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spdk1 said:
I didn't get to see Mania because 55 bucks is a bit steep for a PPV, ...

You're going to hate me for this but here's how I watched Wrestlemania. I went to Knights of Columbus with some friends, which was hosting the event. There was a room full of wrestling fans, three huge televisions, surround sound, all you can eat hot dogs, hamburgers, curly fries and chicken tenders freshly grilled, and all you can drink beer until the event ended.

The buy in? $20. It costs me more than that to drink Heineken(which was what they were serving me) at the bar, and no food or Wrestlemania comes with that shit. Fun night.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

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^ good call! Missouri is a BIG wrestling state, so I bet there is someplace that does something like this....I may have to look into that in the future.

spdk1 said:
^ good call! Missouri is a BIG wrestling state, so I bet there is someplace that does something like this....I may have to look into that in the future.

At the very least you should have a local sports bar hosting the event, and the customary buy-in would probably be a two drink minimum. I get into free comedy shows like that all the time. Unfortunately for me, two drinks is NEVER enough.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

I expect a CM Punk heel turn (He was great as a heel in OVW), I expect JBL to go back to announcing, I think Hunter and Orton will fued a bit longer ( Hell in a Cell at Backlash?), and I think Matt and Jeff will reconcile. Time will tell.

I watched 'Mania on, and thought this years edition was pretty lackluster for the supposed Superbowl of pro wrestling.

The best moments were probably the MITB affair, Santinos comedy spot (even if I loathe the fact that a womens wrestling is beneath even joke characters like him now), and the Jericho/Legends encounter. Honestly, I would've taken a Jericho/Steamboat-match instead of the handicap one if I knew how impressive Steamboat still is in the ring. And yes, Taker/Michaels is one of these, though not to the extent people claim.

I get why most people creamed their pants over the Taker/HBK -affair, but I didn't really like it that much. The first 15-20 minutes or so were pretty good "Big Mania Match" - stuff with things like Michaels breaking the Gogoplata, Takers suicide dive which nearly killed him, etc. The second half of the match had me barely staying awake.

If they had ended it with the rope flip - Tombstone spot, the match would've been better structured as a whole, more compact and still leaving the crowd vivid for the rest of the card without losing any value from the fight itself. Instead the match devolved into a nearfall-whoring spotfest that not only exhausted the crowd, but added a buttload of pointless crap to it and really devalued the match IMO. I mean, it was still good and the best match on the card - which really says more about the other matches than this one - but I don't see the mother of all matches in this one like most people do at the moment.

And oh yeah, Triple H managed to completely kill the ME by himself. Orton was constantly doing his best Satan-impression to desperately try to portray himself as a royal fucktard and get HHH some face heat, and HHH just didn't get it. Then again, why would he? The fact that he's a McMahon now doesn't change anything if he refuses to act like it, and Triple H was still pulling the same bastard heel-thingy he always does. And the ending was so predictable, decisive and so Triple H-y that Ortons credibility will have to be excavated from the Earths core after that one.

Warning: The preceding message may or may not have included sarcasm, cynicism, irony, full stops, commas, slashes, words, letters, sentences, lines, quotes,  flaeed  gramar, cryptic metaphors or other means of annoying communication. Viewer discretion is/was strongly advised.

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taker vs micheals was art. Matt versusu jeff was dramatic and entertaining, and hardcore. Triple threat match was a riot. Money in the bank was money in the bank, and jbl rey misterio was really surprising, and they turned a craptastic match into something groundbreaking and historic. Jerichos match was great, even though i wasn't too interested, and mickey rourkes boxing segment at the end was prettty bad ass. The only match I didnt like was the orton trips. Every move was predictable to the core except maybe for trips's punt, which managed to surprise me. The rest of the match was at vengeance or unforgiven level, but not up to WM standards. Ortons a good heel though


I hope the tag-team division is given some spotlight now. There is room for it on Smackdown without Khali and Kozlov getting airtime.

It is a shame HHH ruined Wrestlemania like you guys said. I just wish different people had the title instead of him every single year.

Undertaker went 5 years without Heavyweight gold but his charisma proved that he was a star otherwise. HHH needs the belt or else he is just not interesting.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."


yeah, it's amazing the difference between guys like HHH and Hogan and guys like rick flair, shawn michaels, chris jericho, and yes, even guys like undertaker. Guys who are just over and don't need the strap. The longer the undertaker stays in the business, the more I'm impressed. He's 6'9+ 300+ lbs and can still move, still work a convincing 20, 25, 30 minute match. He is probably the most consistently over guy in the business over the last 2 decades.

That being said, we all know HHH can work, it's just a shame that (from what I hear) he chose to phone it in on the biggest night of the year.

Undertaker is like 46-47 too.

Shawn Michaels is hands down one of the top 3. Hisin-ring PERFORMANCEisalways good to watch when he has the right opponent.

When he fights guys too big for him, he's a high-flying, high-octane scrapper.

When he fights guys around his size,he pulls out the standard arsenal,but is still fun to watch.

When he is fighting a technical wrestler, he gets technical. He is one of, if not the, all-around best wrestlers ever. I see the effort he puts into every match.

I just wish, they gave him a title already, even though he doesn't need it. HHH surely doesn't either, but yet he has it.

It is about time the younger guys start getting into the title picture. The is a dearth in charisma so WWE should (not need, but should) have more people in the title hunt with a legitimate chance to make up for that dearth. John Cena with the title again, really? I know he hasn't had it in a while, so he can have it now, but Ken Kennedy or Shelton Benjamin or Jeff Hardy (for more than a month) should have at least the World Heavyweight Championship around now.

Let them prove they are more than midcard, because people could change with a title. Often times, they prove themselves and get better.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

SaviorX said:
Undertaker is like 46-47 too.

Shawn Michaels is hands down one of the top 3. Hisin-ring PERFORMANCEisalways good to watch when he has the right opponent.

When he fights guys too big for him, he's a high-flying, high-octane scrapper.

When he fights guys around his size,he pulls out the standard arsenal,but is still fun to watch.

When he is fighting a technical wrestler, he gets technical. He is one of, if not the, all-around best wrestlers ever. I see the effort he puts into every match.

I just wish, they gave him a title already, even though he doesn't need it. HHH surely doesn't either, but yet he has it.

It is about time the younger guys start getting into the title picture. The is a dearth in charisma so WWE should (not need, but should) have more people in the title hunt with a legitimate chance to make up for that dearth. John Cena with the title again, really? I know he hasn't had it in a while, so he can have it now, but Ken Kennedy or Shelton Benjamin or Jeff Hardy (for more than a month) should have at least the World Heavyweight Championship around now.

Let them prove they are more than midcard, because people could change with a title. Often times, they prove themselves and get better.

WHAT!!  He won the title for the last two years (VS. Edge and Batista) at Wrestlemania!