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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz 360 Gamerscore League

Torillian said:
My sig describes what I dislike about fanboys, you called responding to you in a thread fanboys. How can you not see the difference?

You cannot directly insult people, which you did when you said "I can't believe how defensive and serious Sony fanboys are about their console... I clearly poked fun at MS, Sony, Activision, and EA and you guys still put the Sony Defense Force capes on and go on the attack... Sony is God... Sony is God... All hail Sony..."

Are you trying to tell me this wasn't directed at the person who just responded to you exactly in the manner you described in the reply?

How do I know your signature wasn't indirectly referencing me?  I obviously took offense to it...  But it only counts when you think it is wrong.

Would it be the same if you changed "fanboys" to "console b-tches" in your signature?  Fanboy is not an insulting or bad word it is a noun in the english language.  You are moderating people for using proper nouns.  I could see if it was slang, or a profanity, but it is a standard noun.  Do you moderate everyone who describes other people with proper nouns?

Webster's dictionary online:


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what it means in the dictionary is absolutely immaterial as far as the site's rules go. The site says that fanboy is an insult and therefore I moderate it as such. Simple as that.


Please reinstate my NeoRatt ID.

okie doke, old account back, alt one gone.


I would like to apologize to everyone in the league for the events over the past few days. Although I feel strongly on principle that I should not have been moderated, I do realize there are rules and I must abide by them however pathetically wrong I feel they are.

PS: Feel free to call me a fanboy at anytime. I will not report you no matter what side of the console war you are on.

Regularly scheduled updates will continue... I'll just avoid adventures into other threads from now on...

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Also, I have to straighten out the friends of VGChartz2009 and 2009b...

Please be patient while I do this and accept friends removals and requests as they happen on XBox Live.

By the way, the major reason I have come back is simply the league. Carl2291's comment about this week being CoD week went straight to my heart strings.

PS: CoD is a full point tournament...

NeoRatt said:
Also, I have to straighten out the friends of VGChartz2009 and 2009b...

Please be patient while I do this and accept friends removals and requests as they happen on XBox Live.

By the way, the major reason I have come back is simply the league. Carl2291's comment about this week being CoD week went straight to my heart strings.

PS: CoD is a full point tournament...>=&g=966&z=&c=&x=77&y=5

Yay welcome back Neo! I came quite close to leaving VGChartz =P. Also a thank you to Carl for playing with Neo's heart, thus enchanting him back to the chartz.

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-

Neo, I will speak from my personal experience. I dont think you have a chance to win this one even if you are right (I dont know the details). I have been warned for a retarded reason once. I was angry to the point of punching someone. All I did Was post "I like Pizza" on the thread "Is Sakaguchi HAPPY at Mistwalker? If Not....should he return to S-E & FF?". It was one of those idiotic threads with the purpose of 1) making VG$, 2) starting flamewars or 3) plain stupidity. My post was a reference to another thread where ioi and other guys derailed a thread with I like pizza posts (it was a one of those monthly misunderstandings new users make about VGC numbers). I got warned because I made a off topic post. The problem is that I did indeed make a off topic post.

My point is that if you have the rules against you there is nothing you can do. Now I know some mods enforce the rules in a arbitrary manner. For example, misleading titles are against the rules. Even so there are a billion threads that have ellipsis. That is against the rules. Do mods do something? Try making a thread "GT has inferior tech than Forza 3" or "Uncharted 2 MP is better than Halo 3", then on the OP write "At least IMO. What do you think? Discuss". You will be warned for misleading title in less than a second. If someone reports you or the mod is part of one faction (one of the fanboys) there is nothing you can do. It sucks and a lot of people get away with much worse. I use insults much worse than fanboy all the time, even so I only got moderated twice, one for saying Halo 3 is a shitty game and another for a off topic post. In the worst case scenario a mod that has something against you will not have any trouble finding any kind of proof you violated the rules (everyone does). In the best case scenario someone might report you and the mod must follow the rules.

What you can do is report to a higher authority these assymetrical moderations. Like someone that only make flamebait threads get no warnings and someone that calls him on it in a insulting manner (like calling him fanboy) get banned. Or how one mod punishes members of other factions much more frequently.

If there is a good reason for you to be on the VGC boards, try to swallow your pride and just get unbanned. I mean that even if you are right in principles, you will have to agree to those rules.

Satan said:

"You are for ever angry, all you care about is intelligence, but I repeat again that I would give away all this superstellar life, all the ranks and honours, simply to be transformed into the soul of a merchant's wife weighing eighteen stone and set candles at God's shrine."

Too late. Welcome back.

Satan said:

"You are for ever angry, all you care about is intelligence, but I repeat again that I would give away all this superstellar life, all the ranks and honours, simply to be transformed into the soul of a merchant's wife weighing eighteen stone and set candles at God's shrine."

Best news today, welcome back Neo buddy, we are back in business...........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!