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Forums - Sony Discussion - What has gotten into Square Enix?

Onyxmeth said:
Jo21 said:
Onyxmeth said:
Jo21 said:
Onyxmeth said:
Jo21 said:

because i havent play them i think they are boring hell i even think DQ8 was boring but the good develop battle system  and good use of ps2  graphics made it bearable thanks to level 5.

and they are mostly remades of old games, spin off of Square games i don't care.

where are the games like xenogears, Chrono Cross, etc?

likely not released yet.

*waiting patiently for FF13 and Versus*

You think the DS Dragon Quest games are boring because you haven't played them? What kind of reasoning is that? It's like you want to forfeit the credibility of your argument that Square is falling when you say things like that.

They are not mostly remakes and ports. Most Square games on DS are original titles and the PSP will be overrun by original titles itself by the end of 2009 when The 3rd Birthday, Dissidia, Final Fantasy XIII: Agito and Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep release.

Your argument that you want games like Xenogears and Chrono Cross negates the general stance that the PSOne titles were great because of innovation and feeling fresh. If you want Xenogears and Chrono Cross, then replay thm. If you want new innovative titles like The World Ends With You, Sigma Harmonics, Chocobo Tales, Rocket Slime, etc. that give the same feeling of new adventures the same way the PSOne titles felt like, then start buying some SE titles for DS.  PSP



those are actually the games i am waiting :3.

i only played DQ 8 but thats because the only game i found from dragon quest series.

i got twewy and its awesome :D. sigma harmonics = don't like it, chocobo tales = Crap.


What didn't you like about Sigma Harmonics?


the battle system looks gimmicky, characters and storyline didn't call me attention, but i haven't played it yet since they it haven't be localized yet.

so i may change my mind if ever released outside japan.


Wow. You sure do pre-judge an awful lot of games. You might want to start giving the impression that most of your opinion revolves around you merely not playing games to begin with.


generally i get draw in by the style of the game,  i don't replay games either thats why i like my games longer than 20 hours.

the last game that have fullfill that was persona 4 <-- here are my standards i am expecting square to match.

i'm the same with anime.


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Jo21 said:

generally i get draw in by the style of the game,  i don't replay games either thats why i like my games longer than 20 hours.

the last game that have fullfill that was persona 4 <-- here are my standards i am expecting square to match.

i'm the same with anime.


That's all fine and dandy, but then do you think you're the right person to be giving an opinion on the general downfall of SE titles when you refuse to play a good number of them, including some of the well received ones? I don't think the topic itself is fair by judging Square Enix based off three low quality to decent Xbox 360 titles and ignoring the console titles, and I think you prejudge their titles far too much to give an informed opinion on the matter, even though I'll admit I value your opinion on the subject much more than forevercloud's because at least you seem to care and give some effort at giving Square a chance to impress you.

BTW, if you like the turn based strategy gameplay of Tactics A2, but can't get past the silly story, try Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume. It has a much more adult oriented storyline behind it, and I'm enjoying it a bunch right now.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

Times Banned: 12

Press----------------> <----------------Press

Solid_Raiden said:
Square has turned to shit, it's true. But not so much for the reasons you said. It's not because they aren't making ps3 exclusives. It's that they are making 360 exclusives. There games should at the least be multiplatform. It's true that a huge chunk of their fanbase won't adopt the 360, but there are still plenty of 360 gamers who buy their games, it's just rediculous that they don't want to give those games to the other huge chunk of fans. Next to that, their games aren't of the quality they once were. All in all, I've lost all respect for SquareEnix and will be super hesitant of buying any of their games, even XIII

So you're calling a company bad all because the majority of their games are exlusive to a rival console? That's stupid, if you ask me. SE has enough quality out there to not be considered shit. You can't write them off because of what platform those titles are on.


I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

Onyxmeth said:
Jo21 said:

generally i get draw in by the style of the game,  i don't replay games either thats why i like my games longer than 20 hours.

the last game that have fullfill that was persona 4 <-- here are my standards i am expecting square to match.

i'm the same with anime.


That's all fine and dandy, but then do you think you're the right person to be giving an opinion on the general downfall of SE titles when you refuse to play a good number of them, including some of the well received ones? I don't think the topic itself is fair by judging Square Enix based off three low quality to decent Xbox 360 titles and ignoring the console titles, and I think you prejudge their titles far too much to give an informed opinion on the matter, even though I'll admit I value your opinion on the subject much more than forevercloud's because at least you seem to care and give some effort at giving Square a chance to impress you.

BTW, if you like the turn based strategy gameplay of Tactics A2, but can't get past the silly story, try Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume. It has a much more adult oriented storyline behind it, and I'm enjoying it a bunch right now.


i played lenneth and silmeria i know about it, i will probably check it out later. but i wanna get impressed in HD :P


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Undying said:


Priceless. A picture is worth a thousand words Undying.

Square-Enix has realized they can't make good games anymore so their just using the DS and PSP to remake or re-release their good old games.

But they want you to buy their bad games too.

And their old games you may already have.

They like money.

Garamond said:
Square-Enix has realized they can't make good games anymore so their just using the DS and PSP to remake or re-release their good old games.

But they want you to buy their bad games too.

And their old games you may already have.

They like money.


Crisis Core
The World Ends With You
Sigma Harmonics
Arkanoid DS
Space Invaders Extreme
The Legend of Kage 2
Chocobo Tales
Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume
Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift
Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings

Since you may have forgotten these games exist, I thought I would give you a healthy reminder.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

Onyxmeth said:
Garamond said:
Square-Enix has realized they can't make good games anymore so their just using the DS and PSP to remake or re-release their good old games.

But they want you to buy their bad games too.

And their old games you may already have.

They like money.


Crisis Core:Great
The World Ends With You:OK
Sigma Harmonics
Arkanoid DS
Space Invaders Extreme
The Legend of Kage 2
Chocobo Tales
Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume
Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift:Great
Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings

Since you may have forgotten these games exist, I thought I would give you a healthy reminder.


and the rest either didn't interest me in the slightest or looked like rubbish.





Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

forevercloud3000 said:
Onyxmeth said:
Garamond said:
Square-Enix has realized they can't make good games anymore so their just using the DS and PSP to remake or re-release their good old games.

But they want you to buy their bad games too.

And their old games you may already have.

They like money.


Crisis Core:Great
The World Ends With You:OK
Sigma Harmonics
Arkanoid DS
Space Invaders Extreme
The Legend of Kage 2
Chocobo Tales
Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume
Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift:Great
Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings

Since you may have forgotten these games exist, I thought I would give you a healthy reminder.

and the rest either didn't interest me in the slightest or looked like rubbish.

Are you also passing judgement on games you have never played?