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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz 360 Gamerscore League

erikers said:
eNamrah said:
@erikers: the rule is 65% or higher.

We have some pretty low standards then.

Perhaps. I don't necessarily believe we should use review average as a barometer of tournament status. People tend to pass on bad games at release, so they wouldn't meet the user threshold required anyway. If a game has more than enough users to qualify, why shouldn't it be a tournament?

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The league is up to date for this week.

I may change end dates for the Infernal and BlazBlue potential tournaments as both games are still unavailable at most retail locations.

Some great footage of the upcoming arcade game of the year and Streets of outdated Rage 2 pimp slapper TMNT: Turtles In Time here.

Completed XBLA: 16 / 32
Completed Retail: 17 / 64
GS Completion %: 82.63%
erikers said:

Some great footage of the upcoming arcade game of the year and Streets of outdated Rage 2 pimp slapper TMNT: Turtles In Time here.

The only thing that turtles in time has going for it is that it supports 4 players. (people are suckers for mindless 4 player games, Castle crashers anyone?)

The characters hardly have any moves (limited to half a dozen or so)

Poor excuse for a TRUE side scrolling beat em up.

Streets of Rage 2 still reigns supreme by a country mile for me.

Oh, and lastly, you call Streets of Rage 2 outdated yet it's turtles in time that is outdated hence they needed to do this remake to give the game some actual relevance.


It's funny you talk about relevance, something that Sega has lacked for years now. You put "Sega's 1st part games > Sony's 1st party games" in your signature. Is there any sane person alive that believes that? I don't even particularly like Sony and I can see Sony has produced much better games over the years than Sega ever has and they've produced much more successful games than Sega ever could.

I doubt Sega has the talent to ever create a hugely popular new IP again. They'll spend the rest of their days in obscurity making horrible sequels to games that were once great like Sonic and Nights and publishing titles from other companies who make much better games. Virtua Fighter 5 ended up being the poorest selling HD fighter this generation. Even Soul Calibur managed to run rings around it.

You keep mentioning Castle Crashers (a game I haven't even played yet) because it seems to really bother you that it's popular. I bet Castle Crashers is already more beloved and sold more copies than Streets of Rage 2. Viva la Turtles in Time and Viva la Castle Crashers!!!!!  Cowabunga

Completed XBLA: 16 / 32
Completed Retail: 17 / 64
GS Completion %: 82.63%
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I strongly believe that Sega's first party games own Sony's still, as sony continue to buy studio's then maybe that will change, but franky i don't like sony games, i don't like Gran turismo(2nd party aswell) i couldn't care less about ratchet and clunk, the only Sony game i like is God of War.

So yes, overall i still strongly believe that Sega own sony in the games department.

You think that Castle crashers is more beloved than Streets of rage 2?

Maybe on this site due to the average age of the users here but overall Streets of rage 2 is still more popular. (And better).

Sega don't make good games?

Virtua fighter 5 on 360 got 89.

Condemned was popular amongst people who played it.

I don't like RPG's but everybody seems to love valkyria chronicles.

Virtua tennis is still the best tennis game on the planet.

People are begging Sega to bring Yakuza 3 to the USA and UK (Although i'm a Shenmue man myself)

I would like Sega to make Fighters megamix 2 (seem as they have a back catalogue of fighters who could be in the game, people from Virtua fighter, Last bronx and Fighting vipers)

Shenmue 3 would be a popular game if it was made.

Jet set radio future 2 would be nice aswell.

But a lot of Segas talent was poached when Dreamcast went under.

Sony more talented than Sega? b*llshit, more money to buy top talent? yes, actual talent? NO.

Thinking about getting Lego Indiana Jones and Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts. I can get them for £20 total, and it looks like they have easy achievements...

Can't believe I placed in Red Faction considering I just beat the game once and then traded it in.

Munkeh111 said:
Thinking about getting Lego Indiana Jones and Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts. I can get them for £20 total, and it looks like they have easy achievements...

Both are good investments...  I like Lego Indy the most out of the Lego games...  Banjo N&B is a solid game as well.  Definitely didn't deserve the slagging it got in the press.

NeoRatt said:
Munkeh111 said:
Thinking about getting Lego Indiana Jones and Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts. I can get them for £20 total, and it looks like they have easy achievements...

Both are good investments...  I like Lego Indy the most out of the Lego games...  Banjo N&B is a solid game as well.  Definitely didn't deserve the slagging it got in the press.

Well I played Lego Star Wars 1, 2 and Complete Saga and I just got bored of them because the play the same, but hopefully Indie is a little different. I was actually quite excited about Banjo, but it just got lost among the holiday releases, but now it is <£10 so it seems to be worth it!