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Forums - Gaming Discussion - How Killzone 2 is blatantly better than Halo 3

Haha, fun read.

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LMFAO Linking this to my Thread...BRILLIANT!


"Also, it would be a crime for me to not point out the realism of the controls, which makes Killzone 2 a way more immersive game than Master Chief's Stupid Adventure Which Isn't Very Immersive Actually. Just ask any real-life soldier who has fought in a real-life war. He'll tell you that Killzone 2 is just like an actual conflict. Real soldiers have to wait a second to turn around after pushing their left analog stick, and Guerrilla has captured that perfectly. "

PS4 Preordered - 06/11/2013 @09:30am

XBox One Preordered - 06/19/2013 @07:57pm

"I don't trust #XboxOne & #Kinect 2.0, it's always connected" as you tweet from your smartphone - irony 0_o

LMFAO Linking this to my Thread...BRILLIANT!

"Also, it would be a crime for me to not point out the realism of the controls, which makes Killzone 2 a way more immersive game than Master Chief's Stupid Adventure Which Isn't Very Immersive Actually. Just ask any real-life soldier who has fought in a real-life war. He'll tell you that Killzone 2 is just like an actual conflict. Real soldiers have to wait a second to turn around after pushing their left analog stick, and Guerrilla has captured that perfectly. "

PS4 Preordered - 06/11/2013 @09:30am

XBox One Preordered - 06/19/2013 @07:57pm

"I don't trust #XboxOne & #Kinect 2.0, it's always connected" as you tweet from your smartphone - irony 0_o

Hahahahaha Win!


Very funny read I must admit, but damn, what a cry baby.

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lol. im a ps fanboy and this surpasses anything ive said. it is without real content and convincing points



lol, not what I was expecting when I read the name of the thread, but very enjoyable nontheless

my brother and i just played killzone 2 and we are just amazed. we are not fps game fans. we never played halo other console fps due to counter strike. I am not sure how good halo is but we think this game is better than MGS4

lol the best part is seeing the posters that are so defensive of their precious game they can't take a joke. Exploiting insecurities is fun :)


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it started off sounding like he was bending 360 halo 3 folks over the pool table..

Then about halfway through, he was bending ps3 kz2 folks over the dining table..

confusing who he's going after, but I thought that was a great read..had to laugh once or twice.