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Forums - Sony Discussion - PSP-Highest selling hardware in Japan starting next week?

routsounmanman said:
Software-wise my bet is with Pokemon 2;

 You have no faith in mankind.

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kber81 said:
routsounmanman said:
Software-wise my bet is with Pokemon 2;

You have no faith in mankind.

 I have no faith in the Japanese

Judging the top 10 list, I have doubt how well that translates to real world sales figure... With Haruhi being number 1 and another Haruhi and Fate/stay night game on the list, it seems that the a lot of the traffics are from  the more tech savvy anime otaku's.

routsounmanman said:
Software-wise my bet is with Pokemon 2; hardware-wise PSP>DS although not by a large margin.

We going by reports today.  Crisis Core sold 350k units compared to Pokemon's 250k, so it's looking like CC will be the bigger seller this week.  And an extra 60k units sold as part of the CC FF 10th Anniversary pack, should push PSP sales up to around DS levels of approx 80k.  And maybe, just maybe CC had sold another few PSP's as maybe the PSP will be the biggest selling console in Japan this week.  It won't last though, unfortunately.

Prediction (June 12th 2017)

Permanent pricedrop for both PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro in October.

PS4 Slim $249 (October 2017)

PS4 Pro $349 (October 2017)

lol , you forgot the last maybe :P Nice first day sales , Im starting to be confident in humanity :P ( and in Japanese ) .

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

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hunter_alien said:
lol , you forgot the last maybe :P Nice first day sales , Im starting to be confident in humanity :P ( and in Japanese ) .

 Wait until that awful Sega game for the Wii comes out and it becomes a hit

You mean that game where real actors play a role ... man that has to be the most ridiculous idea of all ... but as Jaws it will sell lol

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

It's official, PSP is best selling Japanese hardware for the week. And Crisis Core sold nearly 500,000 copies.

My Top 5:

Shadow of the Colossus, Metal Gear Solid 3, Shenmue, Skies of Arcadia, Chrono Trigger

My 2 nex-gen systems: PS3 and Wii

Prediction Aug '08: We see the PSP2 released fall '09. Graphically, it's basically the same as the current system. UMD drive ditched and replaced by 4-8gb on board flash memory. Other upgrades: 2nd analog nub, touchscreen, blutooth, motion sensor. Design: Flip-style or slider. Size: Think Iphone. Cost: $199. Will be profitable on day 1.