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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz 360 Gamerscore League

I'm with Eagles on this one.

A set start and finish means that seasons are the same length and it doesn't end when someone reaches a certain score.

If you go based on someone reaching a certain score then when does one season end and another season start?

When theres a dry spell of games thats always a good time to end a season and wait 2/3 months until the next batch of big games arrive.

Plus, new league members will know when the best time is to join if they know a season is about up.

@ badgenome

Me? Disqualified? Again?

You could always get me banned from VGChartz on a weekly basis by saying you hate Sega and that all their franchises suck lol (I defend Sega like they are my own family )

@ Grahamhsu

I thought we were buddys?

I ain't playing no left 4 dead with you now

Around the Network

By the way, I noticed that next week XBLA is getting the Sega Vintage Collection Vol 2. Any chance of races for these games? Not that it matters, I guess, since they're such utter shit and surely no one will be buying them. God, Sega fails so hard...

(Come on, Ronster. Take the bait!)

Sgea vintage collection races FTW.

@ badgenome............. what bait?, you want a "Sega" vintage collection race.

See................ everybody deep down loves Sega

Well, I had to try and make it seem relevant to the gamerscore league thread. You clever devil.

Good job i'm leaving for work now.

I got 14 hours to recover from your blistering Sega attack.

But if it carries on...................... "Shakes fist" hhhmmmmmm lol

Around the Network
VGChartz 360 Gamerscore League
Gamerscore Rank True Achievement Rank League Rank MyGamerCard Leaderboard
  True Achievements Leaderboard League Rules  
Active Tournaments Platinum  Game Awards Current Hall of Fame Chartz
Potential Tournaments Platinum Games Past Hall of Fame Achievers of the Week
True Achievements Gamerscore Rank (FINAL 2009)        
TrueAchievements Leaderboard for this league - Click Here
Pos. Gamertag VGChartz ID GS TA
TA vs.GS Ratio Total GS
TA vs. GS Ratio Wk NET
     1 RONSTER316 Ronster316   107,346     171,268   1.5955        330        593     1.7970      263
     2 Erikers erikers      52,569       94,841   1.8041          65        141     2.1692        76
     3 IcingDeathWrath IcingDeathWrath      62,848       86,047   1.3691          60        154     2.5667        94
     4 JPL78 JPL78      62,577       85,525   1.3667        440        101              -   -   339
     5 BrainBoxLtd BrainBoxLtd      47,962       80,994   1.6887          25          28     1.1200          3
     6 Alcoholu Akbar badgenome      51,764       76,270   1.4734           -   -          9              -   -        9
     7 Gene Defect siren      47,560       71,430   1.5019           -          120              -        120
     8 eNamrah eNamrah      37,930       65,237   1.7199        380        924     2.4316      544
     9 NeoRatt NeoRatt      51,102       63,910   1.2506        500        701     1.4020      201
   10 oXTooShortXo Grahamhsu      34,264       48,581   1.4178           -            94              -          94
   11 Machina22 Machina-AX      30,270       43,584   1.4398        615        771     1.2537      156
   12 YO mUThEr yo_john117      26,637       41,219   1.5474           -            49              -          49
   13 gitanil gitanil      24,625       36,321   1.4750        345        522     1.5130      177
   14 Bknight2k bknight      25,934       35,885   1.3837        430    1,000     2.3256      570
   15 VestmanX Carl2291      24,758       32,717   1.3215           -            53              -          53
   16 BD40 BD40      24,831       32,222   1.2977        150        220     1.4667        70
   17 Wizardyo deadt0m      23,655       31,208   1.3193           -            19              -          19
   18 NNN2004 NNN2004      21,570       31,011   1.4377        160        422     2.6375      262
   19 Tha KidGBx yungmagic09      22,681       30,558   1.3473        310        390     1.2581        80
   20 Dynosaw seece      17,965       28,986   1.6135        610        913     1.4967      303
   21 ckmlb ckmlb      21,523       27,602   1.2824           -            19              -          19
   22 Kowenicki kowenicki      21,170       27,228   1.2862          35        115     3.2857        80
   23 Munkeh111 Munkeh111      15,340       23,748   1.5481           -            24              -          24
   24 LeafyBug07 outlawauron      17,560       22,988   1.3091           -              4              -            4
   25 King Eidilleg KingEidilleg      16,488       21,360   1.2955           -            24              -          24
   26 Adajio64 adajio      13,594       19,977   1.4695    1,020        287              -   -   733
   27 charlesjunior De85      13,411       17,636   1.3150          55          51              -   -        4
   28 TurquiseNanaki Nanaki      11,830       17,534   1.4822           -              4              -            4
   29 Jagen78 jagenjg      11,659       16,518   1.4168        185        210     1.1351        25
   30 VehementAbyss roland32      11,405       15,161   1.3293        370        461     1.2459        91
   31 peterisyum peterisyum      10,815       14,417   1.3331           -            56              -          56
   32 twesterm twesterm        8,355          9,668   1.1572        220        253     1.1500        33
   33 josenieves1 josenieves1        4,695          5,914   1.2596           -            23              -          23

360 Gamerscore League
Weekly #'s & Tournies GS Career GS Season Platinum  Game Awards
TA Leaderboard TA Career TA Season Platinum Games
MGC Leaderboard League Career League Season League Rules
NOTE: For all the links above to work you must set PROFILE > SETTINGS > PREFERENCES to 50 posts/page
League Standings - 2010 Season            
Rk. Gamertag VGChartz ID Total Lge
Total Lge
Total Lge
Total Lge
Total Lge
Pts to
Next Rk
       1 RONSTER316 Ronster316           39           89           18           31        181            -  
       2 eNamrah eNamrah           24           31           45           53        153           28
       3 JPL78 JPL78           51           46             9           37        143           10
       4 Recon1O1 Recon1O1           16           20           18           21           76           67
       5 TheRedMessiah MrBubbles           14           37           21            -             75             1
       6 Erikers erikers           24             6           36             8           74             1
       7 NeoRatt NeoRatt           13           35             3           16           67             7
       8 Gene Defect siren           39             7             3           15           64             3
       9 Dynosaw seece           16             3           27           14           60             4
     10 Adajio64 adajio           25             3           15           14           57             3
     11 VehementAbyss roland32           26            -               6           22           54             3
     12 Bradison quarashi             8           19            -               9           36           18
     12 Machina22 Machina-AX             7             5             9           15           36           18
     14 Bknight2k bknight             5             8             3           18           34             2
     15 Berstuck Berstuck             7             1           12           11           31             3
     16 DEEZ Fo Life shinyuhadouken            -             15             9             6           30             1
     17 peterisyum peterisyum             3           11             3           10           27             3
     18 BrainBoxLtd BrainBoxLtd             3           11           12            -             26             1
     18 HomerRamone2084 HomerRamone           16            -              -             10           26             1
     20 Areseris areseris             4             8             9             1           22             4
     21 Digital FEAR 94 elvacano80             6             6             3            -             21             1
     21 gitanil gitanil           18            -               3            -             21             1
     21 MesoZombie mesoteto            -              -             21            -             21             1
     21 VestmanX Carl2291           16            -              -               5           21             1
     25 IcingDeathWrath IcingDeathWrath             6            -               6             5           17             4
     25 KEURQUE SHMUPGurus             6           11            -              -             17             4
     25 LORDMATRIX2004 LordMatrix             3           10             3             1           17             4
     25 oXTooShortXo Grahamhsu            -             14             3            -             17             4
     25 Ryan Glory GLoRySoGLoRy            -               5             3             9           17             4
     30 NNN2004 NNN2004             8            -               6             1           16             1
     31 cameron12210 cameron12210            -             11            -               3           14             2
     31 d21lewis d21lewis            -               8            -               6           14             2
     31 rockstarjerry rockstarjerry89            -               5             6             3           14             2
     34 YO mUThEr yo_john117             8             2             3            -             13             1
     35 strategykinq92 Strategykinq92             3             4             3            -             12             1
     35 twesterm twesterm             7             3            -               2           12             1
     35 Waymor Radstone Daddo Splat             3             4            -              -             12             1
     38 ckmlb ckmlb           11            -              -              -             11             1
     38 Darc Requiem Darc Requiem            -               5             3             3           11             1
     40 Kowenicki kowenicki           10            -              -              -             10             1
     41 CRIM3 MINIST3R Goddbless             6            -               3            -               9             1
     41 Godotblend loves2splooge             2             7            -              -               9             1
     43 Cueil Cueil            -               8            -              -               8             1
     43 SEGADORK nathantay             6             2            -              -               8             1
     43 tkul815 themanwithnoname             3            -               3             2             8             1
     46 Jagen78 jagenjg             4            -               3            -               7             1
     46 ULTRAFINE ultraslick            -               6            -               1             7             1
     48 LUNARHEAVEN ROBOTECHHEAVEN             3            -               3            -               6             1
     48 morgzcardiff MorgZ            -               6            -              -               6             1
     48 SleepWaker SleepWaking            -              -               6            -               6             1
     48 undertaker9999 NinjaBlade360            -               6            -              -               6             1
     52 Acevil Acevil            -              -               3             2             5             1
     52 FrodaddyG Frodaddyg            -               2             3            -               5             1
     52 LeafyBug07 outlawauron             5            -              -              -               5             1
     52 lynchit starcraft            -               5            -              -               5             1
     56 BD40 BD40             4            -              -              -               4             1
     56 dark lich13 darklich13            -              -              -               4             4             1
     58 Alcoholu Akbar badgenome            -              -               3            -               3             1
     58 King Eidilleg KingEidilleg            -              -               3            -               3             1
     58 LeaveLucktoMii ItsaMii            -              -               3            -               3             1
     58 rhisctastic rhisc            -              -               3            -               3             1
     62 FishyJoe G FishyJoe            -               2            -              -               2             1
     62 RaymonL Superray             1             1            -              -               2             1
     64 BengaBenga81 BengaBenga            -               1            -              -               1             1
     64 EL GEfe02 elgefe02            -               1            -              -               1             1
     64 Shern Foo EaglesEye379             1            -              -              -               1             1

Ronster316 said:

I'm with Eagles on this one.

A set start and finish means that seasons are the same length and it doesn't end when someone reaches a certain score.

If you go based on someone reaching a certain score then when does one season end and another season start?

When theres a dry spell of games that always a good time to end a season and wait 2/3 months until the next batch of big games arrive.

Plus, new league members will know when the best time is to join if they know a season is about up.

@ badgenome

Me? Disqualified? Again?

You could always get me banned from VGChartz on a weekly basis by saying you hate Sega and that all their franchises suck lol (I defend Sega like they are my own family )

@ Grahamhsu

I thought we were buddys?

I ain't playing no left 4 dead with you now

So what about a yearly reset?  Twice a year?

The key being that we will imortalize the standings somehow so that the effort was not for nothing...

Any ideas shouldn't be implemented until the next season. Thats just my 2 cents.


Neo, I don't know. I don't know what would balance or not balance things. I was just stating personal frustrations. The way you purposed would allow the lesser scorers to still feel as if they accomplished something but at the same time league points would hit 100 pretty quickly and overall that system would be much more work. I don't know about plats because someone might have a plat once second and lose it the next. I agree with seece about things staying like this for the rest of this season at least.

Last year the season ended when... December? There is usually a lull in games during late December, January and February. Almost every single game I've seen announced at e3 is either Fall 09 or Spring 10.