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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Have 360 fanboys become worse on this site?

starcraft said:
Solid_Raiden said:

Perhaps you would like to bold a statement where I once claimed it is because I can bold you where I claimed both were equal.

You, however, claimed that the ps3 lineup is BEATEN every year. It doesn't matter if you meant it was beaten by the 360, or the wii or your mother's dishwasher. It contradicts the exact statement you made prior to it. You believe that lineup x is greater then lineup y and then attack others for it.

What I attacked was the Sony-supported culture surrounding the PS3 that has resulted in a constant emphasising of the perhaps non-existent future to the detriment of the present.

And for your information, my mother's dishwasher SPANKS all three of the console's lineups.


you attacked the PS3's lineup when you said it is "ineviably beaten."  You can not escape that quote by deleting it from quote boxes.


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windbane said:

No thanks. You bashed the PS3 (again) and then described your situation as mine in that you can't back out of it.

Your lengthy absence doesn't change the fact that you were a problem for PS3 fans when you were here and are again already.


Edit:  raiden, I agree with you that it's been worse lately.  I think it's partically bad when it comes to Killzone 2.


Now your position becomes more clear.  You do not feel I am the problem, you feel I am a problem for that minority of PS3 fans who cannot condone a voice of reason being injected into their debates.

We have reached agreement.


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

starcraft said:
Solid_Raiden said:

 Perhaps you would like to bold a statement where I once claimed it is because I can bold you where I claimed both were equal.

You, however, claimed that the ps3 lineup is BEATEN every year. It doesn't matter if you meant it was beaten by the 360, or the wii or your mother's dishwasher. It contradicts the exact statement you made prior to it. You believe that lineup x is greater then lineup y and then attack others for it.

What I attacked was the Sony-supported culture surrounding the PS3 that has resulted in a constant emphasising of the perhaps non-existent future to the detriment of the present.

And for your information, my mother's dishwasher SPANKS all three of the console's lineups.


I'll say that you mothers dishwasher, is overrated, and breaks down often.


windbane said:
starcraft said:
Solid_Raiden said:

Perhaps you would like to bold a statement where I once claimed it is because I can bold you where I claimed both were equal.

You, however, claimed that the ps3 lineup is BEATEN every year. It doesn't matter if you meant it was beaten by the 360, or the wii or your mother's dishwasher. It contradicts the exact statement you made prior to it. You believe that lineup x is greater then lineup y and then attack others for it.

What I attacked was the Sony-supported culture surrounding the PS3 that has resulted in a constant emphasising of the perhaps non-existent future to the detriment of the present.

And for your information, my mother's dishwasher SPANKS all three of the console's lineups.

you attacked the PS3's lineup when you said it is "ineviably beaten."  You can not escape that quote by deleting it from quote boxes.

Oh I only delete quote boxes to conform with the site's rules limiting quote length .

But I am afraid my friend, that you have not been paying attention.  I already explained that quote at length:

"You my friend, are something of a contradiction.  If indeed a system having better games is a subjective fact as you say, then I can easily and honestly say that assertions that the PS3 lineup is far superior will be inevitably beaten, unless you are arguing that every gamer on Earth would subjectively choose it's lineup over any other?"


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

I see your ego hasn't gotten any smaller. Yes, all-mighty starcraft, you are the voice of "reason."

You reasoning included the quote "The single biggest issue that pervades PS3 supporters on this site is their constant and unswerving belief year after year that they have an unbeatable game line-up, that is then inevitably beaten."  That was stated as a fact, not an opinion, which would be something more like "I think no matter what that the 360 will have a better lineup than the PS3, or least that the PS3 will never have the best lineup."  What you said was stated as a fact.

Around the Network
starcraft said:
Solid_Raiden said:

 Perhaps you would like to bold a statement where I once claimed it is because I can bold you where I claimed both were equal.

You, however, claimed that the ps3 lineup is BEATEN every year. It doesn't matter if you meant it was beaten by the 360, or the wii or your mother's dishwasher. It contradicts the exact statement you made prior to it. You believe that lineup x is greater then lineup y and then attack others for it.

Why would a Wookiee, an eight-foot tall Wookiee, want to live on Endor, with a bunch of two-foot tall Ewoks? That does not make sense! But more important, you have to ask yourself: What does this have to do with this case? Nothing. Ladies and gentlemen, it has nothing to do with this case! It does not make sense! Look at me. I'm a lawyer defending a major record company, and I'm talkin' about Chewbacca! Does that make sense? Ladies and gentlemen, I am not making any sense! None of this makes sense! And so you have to remember, when you're in that jury room deliberatin' and conjugatin' the Emancipation Proclamation, [approaches and softens] does it make sense? No! Ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, it does not make sense! If Chewbacca lives on Endor, you must acquit! The defense rests.

And for your information, my mother's dishwasher SPANKS all three of the console's lineups.



 That might have worked on South Park but that won't wor.....Acquit! Acquit! What was I talking about again....???...

PS3 Trophies



kutasek said:
starcraft said:
Solid_Raiden said:

 Perhaps you would like to bold a statement where I once claimed it is because I can bold you where I claimed both were equal.

You, however, claimed that the ps3 lineup is BEATEN every year. It doesn't matter if you meant it was beaten by the 360, or the wii or your mother's dishwasher. It contradicts the exact statement you made prior to it. You believe that lineup x is greater then lineup y and then attack others for it.

What I attacked was the Sony-supported culture surrounding the PS3 that has resulted in a constant emphasising of the perhaps non-existent future to the detriment of the present.

And for your information, my mother's dishwasher SPANKS all three of the console's lineups.

I'll say that you mothers dishwasher, is overrated, and breaks down often.

She compensates with other appliances.


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Solid_Raiden said:
pbroy said:
Star Ocean 4 was getting anally raped last week for scoring a 7. This week, some website that does statistics on frames per second in games says that Killzone 2 may fall below 20fps at some points, it's worse?


 Really, I was in that thread and I seem to remember alot of the attacks coming from disappointed 360 fans and not PS3 fans. As far as I looked it sure was a more civil thread then some others. But like I said, I didn't say PS3 fans aren't bad or that they don't exist. They do. I was only commenting on how I felt the 360 fanboys have grown worse as I see 360 fans always screaming about how bad the ps3 fanboys are and not the other way around. Again, from what I've seen.


Well doesn't that say something? Maybe they can take bad news and criticism better. If you look at the 20fps, civil discussion died after 1 page.

I posted both of those threads BTW ~_n


Xbone... the new "N" word   Apparently I troll MS now | Evidence | Evidence

My enemies enemy is my friend >_>

Um yeah lol

Seriously just ignore the fan-boys.

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

windbane said:

I see your ego hasn't gotten any smaller. Yes, all-mighty starcraft, you are the voice of "reason."

You reasoning included the quote "The single biggest issue that pervades PS3 supporters on this site is their constant and unswerving belief year after year that they have an unbeatable game line-up, that is then inevitably beaten."

Oh certainly not windbane.

I am simply "a" voice of reason.  There are reasonable minds far more witty, intuitave and capable than mine out there.  One day, they may frequent the Sony forums .  (That right there my friend, was a joke).

As for the second paragraph of your post, I have now dealt with it twice.  If you cannot make the effort to scroll up and realise that your own reasoning justifies my quote, I cannot be expected to make the effort to explain myself a third time.


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS