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Forums - General Discussion - EU President: EU is the new Soviet Union

@ bdbdbd


I agree with you one every point you said.

I just want to add one thing about bavaria and/or the German Reich. With the upcoming national feelings, people really wanted to become a nation (i.e. the failed constitutional convention in the Paulskirche in Frankfurt). And Bavarians actually just felt like being a german tribe and therfore a united German Reich would be just natural.


That Austria didn't join had simply the reason, that nobody knew what should happen to hungary, czech, and all the other "nations" in this empire. The majority of the people wanted to join. Just the Prussian and Austrian goverments couldn't agree about leadership. The triumph in the war against France 1870/71 just gave the final opportunity the found the Reich.


So it was never a question for Bavaria where to go.

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Tyrannical said:
non-gravity said:
The idea behind the legal use of soft drugs is that you take it out of criminal hands, regulate it and can even have taxes on them. It's not like you can get them in any other country.


My wife wouldn't let me go to the Netherlands because of the hookers. I know only a very small part of the country is like that. But that's how woman think. And umm, if I was there, I mean you can't not at least take a stroll down the red light district just to check it out. So yeah, the Netherlands would be out as far as a vacation stop.

A very small part of every country is like that. I've been multiple times to the red light district. Not much to see (in the light of day that is)