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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo denies Metroid Dread

BenKenobi88 said:
"Nintendo is not making the 2D Metroid at this point in time."

Could mean they're making some sort of 3D Metroid though.

Or they're making  a 5D Metroid.  For two very good reasons.

 1. To beat sony at their own game.

2. As an homage to the first metroid game.  This game will be even harder then the first because attacks will come from dimensions you can't even perceive!

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After MP3, I just honestly need more.

Sign the Resident_Evil_5_Petition for a Wii release or Dark_Samus is going to come get you.

"Nintendo is not making the 2D Metroid at this point in time."

Could mean anything

1. The game is already complete
2. The game isn't being made by nintendo, but by retro studios or some other team (weak, yea i know)
3. The game is in 3D for the Wii or DS.

4. WARNING this one is a bit farfetched. ITS IN 4D! Using the wiimote and the wiifit board creates a new demention of gameplay on defined as 4D! lol man...(weeps)

We metroid fans have to have hope, MP3 left many questions unanswered, accually created more questions, and didn't tie in too well with metroid 2. Dread is all we have left.

Could Dread be for the DS what Prime was the GC/Wii??? Trilogy and all?

Generation 8 Predictions so far.....(as of 9/2013)

Console that will sell most: Nintendo Wii U

Who will sell more consoles between Microsoft/SONY: SONY


How could Metroid 5 be a trilogy?

Well I think people can let Retro go now, they haven't made any 2D Metroids and most likely won't anytime soon, if ever.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

Around the Network

Nintendo lies about a lot of things, even shortly before they announce them (DS Lite.. cough)

Er... they are making another 3D Metroid at least... or someone is. Otherwise, what the hell was that scene at the end of the credits in 100% complete prime 3?

There making Metroid Prime Hunters on the wii

Wii Code - 8145 8236 1221 1013

No, for the last time:

:::::::BIG MP3 SPOILER ALERT::::::

That ship is NOT Sylux's ship from Hunters. Pause a video of the end on youtube and compare that to a google images search. There are almost no similarities at all other than general shape. The ship is curved, it's wings fold, it's a different color, etc. There is really no reason to think that's Sylux's ship unless you are a blind old man with a learning disability. Hunters is NOT a canon entry in the Metroid series, and it means nothing.

Kasz216 said:
BenKenobi88 said:

Or they're making a 5D Metroid. For two very good reasons.

1. To beat sony at their own game.

2. As an homage to the first metroid game. This game will be even harder then the first because attacks will come from dimensions you can't even perceive!


On topic, I really want some sort of SideScrolling 3D Game, a la "The New SMB"

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