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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz 360 Gamerscore League

I joined today but I am not there I probably missed the update.
Nice work btw.





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3rd place for the week ^_^ I should get all the achievements for Lego Batman after today...

Former something....

lol at me being 51st place, 51st place last week, and 51st place in weekly rank.

And I need to brag about me being 2nd on the Tales of Vesperia area!

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

That took awhile but just got all 1000 Points on Lego Batman

Former something....

Just updated the tournaments...

Outrun Online Arcade has 5 owners...

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Hey I just noticed there is no joining instructions info anymore. Neoratt, would you like to put it back in right at the top so people know how to join?

EaglesEye379 said:
Hey I just noticed there is no joining instructions info anymore. Neoratt, would you like to put it back in right at the top so people know how to join?


 Fixed.  The processor that drives the mouse and keyboard had a malfunction.

Hehe ok. I still tell people just to add VGChartz2009 or VGChartz2009b and post their Gamertag but I can also add to PM you. I can understand you need to ensure they qualify but I think its easier just to delete anyone if they dont.

EaglesEye379 said:
Hehe ok. I still tell people just to add VGChartz2009 or VGChartz2009b and post their Gamertag but I can also add to PM you. I can understand you need to ensure they qualify but I think its easier just to delete anyone if they dont.

It is most important to PM me on this site...  I then make the Live friends request to them based on if VGChartz2009 has 100 friends... If less then 100 friends I make the friends request from VGChartz2009...  If VGChartz2009 has 100 friends I make the request from VGChartz2009b.


ok, looking for some more help here. Anyone know of a good website where they split the achievements into groups if they are part of an add-on. Like burnout paradise has 3 extra DLC packs and each comes with their own achievements, so I'm looking for a website that keeps them separated rather than in just 1 long list.

I know where to find the equivalent for PS3, but not for X360

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
In the past we played games. In the future we watch games. - Forest-Spirit
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