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I know she's hard to work with, but I gotta say again, I love awesome kong.

Maybe it's cause there are so few, if any, woman wrestlers that size. Like if you saw a guy Andre the giant's size for the first time.

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It's awesome that she's getting turned face now, she can kind of be like Brock Lesnar where he was a heel but everyone cheered.

Smackdown last Friday was one of the best episodes I have seen in many months. There was one moment especially when Shelton Benjamin hit John Morrison with a RIDICULOUS boot to the face.

The clap that shoe made on his jaw caused stunning impact.


80 points! Randy Orton is cleaning house, and Jeff Hardy being #1 contender only helps me in the long run hehe Shelton and Morrison fought each other, so I end up winning somehow. Santino is giving a few points as well.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

I thought Smackdown was REALLY good, too! Some of the best work I've seen in a while. Shelton, CM Punk, Morrison, and Edge made that show. The 4-way was good too, but predictable.

spdk1 said:
here is an example of John Cena hate at an extreme:

especially with the shirt throw and the punch trading....LOL


I own the PPV and it was epic,there was one that said"If Cena wins we riot."

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Anyone saw Hatton vs. Pacquiao boxing match? Batista walked Manny to the ring and stayed in his corner during the fight.


Personally i think WWE got a lot better in 2009, last year was very dissapoiting now i think the business is moving again in a right direction. Recent matches have been good, i just hope Jericho (my favourite) will get into some sort of rivalarly with TAker on Smackdown that could be absolutely epic.

Smackdown is exactly what it should be at the moment. Raw has the headliner/money makers and smack down has the young exciting talent who have had trouble getting their breaks. I love jericho and edge as top heels. I love how there are 10 guys on that roster who could be given the smack down strap.

As for one night stand II. When I first saw it, I thought it was crap. I was like, this isn't ECW. Angle vs Ortan? WTF? Angle turned down his shot to work for the real ECW when it was around. The crowd was full of nothing but marks and wwe fans who got into ECW late into it's run. That all being said, I do like the show more in retrospect. I've come to be ok with the fact that the new ECW is ECW by name only. And there were some good matches as well.

Speaking of good matches. Recently, Cena has been doing some good work. His no finish match against Jericho a week back was great.

^^ edge and mick foley vs terry funk and tommy dreamer was pretty damn good, but the rest of the matches kind of sucked. by ONS 3 ecw was gone and dead, its corpse being merrily raped by vince. Sad stuff


Various notes/whatever from recent wwe stuff:

Gold dust looked in much better shape on last weeks raw. I'd say he's dropped at least 20 lbs since re-debuting at cyber sunday last year.

The miz killed it on the mic today. Did a very attitude-era smark style promo. Loved it. Cena came down and did his part selling his injuries. Show spent an eternity beating him down. My question? Why didn't all this end with the miz scoring a pin fall victory?

I wonder, in the fictional world of pro wrestling booking, what Batista's character is doing while a defenseless Cena is getting his ass beat. Getting vain injections maybe.

I'll admit it, I like Batista's intro. I can't help it.

Speaking of Batista, he did his part to no sell to Ted Dibiase. He did like 9 wiggle-legged shoulder thrusts into the corner. What an awful move.

Shane, bless him, better not appear on tv for at least 6 months. In fact no mcmahon should. I say this for a couple reasons. First, I'm sick of Ortan/mcmahon recaps. Remember the hundred times Ortan has taken out members of the mcmahon family? Well, in case you forgot, here's a recap of every single time! The only time it was any good was Steph taking a DDT off the middle rope. Second, Shane just can't keep standing toe to toe with main eventers every week. He should do nothing more then fight upper mid carders at a ppv once in a great while.

I've been meaning to say this for awhile, every day I don't see hornswoggle is a good day. I understand why he's around, I just wish he wasn't.

BTW, in case it wasn't obvious at this point, Dreamer will undoubtedly appear/lose in a hardcore style match for the ECW title at extreme rules (aka. one night stand). When he announced in January that he would retire in June if he didn't win the ECW title, I figured it would all add up to an extreme rules title shot. So it's a little odd that Christian has the strap. Makes me think he's going to lose it in 2 weeks. Personally, though I think Dreamer lacks any real in ring skills, he should have gotten 2 shots at the strap. A standard match at Judgement day and an "in his element" hardcore match at extreme rules. He would lose both and go out on a good enough note.

"every day I don't see hornswoggle...."

I totally agree, but I laughed my ass off, the other day when he peaked up "Santina's" skirt and ran away in terror!

Anyway, where's HBK? I guess Wrestlemania took more out of him than we thought.