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JRPG have you ever play a Wild Arms game?

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Euphoria14 said:

I haven't even added in Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts 2 yet.

To the one who said "I haven't seen one with a 15-year old with Spikey hair".

That one stereotype would fit Sora perfectly. Spikey hair, 15-years of age.


Somehow he has become the generalization for all JRPG titles.


Lloyd Irving (Tales of Symphonia)


Justin (Grandia)

Wataru Mitani (Brave Story)

Boy AKA Randi AKA Randy (Secret of Mana)


Lan Hikari (Mega Man Battle Network series)

Sora (Kingdom Hearts)

The Hero (Dragon Quest Moster: Joker)

Every Pokemon Hero (Pokemon)


Do i need to go on?

JRPG said:
Euphoria14 said:

I haven't even added in Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts 2 yet.

To the one who said "I haven't seen one with a 15-year old with Spikey hair".

That one stereotype would fit Sora perfectly. Spikey hair, 15-years of age.


Somehow he has become the generalization for all JRPG titles.


Lloyd Irving (Tales of Symphonia)


Justin (Grandia)

Wataru Mitani (Brave Story)

Boy AKA Randi AKA Randy (Secret of Mana)


Lan Hikari (Mega Man Battle Network series)

Sora (Kingdom Hearts)

The Hero (Dragon Quest Moster: Joker)

Every Pokemon Hero (Pokemon)


Do i need to go on?

Lloyd is 17 though.


Alic0004 said:
no comment.


Good job.

johnsobas said:
No SNES games = fail. Too few PS1 games, this guy obviously hasn't been playing RPGs very long.


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g-value said:
JRPG have you ever play a Wild Arms game?


I own the first 3, and they are bad. 2 seems like it could be fun, but i got bored fast with it.

g-value said

Lloyd is 17 though.



Well i assumed the 15 year old thing was an exaggeration. I figured he meant characters who were under 18.

selnor said:

Well I'll just say your assuming everyone thinks the same as you as to whats important in a Jrpg. See to me Character progression, storytelling and cinematography is abig chunk of what a Jrpg needs for. No matter how good a battle system is, I would get board if these werent prominent. Just saying everyone sees things differently. :)


That was more towards the one who said Legend of Dragoon had a bad battle system.

I won't continue this argument because there is no way I will admit that LO is anywhere near the best JRPG. I will sit here and say it is a fine JRPG, but that is it.


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Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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"15 years old with Spikey hair".

That is what was said, so I named the one character who fits that desciption.

15 years old with a hat on or 17 years old with non-spikey hair or even 15 years old with flat hair doesn't fit that description.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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Euphoria14 said:

"15 years old with Spikey hair".

That is what was said, so I named the one character who fits that desciption.

15 years old with a hat on or 17 years old with non-spikey hair or even 15 years old with flat hair doesn't fit that description.


You can still have spiky hair if you have a hat on.