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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Do achievements (X360) or trophies (PS3) matter to you?

I certainly came to a conclusion they mean nothing to me other than bragging rights to be honest. I'm sitting at 3,400 gamerpoints now. I certainly like to unlock them but it has been intering with me completing games. I would worry more about them then I do the game. Which is sad in my opinion.

It also affected my buying decision on whether to buy a PS3 version or 360 version of a multiplatform game. Like BioShock, Eternal Sonata and such.

I'm just giving up on the whole thing. I see it as a way to extend value of the game and also for bragging rights.

What about you?

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No, I couldn't care less about them. I stop playing games when I'm bored usually.

Xbox Gamertag: BrapRedHarvest PSN ID: Brap123

before i had a 360 i thought it sounded stupid. now after owning one it seems my thoughts were correct

Well, tbh, I didn't see the appeal in it, but now that I have a PS3, I can certainly understand the point of them. Knowing that killing two more enemies with a certain weapon gives me a trophy, DOES in fact push to do so, even if it's just stupid to do so.

It's just that it has given me other things to do, and other things to try. I'm quite sure there are parts in the levels and certain weapons and such that I wouldn't have used or seen or tried if it wasn't for trophies, so I'm actually quite happy they exist. Something so "small" of an addition to a game can give it quite an extended lifespan, which is always nice, as long as it remains fun.

I don't like them when playing (i.e. I want to turn of the alerts) but I do find them amusing to review.

When playing an immersive game I hate when they pop up. I mean consider, you're playing something like Fear 2 (shortly) and right in the middle of a tense, dark scene you get a cheery little pop-up telling you that you've just got your 30'th shotgun kill or something similar. It just ruins the experience for me.

On the other hand when I review them I do find it amusing to discover I've killed 100 foes via exploding barrels or something of the sort.

But mostly I think they're bragging rights for folks of a certain age and disposition - and yes I'm not being complimentary with that view.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

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I'm a real trophy whore lol. I don't know why but I like that, can't really explain. But tbh, would be cool if sony reward you when you earn a platinum (even with something useless like an exclusive t-shirt for your home character or stuff like that!)

Do you like Dares or bets? Just like Achievements there for FUN!

yes i only buy ps3 games with trophies, and all multiplatform i get on 360 cause i like achievments more than trophies...

@ toastboy: in case you are serious (can't detect it since I don't know your posting style that well :p): Is there in fact a difference between achievements and trophies? Just wondering


ummm//I don't bet or anything more like if it happens it happens. That's wat I'm saying bout achievements/trophies from this point forward. I see that I unlocked one it unlocks. I will be happy but I'm not going to look over the whole list to see how to unlock them in such. It ruins the gaming experience for me//especially on Xbox 360 games.

I was trying to achieve the Hard Mode achievement on Guitar Hero World Tour. Throughout the whole mode I was just aiming to get that achievement rather than taking my time with the songs in trying to get good at the game. I will admit that I had a tough time getting that achievement and it wasn't fun at all.