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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Official Little King's Story thread of pure joy and awesome

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I haven't beaten the game yet because I'm trying to do all the sidequests. Any suggestions on how to speed up Kokomo Pine's (the citiizen-humming one)? It's driving me nuts!

Oh, one last bumpage, this time with more details about intriguing news:

Did you take over unite the world with King Corobo yet? There may be more Little King’s Story coming in the future.

“We are planning to make a sequel to Little King’s Story, like Super Little King’s Story, but we’re still in the process idea phase,” Yoshiro Kimura, Producer of Little King’s Story told Siliconera.

“Right now, we’re trying to get funding and trying to find new partners meaning that Little King’s Story wasn’t developed by one development company, it was developed by different people.” Cing, the studio behind Hotel Dusk, Town Factory, and Marvelous collaborated to make Little King’s Story.

You know what would help Kimura get funding for Super Little King’s Story? Buying Little King’s Story. While the game is utterly charming and a core game with family friendly characters on the Wii it hasn’t sparked nearly as much interest as it should.

Heheh, four posts in a row!

Anyhow, for those who are curious, your villagers only hum between 10 and 12 at night. They hide in the corners of your cities, and spin in place. You can get duplicate songs, so always search new areas.

I'm almost ready to take on the ending!

I'm in the New Island boss and ready to beat him.
thanks for the humming info. I was curious about that.

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Add me for Pokemon, New Leaf, and Fire Emblem, Mario Kart 8.

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Jumbo Champloon is fun to fight. I still liked Shishkebaboo and the mountain king (Sauvignon?) better, but they certainly weren't as epic.

noname2200 said:
Jumbo Champloon is fun to fight. I still liked Shishkebaboo and the mountain king (Sauvignon?) better, but they certainly weren't as epic.

Sauvignon and Shiskebaboo were my favorites aswell, but Jumbo Champloo comes in at a close third. the music just gets you fired up.

i kinda liked getting to beat the last king the traditional way after 3 in a row of beating them some other way.

oh, btw, i just got blastworks a couple days ago, and i'm working on making a little king's story themed level in it with custom made scenery enemies, ect. i thought i would try after seeing all the people doing levels for mario sonic, and even one for bit trip beat :). it probably won't be a very quality level (aka unbalanced), because it's my first one with the games editors, but i hope somebody likes it when i'm done.

come try out the computer game i've been working on for my high school senior project, titled sling ball.

you can view a few screenshots from the game in my photo album here;

yes, this is vonboy's alt account. i can't log into my original account, and i'm not sure if i will ever be able to.

Proud Member of the Official Yoshi Fan Club!.

Let me know when you finish please!

Finally beat the last king and he was much easier than I expected. Now it's time for that flying machine.