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badgenome said:
Bret Hart made your PS3 tap.


lmao Bret "The Hitman" Hart ftw!

PS3 Trophies

Leonidus said:
TheCompletist said:

You forgot your date of birth? Seriously?

Im 16 lol, I want access to 18+ content.

I made a D.O.B up



I take either 2 years or 10 years off of my date of birth. But then there's the problem which of the two I did lol.

But 18+ content is overrated anyway :p

twingo said:
some of you seriously need psychological help.

get out of the basement, its for you're own good.



dude, get some friends

That sucks!

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the love is unconditional...



''Halo reach''.. sell 7.m first week ,Believe¡¡¡¡¡¡







Synd :/ Hoppas att det löser sig på något vänster.

Videogirl said:
Here's a tutorial you can download and which explains of how to fix a YOLD :

Downloads 4,149 times,.... ousch....



''Halo reach''.. sell 7.m first week ,Believe¡¡¡¡¡¡







Aldro said:
I left it in the balcony it turned SOO cold for like 30 mins though...


well stop being so damn impatient. Stop turning it on every few mins, let it be turned off till tomorrow. Make sure to unplug all cables and let it stay that way until you wake up. Then you'll have a reasonable chance to see if it'll still be able to go operational. If it still does it tomorrow morning, call sony and ask for help..


Also. Unplug it. Don't leave it on standby.

Check out my game about moles ^

I'm kind of ashamed to be the same race as you. Crying over a console, common man. Yes it sucks, happened to me too I hated it but it's nothing to cry over. Why didn't you go to Iran with your parents, you could have gotten round trip tickets to kish including 5 star hotel and hung out on a tropical island for two weeks scuba-diving and jet skiing and a ton of other fun shit. I did it last summer and it all only came out to $200. Its better than sitting at home and crying over a console at least.


                      The definitive evidence that video games turn people into mass murderers