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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz 360 Gamerscore League

@d21lewis, I'm guessing if you were going to make a ninja turtles game one might focus on making a fun combat system. But its so floaty feeling in TMNT, you don't feel like you are connecting or anything. You just mash on the two different buttons and wipe everything out. You couldn't have said it better, "weak."

@Neo, what happened? I wondered why I didn't even make the TA list this week when I had gotten a ton of points from scoring a few different Game Room achievements. Did more people in the league start buying games or do you mean globally a bunch of people must have bought some games because overall the TA ratings have gone down? I'm a bit confused what happened. Congrats by the way on only needing one more achievement in it (I think..)

Around the Network

At one point my TA score was 50,589 until TA users started catching up on RDR. It dropped 650 in a day. Surprise! NeoRatt will know for sure but I think their userbase completion percentage affects the ratio and that affects the score. Also they seem to do periodic reevaluations on some titles or categories. I've been wrong before though.

JPL78 said:
@d21lewis, I'm guessing if you were going to make a ninja turtles game one might focus on making a fun combat system. But its so floaty feeling in TMNT, you don't feel like you are connecting or anything. You just mash on the two different buttons and wipe everything out. You couldn't have said it better, "weak."

@Neo, what happened? I wondered why I didn't even make the TA list this week when I had gotten a ton of points from scoring a few different Game Room achievements. Did more people in the league start buying games or do you mean globally a bunch of people must have bought some games because overall the TA ratings have gone down? I'm a bit confused what happened. Congrats by the way on only needing one more achievement in it (I think..)

Globally, the True Achievements went down like crazy for Game Room.  It was inevitable given the high ratio it was enjoying.

Yeah, I can't wait to the last achievement, but I need to get to level 22 and then 30 to get it...  (That's when enough themes unlock).

Recon1O1 said:
At one point my TA score was 50,589 until TA users started catching up on RDR. It dropped 650 in a day. Surprise! NeoRatt will know for sure but I think their userbase completion percentage affects the ratio and that affects the score. Also they seem to do periodic reevaluations on some titles or categories. I've been wrong before though.

You are correct, TA is based on number of people worldwide with the game and the achievements within the game.  They also seem to do manual adjustments periodically for some games.  Game Room must have been one of them because you have to buy content to get the achievements.

Hey Neo, you might not have to wait that long. If you notice they've already added 2 new themes with the game packs. If we get lucky they add some more.

I'm just hoping they don't take a month off before more packs.

Around the Network

I will fix the league links when I do the update later this week.

(I really hate this new format)...

EDIT:  Actually right now it looks like I'm screwed.  The old site used to allow me to view a specific post simply by putting a URL in.  This new one doesn't seem to have that option.  I'll see what I can do but my patience and optimism with this site is wearing thin.

Yeah this sucks.

JPL78 said:

Yeah this sucks.

I have put a hyperlink at the top of the first page of the thread so that you can quickly get to the last page of posts.

But, I am really screwed so far.  I have figured out what I need to put in the URLs to get to the posts...  But, I can't find the information from existing posts.

And I posted on ioi's wall to get help and it has not been responded to yet.  I couldn't PM him, because something is not working for me to message anyone.

I'm trying to get this in order. (At least usable enough, to continue later this week)

I have the 1st page links working properly.

IMPORTANT NOTE:  Set your preferences in your profile to 50 posts per page for them to work!

I will fix the other links when I get some time...

360 Gamerscore League
GS Career TA Career League Career TA Leaderboard
GS Season TA Season League Season MGC Leaderboard
GS Weekly TA Weekly League Weekly League Rules
Active Tournaments 2009 Hall of Fame Platinum  Game Awards  
Potential Tournaments Past Hall of Fame Platinum Games  
NOTE: For all the links above to work you must set PROFILE > SETTINGS > PREFERENCES to 50 posts/page

Not really digging vgchartz v3.0, especially the forum.  I suppose it looks more professional than v2.0, but the old color scheme of grey/black was easier on the eyes.

@NeoRatt, would it have been easier to just start a new thread?  Thanks for taking the time to fix the links.  I woke up this morning, saw the new format and your post and figured the league was done. 

Btw I hate that posts don't give the actual time they were posted.  They just say '2 days ago' or '1 hour ago.'  Lame.