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Forums - Sony Discussion - Killzone 2 (Aiming Lag) Videos.

Heres the Far Cry 2 vid,

And heres my engine with turning hooked up to mouse buttons,

Keyboard test(This time no slow mo and a bit prettier stuff on the screen... :) ),

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I'm on record that I'm not a console FPS fan. I like my FPS with a keyboard and a mouse, because the DualShock's analog sticks are a clumsy input mechanism for twitch shooters. UT III was the first FPS I spent any substantial time with on a console, and then it was simply due to the fact I already had a BlueTooth keyboard and mouse to run on the PS3.

Well, I grabbed the demo of Killzone 2 from the EU PS store the day it went up, and I didn't experience any issues with the control scheme or input lag. I bought KZ2 Friday afternoon and spent about 10-15 hours with it this weekend, and I still don't perceive any problems. On the contrary, KZ2 feels like a dream come true to me, because it is the first console FPS where I feel like I'm finally under control and can hit what I aim for and not have the end of my gun go whizzing by my intended targets. The "heaviness" of the game and its acceleration rates are fine for me. I still don't feel any controller lag or unresponsiveness, and I'm not seeing an issue with the deadzone on the sticks either.

I would be disappointed if GG changed the controller timings to appease the COD fans that want another twitch shooter. Twitch shooters are a dime a dozen. Kudos to GG for trying something different.

KZ2 has lots of flaws (Sev's camera height, no user defined button maps, the terrible ally AI, a story that has so many holes Jerry Bruckheimer wouldn't film it, and the part how Radec is not just cloaking, but literally teleporting in the final battle, is incredibly lame), but controller response is not one of them.

@Dryden: Not that I care, but you might want to black out some of those spoilers unless you want to feel the rage from people who haven't finished the game yet ;)

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

NJ5 said:
@Dryden: Not that I care, but you might want to black out some of those spoilers unless you want to feel the rage from people who haven't finished the game yet ;)

Was working on that. Didn't have the Rich Text options in the Quick Reply box when I started typing.

Fixed now.

These aren't controller issues -- these are "we're buffering 3 frames at 25fps" issues. To fix this, the frame rate would have to go even lower.  It's similar to the Madden 2008 problem where the PS3 version had laggy input.

Ultimately, this is a problem of frame rate. If the frame rate is slow, the input (which is lagged between 1 and 2 frames normally -- but between 2 and 3 if you are triple buffering) is noticeably laggy.

They need to do what Retro did with Metroid Prime 3 -- disable triple buffering and make the game run at a constant 60fps. That makes the input feel incredibly responsive.

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Dryden said:

I'm on record that I'm not a console FPS fan. I like my FPS with a keyboard and a mouse, because the DualShock's analog sticks are a clumsy input mechanism for twitch shooters. UT III was the first FPS I spent any substantial time with on a console, and then it was simply due to the fact I already had a BlueTooth keyboard and mouse to run on the PS3.

Well, I grabbed the demo of Killzone 2 from the EU PS store the day it went up, and I didn't experience any issues with the control scheme or input lag. I bought KZ2 Friday afternoon and spent about 10-15 hours with it this weekend, and I still don't perceive any problems. On the contrary, KZ2 feels like a dream come true to me, because it is the first console FPS where I feel like I'm finally under control and can hit what I aim for and not have the end of my gun go whizzing by my intended targets. The "heaviness" of the game and its acceleration rates are fine for me. I still don't feel any controller lag or unresponsiveness, and I'm not seeing an issue with the deadzone on the sticks either.

I would be disappointed if GG changed the controller timings to appease the COD fans that want another twitch shooter. Twitch shooters are a dime a dozen. Kudos to GG for trying something different.

KZ2 has lots of flaws (Sev's camera height, no user defined button maps, the terrible ally AI, a story that has so many holes Jerry Bruckheimer wouldn't film it, and the part how Radec is not just cloaking, but literally teleporting in the final battle, is incredibly lame), but controller response is not one of them.

This. Thread is done.


A nice link for the ones truly curious about the issue of control responsiveness.

"All you need in life is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure." - Mark Twain

"..." - Gordon Freeman

Dryden said:

I'm on record that I'm not a console FPS fan. I like my FPS with a keyboard and a mouse, because the DualShock's analog sticks are a clumsy input mechanism for twitch shooters. UT III was the first FPS I spent any substantial time with on a console, and then it was simply due to the fact I already had a BlueTooth keyboard and mouse to run on the PS3.

Well, I grabbed the demo of Killzone 2 from the EU PS store the day it went up, and I didn't experience any issues with the control scheme or input lag. I bought KZ2 Friday afternoon and spent about 10-15 hours with it this weekend, and I still don't perceive any problems. On the contrary, KZ2 feels like a dream come true to me, because it is the first console FPS where I feel like I'm finally under control and can hit what I aim for and not have the end of my gun go whizzing by my intended targets. The "heaviness" of the game and its acceleration rates are fine for me. I still don't feel any controller lag or unresponsiveness, and I'm not seeing an issue with the deadzone on the sticks either.

I would be disappointed if GG changed the controller timings to appease the COD fans that want another twitch shooter. Twitch shooters are a dime a dozen. Kudos to GG for trying something different.

KZ2 has lots of flaws (Sev's camera height, no user defined button maps, the terrible ally AI, a story that has so many holes Jerry Bruckheimer wouldn't film it, and the part how Radec is not just cloaking, but literally teleporting in the final battle, is incredibly lame), but controller response is not one of them.

^lol :p Enemy AI is awesome though :P I also agree. The controls feel great. Like it was made for a console with analogues for once.


Check out my game about moles ^

Single player plays different to MP, MP is faster .

Deneidez said:

Heres the Far Cry 2 vid,

And heres my engine with turning hooked up to mouse buttons,

Keyboard test(This time no slow mo and a bit prettier stuff on the screen... :) ),

thread destroyed