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makingmusic476 said:
"If that is wishful thinking, please tell me how?"

You are filtering in what is forecast of PS3 games as a plus, and lack of knowledge (obviously because such knowledge hasn't been broadcast by MS) of 360 games as a minus, and saying "ultimately succumb".

The Dreamcast had a far better selection of games in 2000 than the PS2, and look at what sold better... not the one with the better selection. One could say "well, that was the Dreamcast", but the PS3 is looking more like a Dreamcast sales wise so far.

It's good that you illustrated the PS3 highlights, but I don't think that alone will cause better sales.

Myself, I think a price drop for PS3 will cause incrementally better sales for the PS3 that such a pricedrop for the 360. My logic is that I believe there are more people chomping at the bit for a PS3 when the price is easier to swallow.

Having said that, I certainly don't believe "ultimately succumb" could describe the PS3 case against 360, or the 360 case against PS3.

Thanks for your response and original article though!