it's so much better to play like this :


You missed the point because you as a more core gamer who wants this. But the MAJORITY of Wii owners which are the mainstream will not benefit (or really care) because its about the fun of the games not the serious accuracy of them. Nintendo of keep it simple for the mainstream has worked out tremdously for them to this point and to introduce something that can confuse the the main user base and cause a splinter in the market is silly. Like most of the member on ListenUP said, it would made better since to introduce this in next version of the console then to introduce it late in the game.

Sorry but until sales numbers differ, the mainstream is what driving the company right now. But I and they can be wrong. We will see with this year's Tiger Woods Golf game with packed in WM+. Wii Resort will sell, like they said, because its a new Wii Sports game which brought most MAINSTREAM people to the dance in the first place.

I'm just saying...

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Man... we REALLY need the wii motion plus.

The games are starting to feel a little too old gameplay-wise.

Better graphics aint doing anything to move the industry ahead. People are just playing the same old games, but prettier versions.

I really had enough of this same old games. Call of Duty 4, you really suck.

But I can see people being kinda afraid of the Wii Motion Plus: imagine coming home from work, then enduring a 1 hour marathon of sword fights... standing, slashing 1-1 with your on screen character.

I know it seems tiresome, but if the games turn out to be good, gamers will become a much thinner kind of people.