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Forums - Sony Discussion - Killzone 2 (Aiming Lag) Videos.

NinjaKido said:
selnor said:
WereKitten said:
selnor said:
PullusPardus said:
This is different from the weight thing, but i dont see whats the big deal about it.
the people talking about the weight is that your character moves different from using rifles, but this is a different thing. i think the only people who make a big deal about it are trolls.


 C'mon. Just take a step back. There is no need for this thread really. But it's a relative point. And one that affects how the game plays. LAg is noticeable in the game. anything more than 1-2 frames lag is bad for an FPS. Why this is in KZ2 is beyond me. It's a shame because it affects the feel of the controls.

Hopefully they can fix this with a patch. Unless they havent optimized the PS3 power as much as we were led to believe. There are lots of PS3 only owners talking about the lag on PS3 forums. People I know in real life on those forums to who only own PS3's. It feels a big deal after playing Counter strike, Halo 3 or COD online. Unfortunately thats a fact.

Ok, so you can't read or you just don't bother. In either case you shouldnt be posting on this thread.

For the third time, look up the Gamasutra article on game responsiveness:

1) all consoles games have input lag, in particular ones at 30fps

2) Halo 3 has a lag >= 4-5 frames in shooting (could be bigger depending on their tv set adjustment, they chose 2/60th second = 1 frame)

3) the very first video the OP posted, the one meant to prove the bad lag, measures the shooting lag in KZ2 as 4-5 frames without adjustment (meaning that at least a part of that time is really tv lag, at the best that's as little as 1/50th of sec ie half frame)

Conclusion: KZ2 lags less than Halo 3 and same or less than other 30fps games like GTAIV and Far Cry 2. It probably lags more than 60fps games like COD4, but we don't have measures atm.

Now this is a fact. Questions?

PS for the mods, after stating the same numbers three times compelte with link to sources, can't we consider posting regardless of the content of the thread flamebait or trolling? Thanks.

I apologise if I'm incorrect on the lag front. There is definately something amiss with the controls in KZ2 though. We all have to ask ourselves this.

If people were merely trying to find ways to troll this game, they wouldn't have chosen such a specific issue. There is a problem with the aiming. If you can't accept it, then you're either blinded by your fanaticism, or don't know what a responsive FPS should feel like. There is message boards filled with well known PS3 fanboys who go on about the controls of KZ2. That isnt coincidence.

That paragraph may sound harsh (although it's not directed at you directly) but there is an issue for it to be upsetting so many gamers. Personally Ive heard less say it's fine than the other way around.

But like a loser I will buy my copy, finish it becasue with the games faults still find it enjoyable. 8/10 from me.

Lets close the thread now.


Selnor is there any level of objectivity in your post's what so ever ?




"If people were merely trying to find ways to troll this game, they wouldn't have chosen such a specific issue. There is a problem with the aiming."

Surely the most effective way of trolling a game would be to find a "specific issue" relating to it and running with it . like it has been proven there is no serious input lag in comparison to games of the same FPS . I've played Killzone 2 for about 12 hours in multiplayer and there is no problem with the aiming , I somewhat dought you even have access to a PS3.

"That paragraph may sound harsh (although it's not directed at you directly) but there is an issue for it to be upsetting so many gamers. Personally Ive heard less say it's fine than the other way around."

I'd like to know where these "many gamers are" who are so disapointed in this game breaking feature , the reviewers haven't seemed to notice it , none of my friends or clan members have these people seemed to be a minority and most likely are.

"If you can't accept it, then you're either blinded by your fanaticism."

Oh the irony.

"But like a loser I will buy my copy, finish it becasue with the games faults still find it enjoyable. 8/10 from me."

I'm sure you will

2 reasons why I dont want an arguement.

1. You depict to much synicism for criticism.

2. Read any PS3 forum on any website. They are filled with the same issue.

Think of me what you will, I dont have to prove myself to you.

Have a good day sir.


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Where do people keep getting the 4-5 frame lag figure for KZ2? It seems to be much worse than this.

-Xenovis: "The test was conducted with a 60FPS camera as detailed from the gamasutra article that was being passed around. I can assure you that my finger hits the button at frame one, you can actually hear the click of the button as well in the movie, which I can reupload to rapidshare if you'd like. No trickery, just bad game delay." (paraphrased)

Leo-j said: If a dvd for a pc game holds what? Crysis at 3000p or something, why in the world cant a blu-ray disc do the same?

ssj12 said: Player specific decoders are nothing more than specialized GPUs. Gran Turismo is the trust driving simulator of them all. 

"Why do they call it the xbox 360? Because when you see it, you'll turn 360 degrees and walk away" 

^ isnt the game running 30 fps....

Updated the OP..

First link is from the Devs saying they have looked at all the complaints any possible (if any) change will have to be tested, also a shotgun fix is up for the next patch.

The other link is from the Devs saying the controls are fine, so no fix..

PS4 Preordered - 06/11/2013 @09:30am

XBox One Preordered - 06/19/2013 @07:57pm

"I don't trust #XboxOne & #Kinect 2.0, it's always connected" as you tweet from your smartphone - irony 0_o

sieanr said:
Where do people keep getting the 4-5 frame lag figure for KZ2? It seems to be much worse than this.

-Xenovis: "The test was conducted with a 60FPS camera as detailed from the gamasutra article that was being passed around. I can assure you that my finger hits the button at frame one, you can actually hear the click of the button as well in the movie, which I can reupload to rapidshare if you'd like. No trickery, just bad game delay." (paraphrased)

We're taking it from the first video posted in the OP, the one that was complaining about the lag.

The 18/60 measure is so much higher than anyone else has measured, that either this or those must be wrong. I'm not suspecting trickery, just honest measuring errors.

Plus 18/60 is 1/3rd of a second. Frankly, that doesn't need a 60fps camera, that would be immediatly distinguishible to any human player, and I don't have a 60fps camera but I think I would recognize if every time I shot I had a 1/3rd of a second of delay.

I'm not sure what the issue is, but it could have to do with the initial frames. In that gif it's not clear when the "click" really happens between frame 5 and 6. He says that it is at frame 1 because of the click sound in the original movie, we could check that, plus are we sure that the sound/video recording is synced within 1/60th second?

But if it happens around frame 5 instead, we have 13/60. Adjust 2/60 as in the gamasutra article for tv processing and we are down to a measure of 11/60. Considering that the error range is +-1/60, this is again compatible with 5 frames.

Another thing to know would be what is the setup of the gif author, in particular what is his tv/upscaling setup as that can add several 60/th of a second.

I'll ask around among my friends to see if any of them has a 60fps dv camera I can borrow.

"All you need in life is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure." - Mark Twain

"..." - Gordon Freeman

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There are way too many Killzone 2 threads. We have an [url=]official thread]/url] for a reason. Plus threads for the clan, sales, etc.