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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Can we please stop game discussion to talk about how doomed is Nintendo?

I don't think some people realize that this is a joke thread.......

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dahuman said:
I don't think some people realize that this is a joke thread.......

Unfortunately it's often too hard to distinguish dumb people, fanboys, jokes, and rants from each other. They often resemble each other too much.

Oh, and to make it clear, in case my previous posts made anyone think otherwise - I want good arguments, whatever console or thing they benefit. Of course not all arguments are facts and thus not everyone thinks they're good, but in those cases people shouldn't stick to those arguments so hard.

good arguments in a joke thread? >.>;;;; dood.....

famousringo said:
Fine, slackers. Here are a few more.

... that Iwata's assistants can no longer open his door because he insists on storing all of Nintendo's profits in his office.

That's gotta be one huge office.


Haven't seen you in a while Dinomax, good to see you back and making more awesome threads.


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Zkuq said:

I was speaking in general... Every time I see something negative said about Wii, it's countered with almost ridiculous arguments (well, of course there are some valid arguments as well). And about what you said in the end... Sony fanboy? That's a joke, right? I'd rather say I'm a fanboy of nothing, though one might call me a PC fan without being too far off. To put it short: PC >>> Sony >>> Nintendo > M$ (at least right now).

My apologies for the "fanboy" comment: it was supposed to read just "fan."