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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Have 360 fanboys become worse on this site?

windbane said:
starcraft said:

It's funny. I don't see a single point in that post where I have said the Xbox 330 beats the PS3 line-up every year...

It's funny. It's the bolded part that you quoted. It's stated as fact, which it isn't.

So you have shifted from your former view that quality is subjective towards believing that the PS3 has an unbeatable lineup year in and year out?


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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starcraft said:
Solid_Raiden said:
starcraft said:
Solid_Raiden said:
windbane said:
starcraft said:

The single biggest issue that pervades PS3 supporters on this site is their constant and unswerving belief year after year that they have an unbeatable game line-up, that is then inevitably beaten.

Seriously, dude? In a thread where the topic is that 360 fanboys are going too far lately, a point to which I agree with, you have to go and say that?

85% rated games on metacritic in 2008...who had the most? PS3. It's very close, and if you change the number it is the 360 depending on which number you pick. The point is that both systems have great games and which system has better games is subjective and not an objective fact.

So even if PS3 fanboys annoyingly proclaim that the PS3 lineup is far superior, you can't say that it is "inevitably beaten" because that makes you as bad as them.

I didn't even realise that. How ironic. Complaining that ps3 fanboys claim they have the best lineup and then saying that the 360 in which you favor beats their lineup every year in the same breath. :P

It's funny. I don't see a single point in that post where I have said the Xbox 330 beats the PS3 line-up every year...

Then what does it mean exactly when you say the ps3 lineup is praised to be superior to the 360's each year only for it to be beaten. Not equalled. No mention of both systems having equalled lineups each year, but beaten.

I can see where I mentioned the PS3.

Again, where did I mention the Xbox 360?

Are you arguing that the PS3's lineup IS "unbeatable" every year?


So you think the Wii is beating it?  We all know you speak for 360 and you even said, in the same post, that 360 fans are attacked on this site.  Well, seeing as how I don't troll the 360 forum, I guess I don't know if it's as bad there.  It sure is bad here, and you are part of the problem, as always.  Btw, welcome back...


Star Ocean 4 was getting anally raped last week for scoring a 7. This week, some website that does statistics on frames per second in games says that Killzone 2 may fall below 20fps at some points, it's worse?


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starcraft said:
windbane said:
starcraft said:

It's funny. I don't see a single point in that post where I have said the Xbox 330 beats the PS3 line-up every year...

It's funny. It's the bolded part that you quoted. It's stated as fact, which it isn't.

So you have shifted from your former view that quality is subjective towards believing that the PS3 has an unbeatable lineup year in and year out?

I'm saying you can't state that it is "inevitably beaten." You might think the 360 is better every year, and that's your opinion. But what you are saying is that the PS3 is worse every year, inevitably!

Come on, dude, you know that was a trolling comment. it's not like you haven't been banned before.


starcraft said:
Solid_Raiden said:
starcraft said:
Solid_Raiden said:
windbane said:
starcraft said:

The single biggest issue that pervades PS3 supporters on this site is their constant and unswerving belief year after year that they have an unbeatable game line-up, that is then inevitably beaten.

Seriously, dude? In a thread where the topic is that 360 fanboys are going too far lately, a point to which I agree with, you have to go and say that?

85% rated games on metacritic in 2008...who had the most? PS3. It's very close, and if you change the number it is the 360 depending on which number you pick. The point is that both systems have great games and which system has better games is subjective and not an objective fact.

So even if PS3 fanboys annoyingly proclaim that the PS3 lineup is far superior, you can't say that it is "inevitably beaten" because that makes you as bad as them.

I didn't even realise that. How ironic. Complaining that ps3 fanboys claim they have the best lineup and then saying that the 360 in which you favor beats their lineup every year in the same breath. :P

It's funny.  I don't see a single point in that post where I have said the Xbox 330 beats the PS3 line-up every year...

Then what does it mean exactly when you say the ps3 lineup is praised to be superior to the 360's each year only for it to be beaten. Not equalled. No mention of both systems having equalled lineups each year, but beaten.

I can see where I mentioned the PS3.

Again, where did I mention the Xbox 360?

Are you arguing that the PS3's lineup IS "unbeatable" every year?



 Perhaps you would like to bold a statement where I once claimed it is because I can bold you where I claimed both were equal.

You, however, claimed that the ps3 lineup is BEATEN every year. It doesn't matter if you meant it was beaten by the 360, or the wii or your mother's dishwasher. It contradicts the exact statement you made prior to it. You believe that lineup x is greater then lineup y and then attack others for it.

PS3 Trophies



Around the Network
windbane said:

So you think the Wii is beating it?  We all know you speak for 360 and you even said, in the same post, that 360 fans are attacked on this site.  Well, seeing as how I don't troll the 360 forum, I guess I don't know if it's as bad there.  It sure is bad here, and you are part of the problem, as always.  Btw, welcome back...

I own and regularly use both a Wii and a DS and a PS2.  So please don't presume too tell me which console I "speak for."  I simply emphasised my belief that Xbox 360 fans ARE the most attacked group on this site.  Just look at the premise of this thread.

And another contradiction my friend.  It's been bad here, I am part of the problem, as always, and yet I just got back from a lengthy absense?

If you simply began an argument you have since realised you cannot defend and are hoping to outlast me, now would be a good time to swallow your pride and apologise.


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

pbroy said:
Star Ocean 4 was getting anally raped last week for scoring a 7. This week, some website that does statistics on frames per second in games says that Killzone 2 may fall below 20fps at some points, it's worse?


 Really, I was in that thread and I seem to remember alot of the attacks coming from disappointed 360 fans and not PS3 fans. As far as I looked it sure was a more civil thread then some others. But like I said, I didn't say PS3 fans aren't bad or that they don't exist. They do. I was only commenting on how I felt the 360 fanboys have grown worse as I see 360 fans always screaming about how bad the ps3 fanboys are and not the other way around. Again, from what I've seen.

PS3 Trophies



No thanks. You bashed the PS3 (again) and then described your situation as mine in that you can't back out of it.

Your lengthy absence doesn't change the fact that you were a problem for PS3 fans when you were here and are again already.


Edit:  raiden, I agree with you that it's been worse lately.  I think it's partically bad when it comes to Killzone 2.

windbane said:
starcraft said:
windbane said:
starcraft said:

It's funny. I don't see a single point in that post where I have said the Xbox 330 beats the PS3 line-up every year...

It's funny. It's the bolded part that you quoted. It's stated as fact, which it isn't.

So you have shifted from your former view that quality is subjective towards believing that the PS3 has an unbeatable lineup year in and year out?

I'm saying you can't state that it is "inevitably beaten." You might think the 360 is better every year, and that's your opinion. But what you are saying is that the PS3 is worse every year, inevitably!

Come on, dude, you know that was a trolling comment. it's not like you haven't been banned before.

If it is your choice to always interpret the things people say so negatively than I guess the conclusions you're drawing are inevitable.

I think this quote of mine from earlier in this thread will help you better understand what you are misinterpreting:

"I am a great fan of the Xbox 360, and I believe it easily holds its own line-up for line-up with the PS3 in 2009.  And yet, that doesn't for a moment mean that the PS3's line-up is poor.  It just means that at it's current price-point the console does not appeal to me sufficiently given the game experiences it offers."


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Solid_Raiden said:

 Perhaps you would like to bold a statement where I once claimed it is because I can bold you where I claimed both were equal.

You, however, claimed that the ps3 lineup is BEATEN every year. It doesn't matter if you meant it was beaten by the 360, or the wii or your mother's dishwasher. It contradicts the exact statement you made prior to it. You believe that lineup x is greater then lineup y and then attack others for it.

What I attacked was the Sony-supported culture surrounding the PS3 that has resulted in a constant emphasising of the perhaps non-existent future to the detriment of the present.

And for your information, my mother's dishwasher SPANKS all three of the console's lineups.


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS