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Squilliam said:
Max King of the Wild said:
gebx that post is fail beyond belief. sw hasnt been a stronger point than the ps3 for a while now. and 360 fanboys are way aggressive too. i recommend you to go look at those messages i sent you again. acting like its just ps3 fans is silly. the reason the threads last as long as they do is because of the propaganda and ill information people like you spew.

Bold 1: Only if you subjectively count just the games released in the past 6 months and forget about the games released before then.

Bold 2: Relates back to bold 1.


Thank you Squilliam

@Mad Max

And as I stated, this is looking to change in 2009!! With the lack of 360 exclusive announcements for 2009, the PS3 will be able to say that it has a better library.

Its all in my post, but you choose to ignore it even when I say good things about the PS3. The hate blinds you to see only what you wish to see!


Does Sony pay you to say that also? What makes the views of your post any different then the views of that blog!

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)