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Forums - Gaming Discussion - UnReal Talk ~* EP 1 *~ --- DmeisterJ Interview on Life After Vg Chartz!!!!!

@ DJames

If the real reason you left is what you said, then I take back my earlier post.

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DJames said:
Maynard_Tool said:
wait... didn't DMJ had in his signature that some people over react here b/c they take it too serious.... and now he is admitting to be part of that group O.o

Well, it was really bad that he left, he was one of my first vgbuddies.

This is why you read the whole thread.  The interview was not me... x_x


but you did leave because you took what everyone else said too seriously...

DMeisterJ said:
Hello all... It's me!

Anyway, I was lurking VGC on my alternate account (I have it since the site defaults to ten posts/page in a thread, whose fucking idea was that?) and I see this thread.

First, I did not interview with Jerry, and there are no PMs from him on my GAF account... While I do enjoy having a whole thread dedicated to me in my wake, I did not do this interview. I do enjoy how my name in a thread title pushes it to 100+ replies, but it wasn't me. I'm not looking forward to no fucking Conduit! MH3 is probably the only Wii game I'm looking forward to after how EA killed Dead Space Wii, especially given how good RE4 Wii turned out.

I didn't leave because of the trolling against the PS3. I mean, if that was the case, I would have left the whole of 2007 since it was doing shit that year. I think I left because of how crappy the community has become, and the moderators seem to not care... lol. Trolling by people like Crazzyman, Starcraft, MikeB, R3DD3VILS, Infamy79, dirtyp2002, Fernando, MANUELF, Avinash_Tyagi, Maynard_Tool, etc. has essentially gone un-noticed with only Crazzyman and Starcraft getting any real consequences to that (Crazzy finally got perma'd and my boy Craft lost his contributor status, and got a 30 day ban). But the others are still here living doing their trolling thingy without any consequence. I did/do miss all the cool people on this site, like MM, PSrock, Outlaw, Rol, Soriky, Monti!, Naz, Starcraft, etc., but some people really need to get some consequences... >_>

Anyway, yeah, that wasn't me in the interview. But I'd love to be interviewed by Snake for Real Talk, so one of his threads can get above 50 replies, lol :)




Xbone... the new "N" word   Apparently I troll MS now | Evidence | Evidence
pbroy said:
DJames said:
Maynard_Tool said:
wait... didn't DMJ had in his signature that some people over react here b/c they take it too serious.... and now he is admitting to be part of that group O.o

Well, it was really bad that he left, he was one of my first vgbuddies.

This is why you read the whole thread.  The interview was not me... x_x


but you did leave because you took what everyone else said too seriously...

DMeisterJ said:
Hello all... It's me!

Anyway, I was lurking VGC on my alternate account (I have it since the site defaults to ten posts/page in a thread, whose fucking idea was that?) and I see this thread.

First, I did not interview with Jerry, and there are no PMs from him on my GAF account... While I do enjoy having a whole thread dedicated to me in my wake, I did not do this interview. I do enjoy how my name in a thread title pushes it to 100+ replies, but it wasn't me. I'm not looking forward to no fucking Conduit! MH3 is probably the only Wii game I'm looking forward to after how EA killed Dead Space Wii, especially given how good RE4 Wii turned out.

I didn't leave because of the trolling against the PS3. I mean, if that was the case, I would have left the whole of 2007 since it was doing shit that year. I think I left because of how crappy the community has become, and the moderators seem to not care... lol. Trolling by people like Crazzyman, Starcraft, MikeB, R3DD3VILS, Infamy79, dirtyp2002, Fernando, MANUELF, Avinash_Tyagi, Maynard_Tool, etc. has essentially gone un-noticed with only Crazzyman and Starcraft getting any real consequences to that (Crazzy finally got perma'd and my boy Craft lost his contributor status, and got a 30 day ban). But the others are still here living doing their trolling thingy without any consequence. I did/do miss all the cool people on this site, like MM, PSrock, Outlaw, Rol, Soriky, Monti!, Naz, Starcraft, etc., but some people really need to get some consequences... >_>

Anyway, yeah, that wasn't me in the interview. But I'd love to be interviewed by Snake for Real Talk, so one of his threads can get above 50 replies, lol :)




xD so confused rite now hahaha

And BTW, i don't troll xD not my style

pbroy said:

but you did leave because you took what everyone else said too seriously...


I don't follow...

One of the oldest Members of the site.


its the method of Unreal talk

it was a PUBLICITY stunt to get my first episode a huge from now on people will know & talk bout Unreal talk

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jerry said:

its the method of Unreal talk

it was a PUBLICITY stunt to get my first episode a huge from now on people will know & talk bout Unreal talk

But the's gone!



not really cus from next time I will interview unbanned members who will say in the thread itself.....YES they were really interviewed.

o0o000o i see. It's just like beckam when he came to play with LA galaxy xD hahaha yeah, the thing is that i was not goint to read 8-9 pages or so -.- but reading some other posts i just realize what's going on here. Plus ur explanation rite now helped a lot xD

jerry said:

its the method of Unreal talk

it was a PUBLICITY stunt to get my first episode a huge from now on people will know & talk bout Unreal talk


So we're getting this EVERY friday night? :(


DJames said:
pbroy said:

but you did leave because you took what everyone else said too seriously...


I don't follow...


You got mad at the mods for not punishing people for trolling. That means you got upset at what people were posting, meaning you took what people said too seriously.


Xbone... the new "N" word   Apparently I troll MS now | Evidence | Evidence