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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz 360 Gamerscore League

MontanaHatchet said:
Munkeh111 said:
@ montana, there are 1 or 2 others that I do these annoying horde achievements with, but I would be happy to join you

Yeah. Horde is so boring, but I think it would be more fun with Vgchartz members. All Fronts comes out in July, right?

Horde is especially boring when your with people who don't use their mics or don't use teamwork. And yeah All Fronts should be out in July.

Around the Network
MontanaHatchet said:
Munkeh111 said:
@ montana, there are 1 or 2 others that I do these annoying horde achievements with, but I would be happy to join you

Yeah. Horde is so boring, but I think it would be more fun with Vgchartz members. All Fronts comes out in July, right?

I think July 28th. I generally enjoy horde, but don't play it anymore because there is no DLC

mysticD passed me up to take the lead in Sacred 2!

I checked the night before and he had like 250 points, the next morning 405. Nice.

I tell you this though I am going to spend every waking minute I can playing Sacred 2 until the race ends. So I might not win but I sure as hell am going to make the rest of you work for it :P

So who's getting Prototype? Just wondering if there'll be a race for it too, I'm pretty much 1st day buy, haven't played a SandBox in a while.

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-

VGChartz 360 Gamerscore League
Gamerscore Rank True Achievement Rank League Rank MyGamerCard Leaderboard
  True Achievements Leaderboard League Rules  
Active Tournaments Platinum  Game Awards Current Hall of Fame Chartz
Potential Tournaments Platinum Games Past Hall of Fame Achievers of the Week
League Standings (FINAL 2009)        
Pos. Gamertag VGChartz ID Gamer
Weekly Gamerscore Total Wk Pts Tot League Pts
1 RONSTER316 Ronster316    107,346       330          -           187
2 oXTooShortXo Grahamhsu      34,264           -            -           125
3 IcingDeathWrath IcingDeathWrath      62,848          60          -           107
4 eNamrah eNamrah      37,930       380          -             76
5 Bknight2k bknight      25,934       430          -             70
6 BrainBoxLtd BrainBoxLtd      47,962          25          -             59
7 JPL78 JPL78      62,577       440          -             57
8 NeoRatt NeoRatt      51,102       500          -             56
9 Alcoholu Akbar badgenome      51,764           -            -             52
10 cameron12210 cameron12210      41,906    1,160           5           49
11 Wizardyo deadt0m      23,655           -            -             46
12 Gene Defect siren      47,560           -            -             40
12 VestmanX Carl2291      24,758           -            -             40
14 Captain Square CaptainDJ      29,295          20          -             34
14 KEURQUE SHMUPGurus      27,155       315          -             34
16 Machina22 Machina-AX      30,270       615          -             31
17 Lady Gaga FoSho shinyuhadouken      43,442       205          -             28
18 YO mUThEr yo_john117      26,637           -            -             25
19 Sgt Haggis sgthaggis      50,901           -            -             24
19 morgzcardiff MorgZ      33,618       485          -             24
19 blacksaber48 Blacksaber      14,684           -            -             24
22 Dynosaw seece      17,965       610          -             23
23 Adajio64 adajio      13,594    1,020           4           22
24 Erikers erikers      52,569          65          -             21
25 FrodaddyG Frodaddyg      26,636       285          -             19
25 ToastyJaguar ToastyJaguar      20,370       460          -             19
27 Captain Aussie Sol      28,100          70          -             17
28 gitanil gitanil      24,625       345          -             16
29 ULTRAFINE ultraslick      22,185       125          -             15
30 TheRedMessiah MrBubbles      32,190       330          -             14
30 Shern Foo EaglesEye379      22,370           -            -             14
32 Acevil Acevil      25,650       460          -             13
32 AntiqueGamer mysticD      23,928          20          -             13
32 Jim Duncan 666 timbh      14,935       610          -             13
32 rockstarjerry rockstarjerry89      13,613       931           3           13
36 RaymonL Superray      34,091           -            -             12
36 d21lewis d21lewis      18,400          80          -             12
36 charlesjunior De85      13,411          55          -             12
36 TurquiseNanaki Nanaki      11,830           -            -             12
36 Lorrac ESP Bitmap Frogs      11,785           -            -             12
41 Areseris areseris      76,688       405          -             11
41 Waymor Radstone Daddo Splat      55,084           -            -             11
41 Munkeh111 Munkeh111      15,340           -            -             11
41 strategykinq92 Strategykinq92      14,310    1,500           6           11
41 VehementAbyss roland32      11,405       370          -             11
46 reask reask      13,755           -            -             10
46 Ryan Glory GLoRySoGLoRy      11,920       735          -             10
48 Straight66 Straight66      53,467       645          -               9
48 ckmlb ckmlb      21,523           -            -               9
48 Kowenicki kowenicki      21,170          35          -               9
51 EL GEfe02 elgefe02      13,821           -            -               8
51 RSEagle RSEagle      13,325       210          -               8
53 Carjrix jrix      27,139       320          -               7
53 Tha KidGBx yungmagic09      22,681       310          -               7
53 NNN2004 NNN2004      21,570       160          -               7
56 CRIM3 MINIST3R Goddbless      41,432       285          -               6
56 King Eidilleg KingEidilleg      16,488           -            -               6
58 Dodece Dodece      14,243          10          -               5
58 Jessman Aus Jessman        8,808           -            -               5
60 Loko Moi MX Ari_Gold      31,152       780           2             4
60 MisterShine Mistershine      14,990          55          -               4
60 RetroKing1981 retroking1981      12,170           -            -               4
63 Bradison quarashi      14,275       770           1             3
63 DARK ASSASSIN76 Tigawoods      12,280       415          -               3
63 Jagen78 jagenjg      11,659       185          -               3
63 peterisyum peterisyum      10,815           -            -               3
63 Monti Cooper MontanaHatchet      10,135          55          -               3
63 FishyJoe G FishyJoe        5,375           -            -               3
69 chickenandrofls jasonnc80      41,561           -            -               2
69 Flayerr Flayer      41,210       110          -               2
69 MesoZombie mesoteto      25,588          45          -               2
69 BD40 BD40      24,831       150          -               2
69 dark lich13 darklich13      21,767       170          -               2
69 Quaker T Mr_Tee_      14,045           -            -               2
69 BALTOR33 SSSBALIMOR      10,650       275          -               2
77 Darc Requiem Darc Requiem      14,988          10          -               1
77 MeM Shura Shura        8,280           -            -               1

Around the Network

Looks like I stole a couple of the top spot things :)

Vesperia now requires 1000 points (I loved that game) to join me, and I am now at 365 on Sacred 2.  Who knows, I might just win my first Tourney.

360 Gamerscore League
Weekly #'s & Tournies GS Career GS Season Platinum  Game Awards
TA Leaderboard TA Career TA Season Platinum Games
MGC Leaderboard League Career League Season League Rules
NOTE: For all the links above to work you must set PROFILE > SETTINGS > PREFERENCES to 50 posts/page
League Standings - Career    
Rk. Gamertag VGChartz ID Total Lge Career Pts Pts to Next Rk
       1 RONSTER316 Ronster316        404            -  
       2 eNamrah eNamrah        297        107
       3 JPL78 JPL78        240           57
       4 oXTooShortXo Grahamhsu        161           79
       5 BrainBoxLtd BrainBoxLtd        153             8
       6 NeoRatt NeoRatt        150             3
       7 Erikers erikers        142             8
       8 IcingDeathWrath IcingDeathWrath        135             7
       9 Machina22 Machina-AX        119           16
     10 Bknight2k bknight        117             2
     11 Alcoholu Akbar badgenome        107           10
     12 Gene Defect siren        104             3
     12 SleepWaker SleepWaking        104             3
     14 TheRedMessiah MrBubbles           96             8
     15 Dynosaw seece           92             4
     16 Recon1O1 Recon1O1           91             1
     17 KEURQUE SHMUPGurus           85             6
     18 Adajio64 adajio           79             6
     19 chickenandrofls jasonnc80           73             6
     20 VehementAbyss roland32           72             1
     21 cameron12210 cameron12210           63             9
     22 VestmanX Carl2291           61             2
     23 DEEZ Fo Life shinyuhadouken           58             3
     24 Acevil Acevil           56             2
     25 morgzcardiff MorgZ           53             3
     26 Gerbasgamer Barozi           50             3
     27 NNN2004 NNN2004           49             1
     28 Wizardyo deadt0m           46             3
     29 YO mUThEr yo_john117           41             5
     30 Bradison quarashi           40             1
     31 Waymor Radstone Daddo Splat           39             1
     32 gitanil gitanil           37             2
     33 Areseris areseris           36             1
     33 FrodaddyG Frodaddyg           36             1
     33 rockstarjerry rockstarjerry89           36             1
     36 Berstuck Berstuck           31             5
     37 peterisyum peterisyum           30             1
     38 ULTRAFINE ultraslick           29             1
     39 CRIM3 MINIST3R Goddbless           27             2
     39 Ryan Glory GLoRySoGLoRy           27             2
     41 d21lewis d21lewis           26             1
     41 HomerRamone2084 HomerRamone           26             1
     41 Kowenicki kowenicki           26             1
     41 Shern Foo EaglesEye379           26             1
     41 ToastyJaguar ToastyJaguar           26             1
     46 Captain Aussie Sol           25             1
     47 blacksaber48 Blacksaber           24             1
     47 MesoZombie mesoteto           24             1
     49 strategykinq92 Strategykinq92           23             1
     50 Digital FEAR 94 elvacano80           21             2
     51 ckmlb ckmlb           20             1
     52 Carjrix jrix           19             1
     53 Jim Duncan 666 timbh           18             1
     54 EL GEfe02 elgefe02           17             1
     54 LORDMATRIX2004 LordMatrix           17             1
     54 RaymonL Superray           17             1
     57 Darc Requiem Darc Requiem           14             3
     57 Straight66 Straight66           14             3
     59 DARK ASSASSIN76 Tigawoods           13             1
     60 charlesjunior De85           12             1
     60 Gebx gebx           12             1
     60 Lorrac ESP Bitmap Frogs           12             1
     60 TurquiseNanaki Nanaki           12             1
     60 twesterm twesterm           12             1
     65 dark lich13 darklich13           11             1
     66 Jagen78 jagenjg           10             1
     66 LeafyBug07 outlawauron           10             1
     66 lynchit starcraft           10             1
     66 MeM Shura Shura           10             1
     66 reask reask           10             1
     71 Godotblend loves2splooge             9             1
     71 King Eidilleg KingEidilleg             9             1
     73 Cueil Cueil             8             1
     73 RSEagle RSEagle             8             1
     73 SEGADORK nathantay             8             1
     73 tkul815 themanwithnoname             8             1
     77 Daddy Keil Onyxmeth             7             1
     77 MisterShine Mistershine             7             1
     79 BD40 BD40             6             1
     79 Jessman Aus Jessman             6             1
     79 LUNARHEAVEN ROBOTECHHEAVEN             6             1
     79 Mr Killemgood mrstickball             6             1
     79 undertaker9999 NinjaBlade360             6             1
     84 FishyJoe G FishyJoe             5             1
     84 QuiGonTCB quigontcb             5             1
     84 RetroKing1981 retroking1981             5             1
     84 Zenfoldor ZenfoldorVGI             5             1
     88 Monti Cooper MontanaHatchet             4             1
     89 LeaveLucktoMii ItsaMii             3             1
     89 rhisctastic rhisc             3             1
     89 SciFiBoy SciFiBoy             3             1
     92 BALTOR33 SSSBALIMOR             2             1
     92 Flayerr Flayer             2             1
     92 josenieves1 josenieves1             2             1
     92 Quaker T Mr_Tee_             2             1
     96 BengaBenga81 BengaBenga             1             1
     96 panda4456 toastboy44562             1             1
     96 Rocket Man 1991 segajon             1             1

Some of you guys are achievement scoring beasts! If only I could stop playing Punch-Out and start playing Fight Night round 3, I could be in the top six for once........

Wow, I'm not surprised to see myself get 1000/1000 in BC already. I just love this game! xD

Oh, and nice to see that the Platinum Top of the Game Awards are fixed (I think?). I thought Bionic Commando Rearmed wasn't elligible for it anymore or something.

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!

Bionic Commando is one of the very very few games I play online on a daily basis (so much fun!), and it's the only online game I have with no online achievements! Go figure.