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Just got 1000 on Resident Evil 5. Ronster consider yourself safe for now since I refuse to buy Capcoms scam multiplayer dlc that was already on the disc in the first place or you'd have to get some more points. Who has ever tried to charge for a multiplayer mode anyways, what a joke. The only reason they even think they could get away with it is because the main series never had it before so they can pretend they are providing a new experience worth paying for.

Whenever the scam dlc is dropped to a dollar or free is when I'll get some more points on it.

Completed XBLA: 16 / 32
Completed Retail: 17 / 64
GS Completion %: 82.63%
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What level you on in Shadow Complex Erikers?


Munkeh111 said:
Well of course you could realign from launch... but then do I get extra time in Shadow Complex because I am online?

It is easier to leave it as it is, and only take into account delayed launches if they are several weeks

Also, I don't think it's worth a thread, but I think Patrick Stewart is doing VO work for ME2, they recently twitted:

I can't believe that (censored) is doing a voice for ME2. Almost 70 years old, and he's still a good-looking man! -JM Owens

PS is 69 years old, and he has done some video games in the past, and if you want a sci-fi legend (or Shakespearian actor/X-man) who better?

Wow, cool. I was already psyched because he's doing Castlevania (with Robert Carlyle, fuck yeah!).

Seece said:
It's funny you say you don't like people rushing and enjoying the experience. But to get the most league points in a race obviously that's what you need to do, down to your way of scoring ...

Look, there are loopholes and pros and cons to any competitive system we put in place.  I know there are lots of cons and loopholes in this league.  But, I asked about resets and rule changes earlier this summer and the consensus response was that people want the league to remain the same until the next season and they want that season to start in the new year. 

Until then, unless I get a lot of feedback that things are unbareable, it will stay as it is.  If we change the tournament scoring for ties rules now I would have to retroactively go back and do this for the entire season.

I will do it but I want to hear from more then just yourself that it needs to happen.  I can't change the league based on one person.  Anyone else feel that ties should not be resolved based on first over the finish line?

Seece said:
What level you on in Shadow Complex Erikers?

That's for me and major nelson to know buddy.  I see you over there in the corner scheming.

Completed XBLA: 16 / 32
Completed Retail: 17 / 64
GS Completion %: 82.63%
Around the Network

^He's not the only one scheming so wut is ur level =)

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-

erikers said:

Just got 1000 on Resident Evil 5. Ronster consider yourself safe for now since I refuse to buy Capcoms scam multiplayer dlc that was already on the disc in the first place or you'd have to get some more points. Who has ever tried to charge for a multiplayer mode anyways, what a joke. The only reason they even think they could get away with it is because the main series never had it before so they can pretend they are providing a new experience worth paying for.

Whenever the scam dlc is dropped to a dollar or free is when I'll get some more points on it.

Well, i had fun with the DLC, but the achievements are quite time consuming, so i have sold my copy of resi 5 but will get it back at a later date and hopefully finish the DLC off.

Was the DLC a scam? Yes, but was i thirsty for more resi 5 action at the time? again yes.

Ronster316 said:
erikers said:

Just got 1000 on Resident Evil 5. Ronster consider yourself safe for now since I refuse to buy Capcoms scam multiplayer dlc that was already on the disc in the first place or you'd have to get some more points. Who has ever tried to charge for a multiplayer mode anyways, what a joke. The only reason they even think they could get away with it is because the main series never had it before so they can pretend they are providing a new experience worth paying for.

Whenever the scam dlc is dropped to a dollar or free is when I'll get some more points on it.

Well, i had fun with the DLC, but the achievements are quite time consuming, so i have sold my copy of resi 5 but will get it back at a later date and hopefully finish the DLC off.

Was the DLC a scam? Yes, but was i thirsty for more resi 5 action at the time? again yes.

There's probably 60 people playing it now. I can't imagine many people even wanted multiplayer in it much less would want to pay for it on top.  It's as pointless as whatever sucker company Take 2 has working on the Bioshock 2 multiplayer right now. 

Completed XBLA: 16 / 32
Completed Retail: 17 / 64
GS Completion %: 82.63%

@ Erikers.

By the time i get my copy back i'll be lucky if theres still 6 people left playing Resi 5 DLC let alone 60 lol.

As for boishock, i'll get the game, but i just wasn't a fan of the first one. (96 Metascore? are people kidding me?) Multiplayer could work, or it may end up been a train wreck, hard to tell until we get a lot more info.

One game i AM happy i have kept is Left 4 Dead (Looking forward to the "crash course " DLC next month)

Well done Grahamhsu you got to 100% on Shadow Complex first