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erikers said:
Seece said:
erikers said:
Well I have 1340/1350 on Fable 2 now. I can't believe there isn't anybody here who doesn't have the Garth, Reaver and Hammer dolls. Those are all I need to finish this game and get all the points. Who could go on living knowing how close they are to completing Fable and not being able too?

I have all the dolls, friend request me and I can lend them to you ^^

Sweet, you can get second in Shadow Complex, I already can't stand how long it takes to level up anymore in it ;)

NP, I sent a FR. SC is becoming a pain >< I'm level 43 ish atm but dunno how much more suffering I can take.


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I still have faith in gamers.

Streets of Rage 2 is still battling away with that wannabe game castle crashers for top spot in the 2D side scrolling beat em up section (in the rate game area on XBLM).

So, how's the almighty Turtles in time reshelled doing?

No review critics, no fanboy bias BS, no magazine BS.............. after 17 years Streets of Rage 2 is still the real deal.

Now if only treasure would release Guardian Heroes on XBLA, castle crashers would be a forgotten memory.

So by the time I actually start playing Shadow Complex, the tournament will be over.... well hopefully it will become a platinum, and I can still maintain my 100% on arcade games record

todays new XBLA game........ invincible tiger....... i'm not impressed. 1200 MS points? bah.

erikers said:
JPL78 said:
Graham, thanks for the tips. I may hold off on it for a while I can't decide. I need to beat Fear 2 so I can trade for Batman.

Erikers, I can live knowing I was that close to completing it and then not. After Knothole Island I needed that one more collection achievement where you get all those items and trade for other items at that store. Anyway, I didn't feel like doing it, was kind of bored of Fable 2 and traded it in. So to answer you question, not everyone feels magnetically compelled to get every single achievement in a game. Its actually quite a freeing feeling.

I don't feel compelled to get every achievement in a game.  I feel compelled to get all the ones that are easily obtainable.  For example, all I need in Dead Rising are the 5 and 7 day achievements.  If I really wanted them I could do it but I don't care that much.  Same with Orange Box and Mass Effect and some others. 

What truely bothers me about achievements like the Fable one is that it was something so simple yet unobtainable without the help of other people while none of the other achievements in the game were like that.  And the one you skipped wasn't a time consuming or difficult one.  You pretty much have the items needed to buy 50% of the store the first time you go there. 

Yeah but I didn't care to get them, easy or not.  At that point even combat had gotten old.  I will agree about the doll achievement being stupid.  I was not a fan of it, I got lucky.

My main complaint in hindsight of Fable 2 is that it was pretty much expected if you did side quests and explored that you could have every single skill or spell or trait maxed out by the end of the game.  I started a mage and half way through I was maxing the other aspects.  There is really no point to say "I'm gonna go through again and play *this* type of character!" Because by the time you've beaten it once there is nothing left to do. Sacred 2 on the other hand you could probably play through 25 times and have a different character experience each time.

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2nd in Shadow Complex!


@JPL I remember specifically not maxing my str in Fable 2....I didn't want no butch chick ;_;

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-

Grahamhsu said:
@JPL I remember specifically not maxing my str in Fable 2....I didn't want no butch chick ;_;

Yeah I didn't even think about not spending all the points.  At this point with Fable 3 coming and sounding much cooler in scope, I really don't regret trading it in.


Batman: Arkham Asylum is GOTY material.  Just check the reviews but they aren't lying.  This game is a work of love by the developers.

My favorite part is rock solid frame rates with no noticeable V-Sync tear.  Also considering its the Unreal engine its unreal you don't see texture pop up in any major way.  Phenominal art and sound design.  A zillion lines of voice acting.... and Harley Quinn in a tight little dress with her pantys sticking out.  Heck yes.


Congrats seece!

Ronster316 said:

I still have faith in gamers.

Streets of Rage 2 is still battling away with that wannabe game castle crashers for top spot in the 2D side scrolling beat em up section (in the rate game area on XBLM).

So, how's the almighty Turtles in time reshelled doing?

No review critics, no fanboy bias BS, no magazine BS.............. after 17 years Streets of Rage 2 is still the real deal.

Now if only treasure would release Guardian Heroes on XBLA, castle crashers would be a forgotten memory.

Ubisoft doing an uninspired remake of Turtles in Time still doesn't stop it from being better than Streets of Rage 2.  Imagine if Ubisoft got the rights to Streets of Rage 2 and did a remake, would you still think the original was the best? 

And after 17 years, Turtles in Time is the real deal, where a port that isn't as good as the original will easily outsell Streets of Rage 2 on arcade.  I believe the only reason Sega games are almost always released barebones with no effort is because Sega is too lazy or more likely doesn't even the resources and money to give their games the proper respect they deserve.  They just keep releasing the same games over and over and over on PSN, Arcade, Wii ware and endless disc compilations with minimal changes.  You know why?  Because they fear Turtles in Time!  IT'S DOMINATION!!!

Completed XBLA: 16 / 32
Completed Retail: 17 / 64
GS Completion %: 82.63%

If ubisoft got the rights to Streets of Rage that would immediately tarnish the games reputation.