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Forums - Sony Discussion - What has gotten into Square Enix?

Mirson said:
hatmoza 2.0 said:
Rei said:
A week at vgchartz cant pass without a "boo-hoo why 360 and not the PS3, Square?!!" thread.

We need to make an official one.



Troll away

But Rei is correct. You see, early this gen, I saw a lot of PS3 fans praising Square for the FFXIII titles, and I always saw them listing those titles as big PS3 exclusives. Further into the gen, FFXIII went multiplatform and Square started to release 360 exclusives. Now, we see PS3 fans bitching and moaning about Square for the lack of Square titles in their consoles. Now you know how Nintendo fans feel back then.

And everytime I enter a JRPG 360 thread/news, I always seem to find PS3 fans trolling the game or SE. Blaming MS for "moneyhatting" and "betraying." For once, blame the people who's actually responsible for this: SONY! Early this gen, SE were criticizing Sony for the way they marketed the PS3. They never listened, and it bite them in the ass. If you want HD SE games, buy a 360. Simple as that!

I still like Square. Sure they're not as great as they used to be, but they still release good games.

Rei is not correct.  I haven't seen many who even want the recent 360 titles on PS3.  Though, those titles are probably mediocre BECAUSE Microsoft paid Square: more efficient for Square to pocket the upfront MS money, release something quickly, and move on.  If there's no up front MS money, then they'd have to ensure that a game sells in order to make money (thus they'd ensure game quality). 

Loss of SE titles so far probably hasn't burnt Sony much, that is unless the games would have come out better on PS3 than they have been on 360.  If Japan sales are any indication, the JRPG imbalance hasn't helped MS all that much.  JRPG's being niche outside Japan, and all.

As for XIII: it's by far the delay of the PS3 version that causes more outrage than the pure fact that the game went multiplat.  And, fans still look forward to the FF games on PS3: they're just less pissed at Versus.  Now that they'll come out at almost the same time, and all.  ;)   

btw, I do agree that Sony's sluggishness out of the box contributed to a situation in which MS was able to coax Square delay XIII and make it multiplat.

Anyway, Rei was trolling: he mischaracterized the most common sentiment vs. Square Enix around here.


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They lost my respect.

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Battlefield Bad Company 2 > Modern Warfare 2

Loud_Hot_White_Box said:
Mirson said:
hatmoza 2.0 said:
Rei said:
A week at vgchartz cant pass without a "boo-hoo why 360 and not the PS3, Square?!!" thread.

We need to make an official one.



Troll away

But Rei is correct. You see, early this gen, I saw a lot of PS3 fans praising Square for the FFXIII titles, and I always saw them listing those titles as big PS3 exclusives. Further into the gen, FFXIII went multiplatform and Square started to release 360 exclusives. Now, we see PS3 fans bitching and moaning about Square for the lack of Square titles in their consoles. Now you know how Nintendo fans feel back then.

And everytime I enter a JRPG 360 thread/news, I always seem to find PS3 fans trolling the game or SE. Blaming MS for "moneyhatting" and "betraying." For once, blame the people who's actually responsible for this: SONY! Early this gen, SE were criticizing Sony for the way they marketed the PS3. They never listened, and it bite them in the ass. If you want HD SE games, buy a 360. Simple as that!

I still like Square. Sure they're not as great as they used to be, but they still release good games.

Rei is not correct.  I haven't seen many who even want the recent 360 titles on PS3.  Though, those titles are probably mediocre BECAUSE Microsoft paid Square: more efficient for Square to pocket the upfront MS money, release something quickly, and move on.  If there's no up front MS money, then they'd have to ensure that a game sells in order to make money (thus they'd ensure game quality). 

Loss of SE titles so far probably hasn't burnt Sony much, that is unless the games would have come out better on PS3 than they have been on 360.  If Japan sales are any indication, the JRPG imbalance hasn't helped MS all that much.  JRPG's being niche outside Japan, and all.

As for XIII: it's by far the delay of the PS3 version that causes more outrage than the pure fact that the game went multiplat.  And, fans still look forward to the FF games on PS3: they're just less pissed at Versus.  Now that they'll come out at almost the same time, and all.  ;)   

btw, I do agree that Sony's sluggishness out of the box contributed to a situation in which MS was able to coax Square delay XIII and make it multiplat.

Anyway, Rei was trolling: he mischaracterized the most common sentiment vs. Square Enix around here.


I wonder if you've played these "mediocre" 360 titles. And the info that the game might be delayed came some time after the actual multiplat announcement, while the outrage on forums has begun right after the 1st few seconds of the trailer were shown at the conference. The game going to 360 made PS3 fans pissed, not the delay.

   And if you think I am trolling then report. Although with an avatar like that I wonder how you dare to accuse someone else of trolling.


   I am talking about a lot of people. Most of "their 360 games suck anyway" people on the internet have never actually played these games.

Kasz216 said:
hatmoza 2.0 said:
Kasz216 said:
hatmoza 2.0 said:
your really being ignorant man

Keep telling yourself that.

Nevermind the fact that i owned the game at launch.



Yes ! I will keep telling myself that . Your bashing a games graphics that came out 13 years ago

bravo !! enough said

Compared to a game that came out before it.

How is that ignorant?

I'm not comparing it to FF9.  I'm comparing it to FF6.

FF6 had better graphics though they were 2D.

Did you play FF7 when it first came out?


 yes !! and its was a Masterpiece then , and still is today! 


hatmoza 2.0 said:
Kasz216 said:
hatmoza 2.0 said:
Kasz216 said:
hatmoza 2.0 said:
your really being ignorant man

Keep telling yourself that.

Nevermind the fact that i owned the game at launch.



Yes ! I will keep telling myself that . Your bashing a games graphics that came out 13 years ago

bravo !! enough said

Compared to a game that came out before it.

How is that ignorant?

I'm not comparing it to FF9.  I'm comparing it to FF6.

FF6 had better graphics though they were 2D.

Did you play FF7 when it first came out?


 yes !! and its was a Masterpiece then , and still is today! 



Also IGN agrees FF4 was better.  So... decrease in quality, no?

Unless you plan to make an argument that Sales = Quality or your opinion is better then IGNs.

You really think the blocky 3-D graphics were more pleasing then the 2D sprites?

Did you play the earlier Final Fantasys when they first came out?


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CGI-Quality said:
@ kas

What makes IGN's opinion right, and his wrong though?

Nothing, which is my point.

Nothing makes his opinion right and mine wrong either.

Hence your claims of "quality" declining aren't based on anything. 

Defeating your entire point.

Hence the bringing up of IGN someone some people consider an "expert" in the field.

Your forced to either abandon your basis of arguement, or admit you were wrong.

Rei said:
Isnt it ironic that PS3-only people are complaining about SE games quality? Always amazes me how people who have never played SO4 and Last Remnant are calling these games "garbage".


Ignorant statment there buddy. Just because I don't own a 360 doesn't mean I didn't in the past. I actually purchased a 360 soley for Blue Dragon. It broke on me a week later but that is another subject.

I owned a DS though and not a PSP. I enjoy some Square RPG's but other than that I play Disgaea on it. (My PSP with Disgaea was stolen ) I love FFVII but Crises Core was disappointing to me (but FFVII fans have blinders and think everything FFVII is geat )

I had a Wii played some games and beat them. Then sold it at full price minus the controller around christmas. Then I sold the controller for $50. The Wii ended up being a great deal at the end basically cause everything was pratically free since I got the same price back that I paid.

On another subject my friend is a big RPG fan and has every RPG LTD for his 360 and I have played them all. They were good but too me nothing has been as good, SquarEnix wise since Radiata Stories.

So far my most favorite RPGs this gen are Folklore, Disgaea 3, Tales of Vesper and none are SquareEnix.

Your point is moot.

FootballFan - "GT has never been bigger than Halo. Now do a comparison between the two attach ratios and watch GT get stomped by Halo. Reach will sell 5 million more than GT5. Quote me on it."

Kasz216 said:
CGI-Quality said:
@ kas

What makes IGN's opinion right, and his wrong though?

Nothing, which is my point.

Nothing makes his opinion right and mine wrong either.

Hence your claims of "quality" declining aren't based on anything. 

Defeating your entire point.


 Well actually when i read your comment about IGN i wasnt even going to dignify you with an answer because you killed your entire point by showing you cant think for yourself.



Kasz216 said:
CGI-Quality said:
@ kas

What makes IGN's opinion right, and his wrong though?

Nothing, which is my point.

Nothing makes his opinion right and mine wrong either.

Hence your claims of "quality" declining aren't based on anything. 

Defeating your entire point.

Hence the bringing up of IGN someone some people consider an "expert" in the field.

Your forced to either abandon your basis of arguement, or admit you were wrong.


Wow your point couldn't even hit the broad side of a barn.

FootballFan - "GT has never been bigger than Halo. Now do a comparison between the two attach ratios and watch GT get stomped by Halo. Reach will sell 5 million more than GT5. Quote me on it."

i like how ps3 fans call all 360 rpgs mediocre. you probably nevr played them.