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Forums - General Discussion - The have you ever thread


Have you ever killed a man?

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Have you ever had 3 fights in one day.

"Life is but a gentle death. Fate is but a sickness that results in extinction and in the midst of all the uncertainty, lies resolve."


Have you ever fallen in love with someone that looked like a man/woman but later found out that the person is actually the reverse gender(She was a He and vice versa)?


haha no, although i did worry that my ex was maybe secretly gay for a lot of the time we were together...

have you ever been to Scotland?

Highwaystar101 said: trashleg said that if I didn't pay back the money she leant me, she would come round and break my legs... That's why people call her trashleg, because she trashes the legs of the people she loan sharks money to.


Have your whole year group laugh at you.

"Life is but a gentle death. Fate is but a sickness that results in extinction and in the midst of all the uncertainty, lies resolve."

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have you ever laughed at yourself?


Have you ever swam in the ocean at night?

Yes, I live like a five minutes away from the beach.

Have you ever found money when you were out some where?


Have you ever regretted eating something spicy?

Yes (Wasabi X( dear god...)

Have you ever ran out of your favorite food but was too lazy to go to the supermarket?