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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Nothing to look foward to on the 360?

The only thing that can excite the 360 fanbase this year is another Halo/Gears anouncement  . But so far there is no evidence of either coming anytime soon. With GDC over and E3 coming up with no good news, what are the 360 owners looking foward to? The only thing i can think of is Kingdom Hearts 3 going MultiPlat.

So my question is, what is the 360 without Halo, Gears and stolen exclusives ? Please convince me why i should keep my 360 when the only game I've touched for the last year is Halo3 .

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Can you just wait for E3 at least....??

Threads like this always pop up and if you read any you'd see people say the same thing...I'm not gonna convince you to keep your 360 cause you seem not to like it very much...

Microsoft will have stuff to announce at E3 I'm sure.If not,then there isn't a whole lot to look forward too.

Tales of Vesperia.

360 has no games

kidding kidding ofc , I would kill to get a 360

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blackstar said:

360 has no games

kidding kidding ofc , I would kill to get a 360


 your joking but thats how ive been feeling lately .

Something will be announced soon, I think. Before E3. Major AAA games are never announced in June and shipped by November so I'm expecting game announcements very soon.


oh boy here we go again... :/

hatmoza 2.0 said:
blackstar said:

360 has no games

kidding kidding ofc , I would kill to get a 360


 your joking but thats how ive been feeling lately .


So sell it. Just make sure you won't regret it later on ;)

are you serious? the 360 has so many great games already out. right now its the slow period of the year where not many AAA games get released. E3 always brings great announcements.