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Forums - Sales Discussion - Why the 360 will ultimately succumb to the ps3... the end of this gen,the 360´s userbase in NA and Europe might be enough to counter the PS3´s userbase in all 3 territories.

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makingmusic476 said:
Kratos said:
Daniel Fortesque FTW!
In My favourite game and is my favourite character

Nice avatar. Hopefully they'll make a MediEvil III. :D

AAw yes Medievil 3, its like waiting for a lover coming back from a long trip and only sends letters (in this case rumors) of coming back next week, but eventually won't, and you just keep waiting and waiting.......

 Mmmmmm... By reading my own post I conclude that i am in love with sir dan :S

 Anyway, Sony Cambridge plzzzz say something about Medievil 3

PSN ID: clemens-nl                                                                                                                


forget it, there's no point fighting with someone who said

GT 5 ISN'T a Killer App

& said

Ps3 has 0 JRPG's

Supporter of

 SONY & Nintendo

 Consoles owned - SNES, N64, PS, GC, PS2, PSP, PS3

 I DO NOT support Xbox

My prediction for YEARS END:

WII - 18.3 Million

Xbox 360 - 15 Million

Playstation 3 - 8.5 Million

rocketpig said:

MS has basically taken Sony's successful formula and tweaked it for their own use while Sony has only strayed from that great formula they used for the PSX.

Awfull hardware quality and relying on one genre is what Sony did with the PSx ?

rocketpig said:
makingmusic476 said:
rocketpig said:
makingmusic476 said:

New IPs could turn out like Lair and Blue Dragon.

You just lost all credibility with that statement.

I reviewed both games and while Lair was a steaming pile of dog****, Blue Dragon is actually an extremely polished and fun game.

Sorry, I don't really get into RPGs in general, so I haven't played it. I was just going by the reviews.

BD is currently pulling a 77% on GameRankings with wildly conflicting reviews ranging from 6 to 9... which tells me that if you're a JRPG fan, you'll like the game. If you're not, you won't.

Whereas, barring two exceptions, everyone who reviewed Lair absolutely hated the game (hence its 58% on GR).

 Well, tbh, I only went by one review, GameSpot, and come to think of it, they're pretty harsh on JRPGs.

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Hus said:
rocketpig said:

MS has basically taken Sony's successful formula and tweaked it for their own use while Sony has only strayed from that great formula they used for the PSX.

Awfull hardware quality and relying on one genre is what Sony did with the PSx ?

Reading comprehension FTL.

Try reading the entire post and debating that or just do us all a favor and STFU.

Or check out my new webcomic:

stof said:
"The problem is, after Halo 3, what big name exclusive games does the 360 have? Sure, it has promising titles like Lost Odyssey set for '08, and a few cool pc/360 games like Alan Wake, but the only really BIG title coming next year is Ninja Gaiden 2."

You haven't really taken much time to check he 360 line up have you? There's some pretty damn big titles coming out in 08
Lost Odyssey, Alan Wake, Halo Wars, Fable 2, Too Human, Left 4 dead, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction and a bunch of others. I'm not the resident Xbox expert on these boards, but I've seen some pretty impressive lists.

08 will be a good year for the box. A good year indeed.

 The games you named off for the 360 don't feel like big titles to me.  The only one I may buy would be Fable 2, but the others just don't spark my interest at all.  I know I'm just one 360 owner (Who also owns a pS3), but there have to be many others out there that just don't know a thing about it.  Where has the hype been for the 360 games for next year though?  I just haven't heard it outside of 360 fans that get excited about any little thing.


Get your Portable ID!


My pokemon brings all the nerds to the yard. And they're like, "You wanna trade cards?" Damn right, I wanna trade cards. I'll trade this, but not my charizard.

rocketpig said:
BTW, one of the big things you're ignoring about the PSX success (and its games) were a few things:

1. CD format instead of cartridge saved devs loads of money
2. Super-simple to program for (C++, basically)
3. Sony was extremely helpful to developers

Now look at the PS3:

1. Blu-ray format instead of DVD-9 is costing devs money
2. By most accounts, it's hard to program for the Cell (compared to the easier 360)
3. Microsoft is extremely helpful to developers

MS has basically taken Sony's successful formula and tweaked it for their own use while Sony has only strayed from that great formula they used for the PSX.

Including the faulty hardware! I kid, I kid....

Since when is the Blu-Ray format costly for developers? It would only be costly for the publishers, and the price of BD-rom media only costs ~40 cents per disc in runs of over 100,000, and that was back around the beginning of the year, so i'm sure it's far cheaper now.

Devs disliked catridges for their lack of disc space (FF CGI?), not because of cost. That's why games like Ocarina of Time and Super Mario 64 used all real-time cutscenes,

Hus said:
leo-j said:
HS got poor reviews?

Yahh HS got poor reviews, yet he talks up Blue Dragonas if its all that LMAO.

HS did not get poor reviews.  It's averaging 81.1% on GameRankings, and the only complaint about the game is it's length.


makingmusic476 said:
"If that is wishful thinking, please tell me how?"

You are filtering in what is forecast of PS3 games as a plus, and lack of knowledge (obviously because such knowledge hasn't been broadcast by MS) of 360 games as a minus, and saying "ultimately succumb".

The Dreamcast had a far better selection of games in 2000 than the PS2, and look at what sold better... not the one with the better selection. One could say "well, that was the Dreamcast", but the PS3 is looking more like a Dreamcast sales wise so far.

It's good that you illustrated the PS3 highlights, but I don't think that alone will cause better sales.

Myself, I think a price drop for PS3 will cause incrementally better sales for the PS3 that such a pricedrop for the 360. My logic is that I believe there are more people chomping at the bit for a PS3 when the price is easier to swallow.

Having said that, I certainly don't believe "ultimately succumb" could describe the PS3 case against 360, or the 360 case against PS3.

Thanks for your response and original article though!