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Forums - Sony Discussion - Leaked God of War Footage

Goodness me now I know why these vidoes are not intended for the public, that was darn awful.


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Tbone said:
NJ5 said:
MetalGearSolid_4ever said:

Maybe in terms of graphics and gore, possibly story too. In everything else Ninja Gaiden Black / NG2 will very likely take the crown. Fortunately for PS3 owners they're getting ports of those two games.



Sigma isnt a port, it will have online co-op and new character.

It's still a port even if it has added features. I guess it's in between what's sometimes called a port and a remake.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

Also Kratos on the back of that monster reminds me of Crash of the Titans..

Pixel Art can be fun.

SmokedHostage said:

Animations look fluent imo. One thing I have to say though, is that there seems to be some slowdown when Kratos on the back of that.. I wanna say Cyclops.. monster and just swatting those smaller guys. I hope it's not a problem in the final version.

I don't even think there is a firm release date so I'm not really worried at this point. Just seeing some gameplay is good enough for me.


NJ5 said:
Tbone said:
NJ5 said:
MetalGearSolid_4ever said:

Maybe in terms of graphics and gore, possibly story too. In everything else Ninja Gaiden Black / NG2 will very likely take the crown. Fortunately for PS3 owners they're getting ports of those two games.



Sigma isnt a port, it will have online co-op and new character.

It's still a port even if it has added features. I guess it's in between what's sometimes called a port and a remake.


Port or no port im sold already with the new features and even if it was a port would buy it anyway :)



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nothing special - i don't get the hype this game receive after that movie. looks average(worse than other high profile ps360 action games) and gameplay isn't great either - just another hack'n'slash.

it looked just like GoW 2, maybe the resolution, had frame rate issues and no a lot of enemies, i just hope it gets better

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

Hey Listen!

RPG said:
Goodness me now I know why these vidoes are not intended for the public, that was darn awful.


Not very often I agree with you, but on this we are 100%.


After rewatching this footage, not only is it bad but it now pisses me off and here is why.  The entire idea of kratos riding around on the back of the creature causing it to kill your other enemies is a joke.  Why would the creature not try and get you off of its back instead?  I am pretty certain if someone jumped on my back and was hitting me in the head I would do my damndest to knock them off.  I certainly hope the game doesn't do this stuff often.

"If you've got them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow."

Quote by- The Imortal John Wayne, the original BADASS!




damndl0ser said:
RPG said:
Goodness me now I know why these vidoes are not intended for the public, that was darn awful.


Not very often I agree with you, but on this we are 100%.


After rewatching this footage, not only is it bad but it now pisses me off and here is why.  The entire idea of kratos riding around on the back of the creature causing it to kill your other enemies is a joke.  Why would the creature not try and get you off of its back instead?  I am pretty certain if someone jumped on my back and was hitting me in the head I would do my damndest to knock them off.  I certainly hope the game doesn't do this stuff often.


If you remember from God of War 2, there's an enemy type that could not only call a Cyclops to fight (though that was in just one section of the game), but they would hop onto the cyclops and control it by lodging axes into it's neck.

This isn't radically different from God of War 2, just that you can now hop on the Cyclops and have it flail around before you do your usuall business of tearing out it's eye.

The gameplay looked very simple and was probably just a small arena to show off the new fighting mechanics. I would wait till more gameplay footage gets shown, and gameplay that looks like it could be from singleplayer storyline. I think people shouldn't be too critical of it until then.

damndl0ser said:
RPG said:
Goodness me now I know why these vidoes are not intended for the public, that was darn awful.


Not very often I agree with you, but on this we are 100%.


After rewatching this footage, not only is it bad but it now pisses me off and here is why.  The entire idea of kratos riding around on the back of the creature causing it to kill your other enemies is a joke.  Why would the creature not try and get you off of its back instead?  I am pretty certain if someone jumped on my back and was hitting me in the head I would do my damndest to knock them off.  I certainly hope the game doesn't do this stuff often.

Because cyclopes are stupid and rageful, I guess? I don't know, but it looked fun to me.