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Forums - General Discussion - Can I have a social life in college without drinking?

highwaystar101 said:
By the way, I thought Christians liked to drink, condoned in social situations (water into wine, communion wine, blood of Christ ,etc...)

I know a fair few Christians that drink, maybe it's and American Christian thing though.

Oh hell yeah. Especially us Catholics, we really know how to party.

Around the Network

If you don't want to drink, don't. Most people don't care.

Downsides to not drinking:
It's fun
Everything is funnier while intoxicated
You do incredibly stupid things that make for great stories down the road

Upsides to not drinking:
Chicks still get drunk
Your chances of getting laid increase when you're not spend the night projectile-vomiting in the bathroom
Chicks still get drunk

Or check out my new webcomic:

Going out and getting drunk isnt the be all and be end all, believe me

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
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