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Forums - Sony Discussion - Variety: Sony fanboys starting to resemble Rush Limbaugh

mesoteto said:
not to mention death threats and on one cite i saw a flaming cow--seriously---(the previous statement is a lie as well as the following one, this is a lie and so was that)




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jesus christ put it out....*slaps croch*

how the hell did you do that Squil?


Squilliam said:
Max King of the Wild said:
gebx that post is fail beyond belief. sw hasnt been a stronger point than the ps3 for a while now. and 360 fanboys are way aggressive too. i recommend you to go look at those messages i sent you again. acting like its just ps3 fans is silly. the reason the threads last as long as they do is because of the propaganda and ill information people like you spew.

Bold 1: Only if you subjectively count just the games released in the past 6 months and forget about the games released before then.

Bold 2: Relates back to bold 1.


Thank you Squilliam

@Mad Max

And as I stated, this is looking to change in 2009!! With the lack of 360 exclusive announcements for 2009, the PS3 will be able to say that it has a better library.

Its all in my post, but you choose to ignore it even when I say good things about the PS3. The hate blinds you to see only what you wish to see!


Does Sony pay you to say that also? What makes the views of your post any different then the views of that blog!

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


Lurker said:
Sony fans are acting like the mob. Every website that gave it below a 9 has nasty comments on the review page.


And this differs from any other over-hyped game how?   MS fans have done this.  Nintendo fans have done this.  It's nothing new and nothing Sony related, at least until MS pays someone to say it is.  Before long the other shoe will drop and Sony will pay someone to say the same thing about fans of some 360 game like Alan Wake or whatever else.

You do not have the right to never be offended.

gebx said:
Squilliam said:
Max King of the Wild said:
gebx that post is fail beyond belief. sw hasnt been a stronger point than the ps3 for a while now. and 360 fanboys are way aggressive too. i recommend you to go look at those messages i sent you again. acting like its just ps3 fans is silly. the reason the threads last as long as they do is because of the propaganda and ill information people like you spew.

Bold 1: Only if you subjectively count just the games released in the past 6 months and forget about the games released before then.

Bold 2: Relates back to bold 1.


Thank you Squilliam

@Mad Max

And as I stated, this is looking to change in 2009!! With the lack of 360 exclusive announcements for 2009, the PS3 will be able to say that it has a better library.

Its all in my post, but you choose to ignore it even when I say good things about the PS3. The hate blinds you to see only what you wish to see!


Does Sony pay you to say that also? What makes the views of your post and different then the views of that blog!


I never made that claim.  All I'm saying is that these pots shouldn't go around calling kettles black.  Fanboy wars are waged from both sides.  For my part I just try to stay away from mindlessly falling into one side or the other.  I'm neither inclined to be the whining fanboy that takes up the KZ2 crusade nor the whining fanboy that complains about the first group.  This article exist only to create, sustain, and validate the second group.

You do not have the right to never be offended.

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@meso: Zucas has become my idol. He gives me powers if I worship him.


Squilliam said:
@meso: Zucas has become my idol. He gives me powers if I worship him.


You know how to worship him, say hahahahaha, at the end of your, post. hahaha.

Khuutra said:
TWRoO said:
blazinhead89 said:
Variety? LMAO , If you want to take them seriously , be my guest.

Isn't this post part of the problem the article talks about?


Intentional or not, the irony here is so thick that talking about it is smothering me to death.

This was an interesting article, but it's not a phenomenon limited to Sony fanboys. This happens every time a game gets even a middling score when it's expected to be more or less perfect - does anyone remember the debacle surrounding Gamespot's (fair and well-reasoned) review of Twilight Princess? Same thing.

The thing here is that people like to pretend that there's an objective standard by which a quality of a game can be measured while adhering to a standard deviation of error, and anything that goes outside of this standard deviation is invalidated. Which is, of course, a big pile of steaming horse manure. Video game critics aren't supposed to be bound by the opinions of their peers, and the expectation that they should all rate things in roughly the same way is one of the worst things about gaming journalism.

The other, of course, is what leads people to want this, in that game reviews talk about whether a game is worth buying instead of whether or not it is any good, but that is a discussion for another time.

Agreed. This situation isn't exclusive to any certain group of people.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

blazinhead89 said:
Variety? LMAO , If you want to take them seriously , be my guest.


Try reading the post.

kutasek said:
Squilliam said:
@meso: Zucas has become my idol. He gives me powers if I worship him.


You know how to worship him, say hahahahaha, at the end of your, post. hahaha.


I merely worship him, I cannot emulate a GOD!!!

