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Forums - Gaming Discussion - New SEGA and Tri-Ace RPG (PS3/360) - End of Eternity

Xen said:
As long as they are not deliberately making it with PS2 graphics when they can do much better, no prob.

...............huh, and may i have your PSN name??

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Cactus said:
sc94597 said:
*crosses fingers for a Turn Based Traditional RPG*



But knowing Tri-Ace, it likely won't be.


Hopefully this game puts Tri-Ace back on my good side...


Yeah, Tri-Ace has really disappointed me this generation. Infinite Undiscovery was unfinished and Star Ocean 4 was generic and boring. Here's hoping they turn it around because there aren't nearly enough RPGs around so far.


This looks good.


You guys do know that the VP series is Turn Based(not traditional, but still turn based). I didn't see why this game couldn't have been.

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RPG said:
Alright this has to be said..............FFXIII Versus anyone? looks like 360 owners got the game but a different name. :P

As if, this looks like it'll be the game closest to Versus XIII this gen but wont nearly be as badass.


Still i have found my 2nd fave game this gen, sorry SO4...


sc94597 said:
You guys do know that the VP series is Turn Based(not traditional, but still turn based). I didn't see why this game couldn't have been.

VP is sort of a chase turn based...


And NO i hope its like some kind of AJRPG, imo.... Turn based is old school already bring us some Versus style games.


By the looks of the screen shots, it does look like a Mini Versus and all know what that means...



Oh don't get me wrong Versus still looks better and is my most anticipated FF game but this one does remind me of the game. Also many people including myself were thinking Sony and MS had blown there load (:/) for games in Japan already and had nothing of note coming for the rest of the year until FFXIII for the PS3....looks like I was very wrong. :O


Nobody else has a Parasite Eve Vibe???

Riachu said:
Xen said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
Yeah Sega and Tri-Ace is an odd-ball combination but Segas been doing great this gen so far, better then SE honestly.
And Tri-Ace did well with SO4.
BTW There using a next generation enhanced version of valkyrie profile 2: silmerias Engine for this game. The Art style gave it away.

Enhanced VP2 for HD consoles? weak.


No.  The engine they are using is specifically made for next gen systems.

The art styles are similar though.


True enough.

And yeah there using a more realistic Art-Style of VP2 silmeria. anyone whos played the game can tell with ease, but thats a VERY good thing.