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Forums - General Discussion - The Everything WWE Thread

tastyshovelware said:
tastyshovelware said:

btw, wtf is up with mark henry????


What about him?


 he's fat,slow and boring.  Why the wwe stuck him in the M in the B is beyond me

I think he's actually not bad for a guy his size. However, I completely agree that he should not be in this match, especially when the wwe has R Truth, the Kendrick, and Bourne in their back pockets with nothing to do.

Speaking of which, the wwe needs a third tag. Earlier in this thread I said there was only one tag team worth watching (miz and morrison). Apparently the wwe feels the same. The only team they've faced as of late (no matter which program you watch) are carlito and primo (who are fairly entertaining). 

So, my question to you is, what team could the wwe throw together to make you believe that either of these teams will ever drop their belts?

crime time are pretty good, but i dunno if they've been getting too much tv time as of late



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soon enough, cryme time will have the tag team titles. Its been a while since we had african american tag team champions. I really thought bobby lashley was going to be the first wwe champion since the rock but i was wrong. Not to sound racist but i love to see another african american become wwe champion. I hope shelton benjamin will get a huge push.


I would like to see Cryme Tyme, R. Truth, and Shelton Benjamin (as the leader) form a faction. It could be interesting if done right.

Snake612 said:
soon enough, cryme time will have the tag team titles. Its been a while since we had african american tag team champions. I really thought bobby lashley was going to be the first wwe champion since the rock but i was wrong. Not to sound racist but i love to see another african american become wwe champion. I hope shelton benjamin will get a huge push.

It's not quite the same, but kofi was 1/2 of the tag champs not too long ago.

I don't know about cryme tyme getting the belts. It could happen but it's clear the wwe feels they aren't on the same level as m&m since they have lost in several title matches. I would love a christian/jericho reunion but that's not happening any time soon. A hardy reunion seems like a good idea once the current story line becomes water under the bridge. 

oh, and I wouldn't be surprised if m&m faced off against c&p in a match at mania 25 where both titles were on the line. A ladder match with those four would be awfully entertaining. 

Spoiler Alert: Raw Recap

So, Raw was ok.


Re-cap of the affair/title angle from last monday between edge, big show, vicky, and cena.

micaels and undertaker beat koslov and jbl in a match that saw shawn steal the pin after undertaker had the match well in hand. Taker took some chin music for his troubles. The match was ok. Koslov continues to be.... eh. Michaels, Taker, and JBL continue to be fine but all past their prime. Setting up some good Mania drama.

Re-cap of Taker taking sweet chin music.

Promo: Edge forgives vicky for all she's done. Edge tells her Show is trying to use her. Good stuff.

Re-cap of Ortan HHH fued.

Ortan promo.... eh. I felt a little violated watching it.

Match: Beth Phoenix, Jillian, Layla vs Kelly Kelly, Mickie James, Melina. A total of 1 (one) tag. It lasted like 4 minutes. Sloppy stuff. Santino doing commentary, always better then michael cole.

12 rounds promo.

Re-cap of Ortan HHH fued.

Match: HHH and his 2 minute entrance. I do appreciate his lack of pyro. He beat on Cody Rhodes for the span of about 6 minutes that saw Rhodes land 0 (zero) offense. A cage began to descend about 2 minutes into the match. A prelude to HHH vs. Ortan hell in the cell? Me thinks yes. It wasn't much, but there were some neat moments of Trips using Rhodes to knock Ortan and Dibiase off the cage. Rhodes, btw, needs more then one expression. Everyone in Legacy does for that matter. 

Interlude: Shoot of Ric Flair entering the arena.

Match: Rey Rey vs. dolph ziggler. Good physical match where both men basically scored 2 straight minutes of offense each. I wish dolph was more then just a jobber. Rey won after a suicide splash of sorts. Apparently he's out to challenge JBL for the IC title at Mania. A little out of the blue, but I'd watch it.

Promo: Jericho cut a good if expected promo calling out Flair. Flair (thank goodness) informed Chris that his retirement stood but recruited Jimmy Snuka, Roddy Piper, and Steamboat to extract revenge. It all resulted in.... Jericho taking a straight right by Flair after attempting to retreat. It was fine.

Re-cap of Mania 15. A reminder that the 'brawl for all' tournament was awful.

Promo: Get this, Jericho officially challenges Jimmy Snuka (65), Roddy Piper (54), and Steamboat (56) to a handicap match at Mania. He requests that Flair (60) stand in their corner and Mickey Rourke (56) have a front row seat. Fuck you wwe.

Match: Now for the huge mess of a 6 man tag: So, right off the bat, 2 things are hugely apparent. First, there are 5 face wrestlers and 3 heels in the Money in the Bank Challenge. Hence why this was a 6 man tag and not an 8 man tag. Damn you wwe. So who were the odd men out? Finley and, you guessed it, Christian. But don't worry, they were on commentary. You know who else was on commentary? Hornswoggle. Listening to those 5 was so bad that I couldn't focus on the match which was only ok to begin with. Kofi, Punk, and MVP beat Shelton, Kane, and Henry after punk hit the JTS on Shelton. Get this, after the match cole said "CM punk is rolling!" Really? He lost the IC title last week.

12 rounds promo

Promo: Vicky and Big Show. Show refers to himself as "anatomically superior to edge." The plot thickens.

Re-cap (again) of Taker taking sweet chin music. A run down of the Mania card so far.

Re-cap: Trips beating down down Rhodes.

Promo: How did Trips have that cage lower? Hello Stephanie

Match: Cena vs. Edge with Vicky as guest ref. Good use of story telling. Vicky jumps on Edge to save him from the 5-knuckle shuffle. After she stands (which had to happen eventually) we get to hear cole say "Cena taking advantage." After Show comes down and helps to dismantle Cena, you get the feeling that the wwe may have just swerved your ass. But no, Edge hits the spear on Show.


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mnm? they broke up? what are you talking about?


i love edge, you know raw couldn't end without him spearing someone


pffffff jericho deserves a good match at wm. And i hope either hhh vd orton or the triple threat match go nodq. that would make them great


that vickie guererro storyline is wrestlecrap worthy, I wanted to shoot myself when everyone was professing their love for her.

spdk1 said:
that vickie guererro storyline is wrestlecrap worthy, I wanted to shoot myself when everyone was professing their love for her. <-funny site check it out.


its not as bad as the paul bearer zombie one or when DX got sent to jail for ilegal drug possesion and escaped by beating the crap out of the whole jail personel.