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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz 360 Gamerscore League

MINOR ACHIEVEMENT SPOILERS: Nothing that should ruin the game for you.

JPL78: Even grazing someone's horse or bumping into them seems to make them go 'wild west' on you. The honor (sp) won't be a problem long term. I got the full honor and fame achievement then worked up a $5k bounty for the pardon achievement and still had full honor again before deleting and starting from scratch.

The gs for the pistol and rifle achievements (shotty isn't a separate cat, duh) and the secret ones for completing campaign missions will start adding up as you progress. Fort Mercer and El Precidio are 40 or 50 but there are 240 pts. tied up in 3 late story missions.

Plug away at the 100 gs for sp completion with Challenge and Stranger missions and use the 'Track' button in the Outfits menu or it will feel like a lot of work later. Other than that it's nickel and dime stuff. Not hard but time consuming. Easier when you're buffed. Break three horses, all gang hideouts in 24 hrs etc. can't be done till late game anyway.

The gold medal for combat was harder than I thought. You can replay in stats/missions once for speed, then accuracy and again for headshots rather than trying to be perfect. I still don't have the mounted weapon ach. Retried the three missions that should have added to my total a dozen times but no paso nada muchacho.

I'll leave online for someone who knows but a few sites have said you would need 500 mounted weapon kills in mp alone as they are considered as a separate category? Odd.

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d21lewis: I didn't know there was a separate disc and couldn't believe I had to do all that for 250gs. That really was a workout but I did enjoy the scenery. That sounded sexist.

NeoRatt: Is there any way to share that plat? We both put in the same amount of effort but his counts as two games, one of which doesn't have the 20 owners for plat status. So much for leaving you alone.

Recon1O1 said:
d21lewis: I didn't know there was a separate disc and couldn't believe I had to do all that for 250gs. That really was a workout but I did enjoy the scenery. That sounded sexist.

NeoRatt: Is there any way to share that plat? We both put in the same amount of effort but his counts as two games, one of which doesn't have the 20 owners for plat status. So much for leaving you alone.

Technically, you do have the higher score.  No need for Neo to do any extra work.  It just sucks that Crystal Dynamics decided to do that.  And, when I bought "Lost and Damned" for the 360, I expected it to have 1000gs, too!! Imagine my surprise.  It gives the same amount as the dlc!!!

@JPL, you receive 350gs from simply completing the story. 75gs from completing the hideouts in sp. You can unlock another 425gs in sp from doing other stuff. The remaining 150gs is in mp.

@Recon1O1, unfortunately there aren't enough opportunities to rack up 500 kills using mounted guns in sp, replaying missions won't add to the kill count, so you need to grind it out in mp. I'm not looking forward to that achievement.

Thanks guys. Yeah I don't mind the time consuming stuff because it feels almost like an RPG. I know its not, but I can't help but being reminded of Oblivion and WoW when I'm riding the horse. I guess I need to do the optional stuff I haven't done yet. I was going to go back and do it, when you finish the story can you continue sandbox? Is there anything I would or might do that would mess up my chances at earning achievements without going back through?

On a side note about odd gamerscore from disks, the AC/DC Rockband expansion is a retail disk, yet it only has 200 gamerscore I think. Which is weird because it doesn't consider it extra gamerscore for Rockband it just treats it as its own game and it is a stand alone disk not requiring Rock Band at all. But I was fairly positive separate disks had to have a full 1000 gamerscore.

And on the "Game of the Year" and "Gold" editions I've started to realize a frustration... you just get the codes for download. So, basically you're buying the regular game disk with a code and a new wrapper. Seems skeezy, isn't the point of those editions to appeal to people who couldn't download the DLC to begin with? Also if you buy an edition like that for full price, its only worth pennies at Gamestop because they just consider it as the regular game, which really, codes aside, it is.

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@JPL, you can sandbox after the story. As for missing anything, I think the only achievement you can miss is the one for completing 20 consecutive missions with the same horse. I'm not sure if having your horse killed affects the achievement.

Damn, I lost my Stallion when it decided it would come greet the nice lady who was about to be run over by a train. Actually, I would probably play through this again its such a blast.

Its funny when you find two escaped criminals, go out of your way not to kill them, tie them up and return them, only to have the lawman promptly shoot them both in the head and go running off. So, he can do that, no problem and if I sneeze wrong I lose honor.

Also, fair warning to other league members. I'm doing the TMNT thing this week, if you want Gamerscore league points you're going to need at least 1,000 points.

Let me defend myself by saying I was an avid turtles fan growing up, owned all the toys, watched all the movies and t.v. and played all the games. I actually wanted to play TMNT since it came out but the negative taboo it received for its achievements turned me off. Well screw that I had to try it.

What a shitty game... bad graphics, boring fighting, bad platforming, no camera control, uneven audio levels. I didn't think it was possible for Ubi Montreal to make a bad game. I was wrong. Also an absolute lack of Sarah Michelle Gellar as April so far.

JPL78 said:
Also, fair warning to other league members. I'm doing the TMNT thing this week, if you want Gamerscore league points you're going to need at least 1,000 points.

Let me defend myself by saying I was an avid turtles fan growing up, owned all the toys, watched all the movies and t.v. and played all the games. I actually wanted to play TMNT since it came out but the negative taboo it received for its achievements turned me off. Well screw that I had to try it.

What a shitty game... bad graphics, boring fighting, bad platforming, no camera control, uneven audio levels. I didn't think it was possible for Ubi Montreal to make a bad game. I was wrong. Also an absolute lack of Sarah Michelle Gellar as April so far.

Ugh.  That game was so weak.  Like you, I was a big fan of the Turtles.  I wanted this game because it was described as "Prince of Persia" with a Ninja Turtle twist.  Turns out it was "Prince of Persia" with a twist of shit.  It was a Wii game ported to the 360 with the exact same textures and achievements added.  I got it for $5, though.  Not bad for 4 hours of work and 1000gs.

I just noticed that the True Achievements score for Game Room took a beating this week... went from over 8,000 to 4,000.... Guess I won't have a hope of winning the weekly TA!

I just managed to get my way through the season of Split Second. Great ideas, well executed, but I felt as-if the AI was cheating sometimes. And the Detonator season detonator races require a near perfect run...

Oh well, on to Alan Wake again... Episode 2 here I come.