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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Where is all the media hype for Nintendo's Lineup?

noname2200 said:
Chill, dude. It's possible that most of the major gaming sites won't ever take the Wii seriously. No loss: just go to the ones that do, and let the rest go on their merry way.

And in all honesty, Nintendo itself likely has a role to play in this as well. They don't seem to advertise as much on those sites as other, comparably-sized publishers, and more importantly they're not as open to journalists as other publishers.

They keep the cards close to their vests, granting fewer interviews/previews/media access for almost all their games. Is it any surprise that sites will focus on all the new stuff that other publishers are giving them? Shoot, the only time in recent memory that Nintendo was going to all the gaming sites with a steady stream of new info was with Brawl, and they got plenty of coverage there.

And before you ask why third-party games don't get similar treatment, you have to realize that AAA third-party games are rare on the system. Additionally The Conduit IS getting plenty of coverage. Granted, most of it is on IGN, but then again they seem to be giving IGN most of the exclusive info., so that's not too surprising.

And off-topic, but that sig is so...hypnotic...

Term AAA is stupid >_>

On Topic: Thats not a resonable excuse. The Wii isnt as dried up on quality games as everyone thinks it is. Also High Voltage has been more than happy to give info on their games Im pretty sure its just IGN that puts any effort into getting it. Hell the first Evasive Space trailer they gave to

Where are all the stories for info release on Arc Rise Fantasia? Monster Hunter 3? The Conduit?

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Becuase Nintendo never tells us to last week, when was the last time we got info on S&P2

--OkeyDokey-- said:
HD console have big sequels to acclaimed franchises like God of War, Final Fantasy, Gran Turismo and Resident Evil on the horizon. At the moment, Wii just has nothing like that coming up.
You seriously think Fragile and The Conduit deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as those games?

Theres this whole argument about gamers only wanting sequels and its true.....Ive learned this in 1 year.

Why shouldnt new fresh IP get the same kind of treatment as these establish franchise? I find new IP a hell of alot more interesting than the 3rd 4th or 13th! version of a game.

I was reading up more on Mirror's Edge and Valkyria Chronicles for example then I was any sequel last year.


Valkyria00 said:

Term AAA is stupid >_>

On Topic: Thats not a resonable excuse. The Wii isnt as dried up on quality games as everyone thinks it is. Also High Voltage has been more than happy to give info on their games Im pretty sure its just IGN that puts any effort into getting it. Hell the first Evasive Space trailer they gave to

Where are all the stories for info release on Arc Rise Fantasia? Monster Hunter 3? The Conduit?

"Big-Budget, A-team game" then. Call it what you want, you know what I mean.

And we appear to be talking past each other. The major gaming sites only have so many writers/resources, so they naturally devote most of their time/attention to the AAA..."Big-Budget, A-team game(s)." Isn't that what you would do? And while I'm definitely looking forward more to the Wii's lineup than I am to the HD lineup, I'm not going to lie to myself and say that most of the people who visit gaming sites care as much as Monster Hunter or Arc Rise (or Little King's Story ) as much as they care about Resident Evil/Killzone/Halo etc. They'd care plenty if Nintendo pulled back the curtain a bit, because Nintendo routinely makes "Big-Budget, A-team game(s)," but they ain't talking much nowadays.

As to High Voltage, they do talk to everyone, but from what I've read they (completely understandably) give the IGN team first dibs on all new info. They'd be dicks not to, to be honest. And if you're a rival site, would you give center stage to info that IGN broke last week? I sure as hell wouldn't.

And on a side-note, I'm going back to "AAA games." Less unweidly.

Valkyria00 said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:
HD console have big sequels to acclaimed franchises like God of War, Final Fantasy, Gran Turismo and Resident Evil on the horizon. At the moment, Wii just has nothing like that coming up.
You seriously think Fragile and The Conduit deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as those games?

Theres this whole argument about gamers only wanting sequels and its true.....Ive learned this in 1 year.

Why shouldnt new fresh IP get the same kind of treatment as these establish franchise? I find new IP a hell of alot more interesting than the 3rd 4th or 13th! version of a game.

I was reading up more on Mirror's Edge and Valkyria Chronicles for example then I was any sequel last year.


Because new IP's are unproven. It's not just Wii thing. New IP's have to really be pushed by the publisher (LittleBigPlanet, Gears of War) to compete with the heavy hitters.
Nintendo doesn't bother releasing new trailers and information about Sin and Punishment and Puch Out. Games don't get coverage if there's nothing to cover.

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--OkeyDokey-- said:
Valkyria00 said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:
HD console have big sequels to acclaimed franchises like God of War, Final Fantasy, Gran Turismo and Resident Evil on the horizon. At the moment, Wii just has nothing like that coming up.
You seriously think Fragile and The Conduit deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as those games?

Theres this whole argument about gamers only wanting sequels and its true.....Ive learned this in 1 year.

Why shouldnt new fresh IP get the same kind of treatment as these establish franchise? I find new IP a hell of alot more interesting than the 3rd 4th or 13th! version of a game.

I was reading up more on Mirror's Edge and Valkyria Chronicles for example then I was any sequel last year.


Because new IP's are unproven. It's not just Wii thing. New IP's have to really be pushed by the publisher (LittleBigPlanet, Gears of War) to compete with the heavy hitters.
Nintendo doesn't bother releasing new trailers and information about Sin and Punishment and Puch Out. Games don't get coverage if there's nothing to cover.

Bingo exactly my point we havnt had any S&P2 info since it was announced and we get Punch out info just before its about to get released Nintendo just doesn't care, they make to much money to care

 RolStoppable said:
Gaming websites are advertisement spaces, the publishers who pay the most will get the most coverage for their games. Most previews and reviews are just another form of ads for a game and since neither Nintendo nor third parties seem to be willing to invest a lot of money, websites won't write much about Wii games.


You brought too much logic into this thread.

noname2200 said:
Valkyria00 said:

Term AAA is stupid >_>

On Topic: Thats not a resonable excuse. The Wii isnt as dried up on quality games as everyone thinks it is. Also High Voltage has been more than happy to give info on their games Im pretty sure its just IGN that puts any effort into getting it. Hell the first Evasive Space trailer they gave to

Where are all the stories for info release on Arc Rise Fantasia? Monster Hunter 3? The Conduit?

"Big-Budget, A-team game" then. Call it what you want, you know what I mean.

And we appear to be talking past each other. The major gaming sites only have so many writers/resources, so they naturally devote most of their time/attention to the AAA..."Big-Budget, A-team game(s)." Isn't that what you would do? And while I'm definitely looking forward more to the Wii's lineup than I am to the HD lineup, I'm not going to lie to myself and say that most of the people who visit gaming sites care as much as Monster Hunter or Arc Rise (or Little King's Story ) as much as they care about Resident Evil/Killzone/Halo etc. They'd care plenty if Nintendo pulled back the curtain a bit, because Nintendo routinely makes "Big-Budget, A-team game(s)," but they ain't talking much nowadays.

As to High Voltage, they do talk to everyone, but from what I've read they (completely understandably) give the IGN team first dibs on all new info. They'd be dicks not to, to be honest. And if you're a rival site, would you give center stage to info that IGN broke last week? I sure as hell wouldn't.

And on a side-note, I'm going back to "AAA games." Less unweidly.

Well theyve been slowly releasing information on Punch Out!! but you would hardly see that information anywhere or being talked about.

So is it the journalists fault or site owner/managers fault for not covering original games. After all you hear it all the time people bitchin about new IP and less sequels.Well Wii has tons of new IP and PS360 have tons of sequels. We all know what gets more coverage.

I though being a journalist meant you went out and try to gets scoops and news. Not sit your ass down and wait for companies with a large wallet to give you a screen or two of a sequel. Shouldnt they try and get some S&P 2 info. Shouldnt they try and get an excusive Arc Rise Fantasia trailer? After all IGN worked pretty hard on getting The Conduit hype but you dont see any other sites doing that. I doubt many other site but IGN (Since theyre split into teams) makes an effort to get Wii info.

RolStoppable said:
Gaming websites are advertisement spaces, the publishers who pay the most will get the most coverage for their games. Most previews and reviews are just another form of ads for a game and since neither Nintendo nor third parties seem to be willing to invest a lot of money, websites won't write much about Wii games.

Hmm. I wouldnt disagree with you there.....


It is pathetic when you think about it,50 cent:blood in the sand coverage was bigger compared to pretty much anything on the Wii so far.