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Forums - Sony Discussion - ***Check out these PS3 Posters***

You should really think about marketing them to sony somehow. I bet they would jump on them.

BTW: You are missing pixel junk monster dude on the psn store one. You have to have him doing his dance, haha

Fact: Earthbound is the greatest game ever made

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they are awesome man keep up the good work

Agreed with everyone here those are good posters excellent job.

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-

Impressive, most impressive. Sony needs to give you a job.

  Tifa got MOVES!

Dude, you need to get a job at Sony, those pics are sweet. You should do a giant collaboration of all of them, and make them HD wallpaper size, widescreen of course, so we can all enjoy them on our PS3 backgrounds.

Around the Network

Awesome work, really nice ^^

At first I thought they were official Sony posters.

Excellent Job!

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awesome dude. you kept the target audience in the same poster. something i think sony sucks at. they try to get everyone and its just a clutter fuck in the end

Too much penises. 2nd poster wins for the female.

^ he could put Heavenly Sword in the first one.

another reason why i like them is because they are simple yet eye catching. they get right to the point. and they actually reflect the ps3... unlike the weird octopus ad

you could make an rpg one too WKC, Disgea 3, and Valkyria Chronicles.